
Mom always told me not to burn trash

After two more days since we left, I've improved using illusions in a fight. While at night, I began to practice using my flames.

It was hard at first, and still is. I couldn't just summon my flame at will just yet, and every time I did it was a small one.

My illusions on the other hand, they were easier to use, all I had to do was imagine on what is happening, and they will see, feel, hear, and touch.

While I was busy using my illusions, I heard a knock at the door, I quickly stopped my training, and told the person to come in.

When the door opened, I saw Sienna entering with two cloaks in her hands. As soon as she closed it, she gave one to me and began to talk.

"Alright, we're arriving at the mainland, however, it's a dangerous place. It's mostly famous for hiding criminals, so wear this at all times." I nodded my head at her words and placed the cloak on me.

"Miss Sakura." My mom cut her off and smiled

"Please, no need for the Miss, what is it you need dear?" Sienna rubbed the back of her neck but continued.

"I wanted to ask if you can help us?" She shook her head and sighed at her questions

"I'm sorry, but that I can't do, my son needs to do this in his own." She replied, Sienna wanted to keep asking, but I shook my head.

"I can't always rely on my semblance; I have to use my Faunus traits." Sienna looks conflicted, on one hand, she wanted to keep using my semblance, but on the other, I had to train my traits.

"Fine, we'll use your semblance in case of emergency. Just make sure to hide your tails." I nodded my head at her words, and we soon arrived at the docks.

The place looked old and run down, but there was a lot of people walking about. They looked clean and wore casual clothes, but if you looked closer, you could see people being pick pocketed.

"What every you do, you stay near us." Said Sienna to me and Blake, the two of us nodded and made our way through the town.

As we made our way through the streets, I was constantly creating an illusion around the four of us to make us invisible.

It was difficult, not only did I have to walk, I had to concentrate on keeping the illusion up. I could only do the illusion when I'm standing still, but I had to do this in order to be more proficient.

Sienna held my shoulder to guide me through the streets while walking, so I wouldn't bump into anyone.

"How are you doing Aiko?" Asked Ilia, I couldn't respond to her question but I nodded my head.

"Ilia, don't talk to him. He's trying to concentrate." Sienna scolded her, Ilia nodded her head and continued to looks round us.

Blake on the other hand, kept close to me most of the time. She was scared seeing this many humans, and I couldn't blame her.

But she had to stay strong in order to prove to our people that we can do this, that we can have them hear our voices.

After twenty minutes passed, I could feel myself having a headache, but I kept forcing myself to maintain the illusion.

I was too focused on maintaining the illusion, that I didn't feel something dripping out of my nose.

'Son, you are bleeding.' Said my mother, i must have strained myself too much that I popped a blood vessel in my nose.

"Shit, in the alley." Sienna ushered us into the alley and pulled out a cloth and placed it onto my nose.

"Keep it their until the bleeding stops." She instructed me, and kept looking out onto the street.

I did as she told and began to relax, as I rested I was breathing heavily from forcing myself I didn't notice someone was sneaking from the other end of the alley.

Before they had the chance to do anything, they were knocked out by Ilia, who was hiding in the shadows, thanks to her trait.

When the body fell, Sienna grabbed the body and tossed it into a a dumpster. She then began to pace around, while muttering some ideas.

"Sienna, we need to move." Ilia said while dragging another unconscious body. But Sienna was too deep in her throughts.

"Sienna, I'm scared." Blake held my hand and was shaking, I gently squeezed her hand to reassure her that things were alright.

"I know, just….just let me think." She said and was stressing at our situation, she then turned towards me to ask, but held her voice back and sighed.

"Alright, we continue without the illusion. Keep the hood on at all times." She whispered and pulled the hood over her head.

We all nodded, especially me, and left the alley leaving three uncoscious bodies. We walked passed multiple people who were human, and I saw some Faunus wearing a collar.

The four of us however passed them and kept walking, I may have a child's body, but I still have the mind of an adult, and I knew that I couldn't free them.

My mother on the other hand could cause some damage, but I don't know if she could slip away without being noticed.

