
A kiss to my forbidden love : My Magnet

" He is sunshine, I was midnight rain " Just like that we were , and we met . For me he was the sun in that gloomy town , he lightened up that dry empty desert and made it the home I wanna go back all the way for . He leaned closer from my ear and whispered " I want you , I want you in the sweet old traditional way , and not the way that breaks your heart and cause you pain...wait for me " I always admired my space and feared to be close from anyone , anything, until he showed up and made me want him so close , until ....Fate started to throw arches of "why we can't be together even if we are for eachother" on us , just to push the magnet that pulled us together away . He said "call my name and I will be right to your face , just Call out my name Reena " We were two lovers , in a gloomy reality were fantasy can't take over and reality is all that slaps you .

Ranias_Heaven · Urban
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27 Chs

The magnet came to my Capital

a couple of weeks have passed and I was between my university and aunt's house still staying there .

it was an off day so I decided to hang out with a friend to do some book shopping and Shopping in general.

we were exactly in our favorite place where everything aesthetic is selling there .

we were walking around admiring the clothes , and then we both got a book each , one that I have already booked before coming since it was a limited edition and her's was a philosophy one .

we got out the bookstore, and she said she needed to get more money from the machine distributor around the corner so she could buy more clothes since they were fascinating, so we did .

I waited for her to grab some 2000 green paper and we turned around to cross the road , I was watching the cars carefully not minding the people around me so that we could cross peacefully and alive , when she pinched my wrist to grab my attention and said :

_[ Reena ! why is that boy staring at you ? ]

_[What boy ?! ] I said

_[the one to your left]

she said and turned me desperately to check and my oh my ! how is this even possible?

out of all the places in the world , and all the times possibly to meet ! Here !? how ?

She pinched me again to grab my attention when she saw me frozen right there .

it's like time stopped again and it was only US ...Me and Him staring right through each other , our souls pulling us strongly while we fight it back .

There He was again , staring at me from a small distance , sparkling with his golden hair under the sun rays.

He was indeed sunshine .

His eyes were pinned to mine again , and so were mine . He was a magnet and I was for sure drowning to him , just as he seemed to be .

After my friend pinched me again to wake up from my frozen state all I could do was cross the road so fast grabbing her by the wrist and running away to wherever we were meant to go .

my heart was beating like a crazy I almost thought I was gonna have a heart attack , and my friend Lia didn't help at all with her many questions as I tried to deny every cringe thought in her head , but she kept talking nonestop while we were picking clothes for eachother.

_[ But Reena ! he looked so cute , and at the same time the way he was staring at you Girl!]

_[ stop fantasizing the whole scene Lia ...He looked at me like any normal person would , there was nothing much to it ]

_[ Oh hell nah !! that was everything but "nothing into it" ...the boy looked at you as if you were his prey and he was ready to jump on you at any moment haha ...ugh how I like it ]

_[ yep , for sure , I can see that you are enjoying this way too much my darling, I think the philosophy book that you bought today was a nice choice for you to stop reading your romance books ...at least you could learn some real stuff] .

_[ ugh , whatever! you are so boooring]

She rolled her eyes at me and I couldn't help but smirk at her reaction .

Time has already flew by so fast , and it was already evening and sky turned orangy , and that was when we finished shopping and grabbed some snacks to finally separate ways at the bus station , as it was Thursday and I was heading back to my Family house .

But all the way I couldn't help to stop my mind from recalling his sudden appearances and our scenes that was crazily so coincidental .

He was suddenly everywhere, ever since that night .

it was the third time we meet so casually at a random place . and I guess fate is playing me so dirty this time with this instant magnetic connection that for the first time made me speechless .