
A kitsune's tale

I would do anything to be with you, so just reincarnate - was what Azuki Kamiko said to her lover, Kinoko Takei before he was sent to the underworld to be punished for his sins. He was killed brutally - being stabbed and burnt to death. Over his lifetime, he committed many sins, thus recieving a ten thousand years of torture in order to redeem his soul. Not being able to loce wirhout him, Miko traded her powers in exchange for him to reincarnate sooner. After that, she was cast out of the heavenly realm and fell into a slumber. Now, a hundred of twenty years later, Miko finally woke up met someone. He resembled Takei in everyway, from his mannerisms to his habits, and even looked similar. However, she could not confirm if he was really Takei. Will Miko find out if the new man she met was really him? Will she be able to be with him for this reincarnation at least? Or will she find out one or two more deeper, darker secrets?

Idkwhoiam_Lol · Fantasy
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64 Chs

Shooting stars of wishes.

"Takei, On this shooting star tonight, I wish that I would see you again, and live to rest of my life with you, even if its impossible. Even so, when you die and reincarnate again, I will use the few remaing hundred years I have to look for you, where we will then grow old and die together... I will make myself age just like you, so I can enjoy the mortality of being a human, like you..."

With her pathetic divine star magic, Miko twirled her fingers in the air, with pink light intertwining them while sparkle fell on her lap. Soon, another star appeared in the sky, shooting across like the first one. However this time, while it burned a bright white colour, it left a trail of pink instead of blue.

"Wherever you are right now, I hope you can see this... Thats me thinking of you..." Soon after Miko said this, the twinkling of the stars began to fade fast. Dark clouds that were quickly approaching ealier that could not be seen through her window now loomed ominously over the sky, covering the twinkling stars. A deep rumbling sound reverberated through the sky, as flashes of light cut through the clouds and air before hitting the ground.

Drip... Drop... Miko heard those sounds on her window. Very soon, the light drizzle turned to a heavy downpour, its constant and loud pitter- patter sound completely ruining the tranquil peace she had earlier. The sound of rain used to bring Miko so much peace, but now, she found it irritating. Was it the way it sounded when it hit a piece of tile and dead wood different from it hit a hollow tree? Or was it the fact that it seemed like the heavens were mocking her?

"It means we won't be together?" Miko questioned while gazing at the rain. Her beautiful face gazing up to the sky was drenched with tears. Her gorgeous, pink eyes were now red and puffy as her lips began trembling. She sniffed before wiping her tears away with her sleeve. She had to remain positive. She decided to head to bed and not think about anymore depressing thoughts.

"I knew it was gonna rain since I came in," she mumbled, probably making excuses for herself. She quickly lied down and got comfortable, before drifting off to dreamland, her light and gentle breathing echoing through the now silent room. Her chest heaved up and down in tendem with her breathing. It was probably times like these, where she could feel truly relaxed, since the war a hundred and twenty years ago...

Miko awoke to the sound of birds chirping in the morning. She was so exhausted from travelling that she slept soundly through the whole night, not even waking up once. The downpour from yesterday had subsided, leaving a cool, gentle breeze blowing. Water droplets still dripped from the rooftiles onto the windowsil, and the glass was still foggy, with the occasional drop of water sliding down. Sunlight penetrated through it nevertheless, shining onto the bed Miko was sleeping on, the center-piece of the room. Miko stirred groggily, before standing up. She took a hairbrush on the nightstand beside her and began to comb her long, wavy, pink hair. When she was ready, she shapeshifted to full human form, her ears and tail dissapearing with a puff of light, along with the ruby at the center of her forehead. She exited the inn after paying for her breakfast. There were still huge puddles from last night. She stepped carefully over those, careful to not get her shoes wet. As she was struggling to walk over those, she heard a voice behind her ask," Do you need some help?"

Miko turned around to realise it was none other than Tashi! She agreed, and he lifted her up, bridal style, to carry across the puddles.

"What are you doing?!" Miko asked, her face red in embarrassment. As it was early and wet, not many people were currently out on the streets, though there were still some, especially vendors of nearby shops.

"Helping you. Like you wanted." Tashi smiled in reply. Miko turned her head into his chest, not wanting to face the embarrassment when other people saw her. Then she realised, she was snuggling his chest!

"Comfortable?" Tashi continued to tease. Miko reddened some more. She just decided to look at her own legs instead, facing neither direction. Tashi chuckled at her resolved. Cute.

"Where you headed?" He asked. Miko directed him to the library, which he followed.

"Why there?" Tashi asked.

"I want to know about our history." Miko replied.

"I know some. If you don't know you could have asked me. Why run all the way out here?" Tashi continued pressing.

"Oh really? Then mind sharing some with me?" She asked.

"In the past, a cruel tyrant used to rule the land. They sent people against their wills into the forest, and some were never seen again. Seeing the pitiful state of his neighbouring kingdom, our king overthrew him, and established this kingdom." Tashi explained, though it was rather short. Miko nodded as he spoke, although she had even more questions. Their history was comppetely different from what she remembered! She thanked him for the information nevertheless, but still wanted to know more in depth detail about what happened.

Soon, they arrived at the gates of the library. Miko pushed open its heavy, wooden doors, as she waved Tashi away. He had other things he needed to do after all, and she didn't want to be a bother to him. Before he dissapeared, he told her his friend's place he was currently staying at, so Miko need not stay at the inn anymore.She headed to where the history books were yesterday, and picked them all off. She read them in detail each, especially those chapters about a war a hundred and twenty years ago. However, not much was explained either. The book simply read: Many people were killed because they supported the cruel king's actions, and they were the middle to upper class of society. Lower classes were sent out to look for resources, but some never returned. Those that did not come back with the resources the king named were harshly punished, with some repeat offenders of this so called law exiled, or executed with the accusation that they stole the materials for their own profit." From what Miko could remember, none of the humans back then ever complained, even discreetly, about their ruler. In fact, they were extremely happy. Of course they did come to get materials, but they were for their own use, and often sung praises about the royals. Beasts also commonly traded with humans, so they were fine with humans coming over, as long as they did not steal or damage the forest. They simply made sure to not be seen by the humans, or disguised themselves as other humans in the forest as well, playing along with whatever those actual humans said. This was also partially how some beasts kept in touch with the outside world. Sometimes, a human would even fall for a disguised beast, usually to stay with them in the forest, but they could not exit as the forest was a maze that only those with cultivation could see through. That was why most humans never ventured deep into it.

Miko shook her head in annoyance. Who the heck even wrote this books?! Everything was just purely false information, with only certain parts half correct. She dumped the books back where she found them and headed out. On the way, she passed by a clock. It was already five. By reading through the pile of thick books, she had subconciously lost track of time. She decided it would be a perfect time for an early dinner, since she had missed lunch accidentally. She hurriedly scooped a few more stones into her pouch containing her coins and headed off.

Behind a street shop, Miko dumped out all her coins, unsurprised by the fact that more than half of them had turned to pebbles. She already wasn't going to stay at the inn, because by now they would have figured out the coins were fake if they hadn't in the morning. After making sure nobody was nearby, she flicked her wrist and wrote a series of symbols in the air like she did last time, performing a series of actions with her fingers and soon, all those pebbles glowed a bright pink and turned to coins. She smilled happily and quickly scooped them all into her pouch, when she saw a shadow looming over her. She looked up, shocked at what she saw.