'Do you have that little confidence for your mother? I'm ashamed.' She said while sobbing, I just rolled my eyes and continued to walk.

'Mom, can you….' Before I could finish asking, a scream was heard behind us. When we all looked at where the scream came from, I could see blue flames bursting around some shops.

The people scrambled around, bringing buckets of water, using water dust, or stealing things out of shops.

Looking closer, I could see my mother in her kitsube form, jumping around and leaving a trail of wherever she went.

'Huh, a distraction, and freeing the Faunus, win win.' Seeing what was happening, Sienna began to drag us away from the fire and running towards the gates.

As we passed the gates, I saw a few other people following behind us, most of them were Faunus who were running away, and some humans with guns.

But my mother jumped on their shirts, pants, and bandanas. Each piece of clothing was lit on fire, and they had to stop to put it out.

"Hurry, while their busy with the fire!" Sienna shouted at the fleeing Faunus, as they followed us, we ran towards the forests to hide.

As we hid, we saw multiple hunting parties trying to follow us, but with us being in the forests, we were able to hide from them.

"Sienna, Aiko, what do we do?" Blake asked while clinging to me, Sienna looked at my direction and I knew what she wanted to ask.

'Mom, can you help us?' I asked, she began to detach herself from my body and nodded her head.

'Stay quiet and enjoy the show.' She said with a mischief smile, she then jumped up into the trees and began to traverse from one branch to another.

Blake and Ilia looked at me in shock and wanted to ask questions, but I raised my finger and placed it on my lips.

Soon a voice to our side was heard and we all saw a man kneeling and had his arms wide open as if asking for a hug.

"Ohh princess pebbles, your alive!" He shouted, he then fell backwards and laughed at something, but we didn't know what.

Another voice was heard, and it was a woman this time, she stood there with tears in her eyes and her hands was covering her mouth.

"Honey, I'm sorry for cheating on you, please don't take the kids away!" She wailed and ran forward.

'Okay, why are we listening to private information?' I thought, another voice was heard, and I saw someone with their pants down.

I don't really need to explain what happened next, but all of the bandit's were all suck in a illusion, seeing what they want to see.

The Faunus slaves appeached us and looked around us, seeing what was happening. One of them approached us and knelt in front of me.

"Thank you for freeing us, we will be forever in your debt." Sienna then knelt to the ground and helped them stand up.

"It's alright, just follow us, we'll help you get out." She said, and the entire crowd began to follow us, as we walked further and further, more humans chased after us.

But they would also end up in an illusion, and most of them were either crying, smiling or doing something I couldn't mention. Well, there was one human man I felt bad for.

"Dad, are you proud of me?" I cringed at what he asked and looked away, the man cried in happiness and looked at the sky.

"Take that mom, dad is proud of me!" The rest of us all pitied the man and left him to be in the illusion. As soon as we arrived near the exit of the forest, there was a large group of humans blocking the way.

"Sir, are you sure they'll be here?" Asked one of the humans, she held a rife in her hands and a large collar in the other.

"They have to, theirs's no way they can go around the mountains, so they have to go through here." He the rest of the group all murmured and agreed with what he said.

As they spoke us and group of Faunus that followed us looked at the humans in fear, they wanted to run and hide, but they didn't know where else to go.

"W-what can we do? There's to many of them." 

We don't have weapons; how can we even defend ourselves."

"M-mom, I'm scared"

"It's okay, everything will be alright." As the Faunus whispered, I could feel something welling inside me, I could feel their fear, rage, and sorrow.

A shadow was covering my face thanks to the hood, but a large smile was forming on my face. I was relishing the feeling, and I could feel something else.

'Mom, what is wrong with me?' I asked, when she replied, her voice was darker, and something was different.

'Ahh~, their fear, it's delicious. I just want to eat them and make them scream.' I began to panic at her change, but what made me scared the most is that I saw something was different with my aura.

Instead of being blue, it was black and red. Two different colors were surrounding me, I don't recall a person having two colors for their aura.

