
A kiss to my forbidden love : My Magnet

" He is sunshine, I was midnight rain " Just like that we were , and we met . For me he was the sun in that gloomy town , he lightened up that dry empty desert and made it the home I wanna go back all the way for . He leaned closer from my ear and whispered " I want you , I want you in the sweet old traditional way , and not the way that breaks your heart and cause you pain...wait for me " I always admired my space and feared to be close from anyone , anything, until he showed up and made me want him so close , until ....Fate started to throw arches of "why we can't be together even if we are for eachother" on us , just to push the magnet that pulled us together away . He said "call my name and I will be right to your face , just Call out my name Reena " We were two lovers , in a gloomy reality were fantasy can't take over and reality is all that slaps you .

Ranias_Heaven · Urban
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27 Chs

Fate Never fails to bring us together

It was a long day at university, and exhausting one to be real , But I also had to run after the bus to make it in time for my sister's 19th Birthday party which starts at 18:00 and it was already 17:30 and I'm not even half way , the traffic was shitty and the calls from her didn't stop .

I finally arrived after a long trip that felt like forever and wasn't gonna end .

My sister was waiting for me and her bestfriend at the bus station to pick me up since it was dark and late and had to walk another 15 minutes to arrive home , and since she loves me so much she didn't want to start the party even though her friends that she Invited were already home and I was late , it was 18:10 and the party should've started 19 minutes ago , and the funny is that the birthday girl left her guests to come pick me up . God she's so cute , she said I was the life of the party and that was so touching since I was feeling so lonely lately , with no friends at all , left alone , her words really got to me .

we arrived home , and the party finally started.

we danced , and sang for her , we cut the cake my mom bought first , and then the one I made for her yesterday.

After that I left the girls to sing and dance on their own with my sister, then grabbed to glasses of cola and sat next to her bestfriend who seemed tired as well as me .

we chatted a bit and to be honest the cola started to hit me with the mood and I really needed someone to talk to ...a friend maybe , and she was there and felt the same as me so I told her the tea about my crush , about that stranger I don't even know his name but still managed to pull me to him .

A conversation leading to another, I described him to her and she looked at me with her eyebrows up in suspicion and said :

_[ was he tall with a long blonde hair ?]

I gave her the same look but a bit confused as I was recalling something and replied:

_[ well tall and blonde yes , but not sure about long hair ]

she thought for a minute and took her phone out of her pocket:

_[ well he did cut his hair in the recent summer , but why do I feel like he's my kind neighbor Atlas ! ]

Atlas !? Hmm.. well the name certainly suits him .

she went to her IG and to a profile of a guy ..who was Blonde ...but his facial expressions weren't that obvious .

she showed me a picture, and I didn't think it resembled him , since his hair was separated up showing his forehead that I have never seen him with before which made it hard for me to recognize him .

And as she showed me the next picture, my Jaw dropped and I immidiatly held my hand up to close my mouth in shock .

My eyes smiled so excitedly and we exchanged glances as she knew what was happening.

_[ It's him right !? It's Hiiiim ]

she said out loud so excited as we were both jumping excitedly , until my sister noticed and came to us curiously.

we told her about the coincidence and she screamed how fate keeps pulling us together and I couldn't help but laugh at that .

Minutes after, we already made a plan how my sister's bestfriend is going to talk to him tonight and we took a couple pictures together for her to post on her story and tag me at , so that he can see that we are friends together, and start the deal .

As agreed it was midnight and she did as we planned, and started a conversation with him asking him about how he was doing and about the job , and he told her that he didn't stop working at that supermarket because she met him once before there and she already knew that he works there .

He told her that he just changed the time of his shift from the evening to the morning shift so that he can go to his other part time job in another place for an evening shift .

He also told her that he was feeling so depressed lately and she asked him to join us to our trip to the Snow place we were headed to tomorrow to change some air , and when he asked who's going all to that trip she told him about me and my sister the girls with her on her story , and when he checked he came and told her that she should've told him a day before so he could make an excuse not to go to work, and that he couldn't just abondon them .

She told him it was okay , but then he started to insist that we still should go all of us next time to the amusement park and she agreed of course for my sake , and then he asked her to open a group chat for all of us to talk .

And There I was , so excited to finally be able to talk to that stranger who pulled me to him like a magnet ..like no other.

My Atlas ...