The only things that were running through my mind while this was happening, was what the hell am I, and what the hell was happening.


As the group of human's were waiting, they were trying to entertain themselves, playing cards, looking through the internet and other things.

"Hey, we got movement!" Everyone began to scramble for their weapons and soon aimed at the forest.

"If you know what's good for you, come out, we won't hurt you, much!" A woman shouted, the only response was the wind that blew across the ground.

"Are you sure you heard some.." A flash was seen, and it embedded itself in the persons neck, everyone else moved away, and when they approached him, they saw a weird looking metal disc.

The disc was sharp on the edges, and the center was empty, the disc shined red from the blood.

"W-what the hell is that?" One of them ask, the disk vibrated, and flew back into the forest and everyone scrambled to aim back at the forest.

A step was heard and slowly began to get louder, what came out of the forest was a woman, and in her two hands were the same disks.

"Prey, so many prey." She whispered, behind her, nine black tails swayed, and each of them held the similar looking disk.

"W-what the hell is that?!"

"It doesn't matter, kill it!" They all began to fire at the woman, but she stood there, she only made subtle movements to avoid each shot, and her eyes shined red.

"Its time to hunt!" She screamed and cackled, she leaned forward, and rushed towards the group with high speed.

Before she reached the group, she spun her entire body and flicked all of her tail. Sending all of the disc's towards them, some of them embedded itself in the stomach, skulls, and arms.

While the others sliced the arms, legs and heads. Some of the humans who had close combat weapons all rushed forward to meet her halfway.

A man with a large physic, held a double sided axe and swung downward, he grinned that he was about to kill her, but she did something that shook him to the core.

She tilted her head to the side, and chomped onto the axe, stopping it from moving. The woman stared at the man with her red eyes while holding the axe with her mouth.

Two more humans flanked her sides, one held a whip, while the other held a pair of daggers, the two of them attacked her, hoping to have her let go.

But before both attacks connected, two out of the nine discs, sliced their hands, blood began to spray from the cuts and they knelt in pain.

She then clenched her jaw and shattered the axe in multiple pieces, while thrusting one of the discs in the man's skull.

The top half of the man's head slid off, and his entire body crumpled onto the floor. As the woman spit the pieces of metal, she deflected a few shots aimed at her.

"Get out of here, we need someone who can warn the others!" Shouted the leader, some tried to run away, but the woman cackled.

"No, no, I can't let you run!" She slammed two of her nine tails to the side and flames began to encircle the entire group.

Those who got caught by the flames screamed for only a second before turning to ash. The rest just ran towards her with fear, hoping to get one strike.

Yet she danced and laughed, slicing them down one by one. Until a single person remained.

"Why? What did we do wrong?" The person begged, the woman just sighed and frowned to see that the person lost all their fighting spirit.

"I'm bored now, die." The nine discs began to spin around her, breaking apart until two large discs floated by her side.

"Kurosaki, Ninthe final technique." The two discs began to spin at high velocity, and the discs grew blades at the end.

"Hyme of the twin sisters." The two discs flew towards the the human, passing through them with ease.

It looked like it didn't hit them at all as it continued to fly through the person, up, down, left, right, it kept striking them

The woman spread her arms out, and the two discs spun around her arms before resting on them.

The person was kneeling their, not moving. Lines began to appear all over their body, and the clothes dispersed like ash.

Blood soon began to drip from the lines, pouring onto the floor. Bit by bit, a piece of the body began to fall, and soon a lump of flesh remained.

The woman then looked up, and the black hair and fur began to change white, and tears began to fall from her eyes.

"How could you, you cursed my son to have this monster, I will make sure you will pay." As she spoke, her entire figure began to change.

Her breasts began to grew smaller, and her height became shorter, all that stood in the field, was a single boy, who stood standing and looking at his hands.

"What the hell did she mean by that?" 

(A/N) Hey hey, heres the first part, hope you enjoyed it, send some power stones to show support.

Also, what do you guys think? Is it somewhat better? I know its a bit early, but I had to make sure.

Next chapter