
A key in the Dark

A dangerous monster or simply a lonely person? Even Arron himself doesn't know what he is. With very little memories of his childhood, he grew up as the main attraction in a traveling circus. One day Aaron meets with a mysterious man, offering to set him free and take him to an entirely different world. Is he insane, or could there realy be a place where a massive monster like him would feel at home? Journey with Aaron as he discovers the mysteries of the dark realm and his own identity.

MidnightRoses · Fantasy
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6 Chs

( Chapter 4 ) Raycora

The creature stared at Kasouma for a while before sighing loudly.


Why is it that the first person I have a decent conversation with in years turns out to be a nut case?


No, its true. I'm not human... perhaps I appear a bit more human than you...


A bit?


Ok, ok.. Quite a bit but still! I'm not human.

Kasouma closes his eyes briefly and when he opens them again they are a deep red. He then pulls at one side of his mouth with one hand and points to his fangs with the other.


Shee? I'm noot hooman!

The creature laughed a little louder than he intended too watching Kasouma try to talk with his finger hooked in his mouth.


Ok, so what are you then?


Seriously? You cant figure that out? There's like a million movies and shows about my kind!


Oh, right.... movies... Yeah I don't get good reception in here...

He gestures at the cage around him.


Oh yeah, right... Well I am a vampire. Many humans consider us monsters even though we are one of the races that most closely resembles humans.


I didnt see anyone in the crowd running from YOU today.


Thats because they couldn't tell that I was a vampire. If I had made that known there would have been people that were scared and probably a few that were fascinated.


So having red eyes and sharp teeth makes you a monster?


Hah! No... Having inhuman strength and speed and living off of blood makes me a monster. According to humans any way.... You don't seem surprised by any of this.


Well you're not weirder than me so.... whatever


So..... About my offer?


Where would we go?

Kasouma's face lit up at the possibility that he could be considering it. This had been the first time that the creature expressed any interest at all and he was not going to let this chance slip away!


To Raycora, My home land! Its great there! Sure it's dark all the time and there are no humans BUT you would not be the strangest thing there! There are all manner of creatures in Raycora! Its a place where we can all come together as equals and have....


Woah Woah Woah! Slow down! Where is Raycora? I've never heard of it. And what do you mean no humans? And how is it dark ALL the time?


Right, I guess I should explain a bit. Sorry, I got a little excited. Its a lot to explain but the point is, you would fit in there. You wouldn't have to be caged and you wouldn't have to hide...

Before the creature could say anything further, the sound of a door slamming echoed across the circus ground. It was definitely coming from one of the trailers but it was hard to tell which one. Kasouma and the creature both watched the camp area until they saw a figure emerge from between two trailers and begin walking towards the animals.


You should go. They must be coming to check on the animals.


You are NOT an animal!


Shhhhhh! Whatever you say dude, just go! You don't need to get caught here. Besides, I need to get to sleep. I have another two shows to do tomorrow.


Fine... but just know that I will be there in the next town to visit you..


I believe you... Now go, before you get caught.

Kasouma smiled and pressed his hand against the steel bars of the cage one last time before turning away to walk into the shadow. Before he was out of sight the creature smiled and yelled after him.






My name, Its Aaron.

Kasouma smiled widely, his fangs flashing in the dim light as he walked backwards into the shadows. It wasnt much but it was progress. He waved one last time before the shadows swallowed him and he was gone. Once Kasouma was out of sight Aaron closed the curtin and curled up into the smallest ball he could manage. It still hurt to bend his neck but once he was in position he didn't have to move until the next morning. He listened to the sound of footsteps making their way through the cages and eventually fading away back to the trailers. It took a little longer than usual but he eventually fell asleep.

The next time he opened his eyes he was once again standing on a large white circle. There were four pillars and two large gates. One gate was black and looked like it was made of cast iron, it had twisting designs in the metal, most of which came to a point somewhere. All that could be seen behind the dark metal was darkness. The other door was white. It was hard to tell what it was made out of. It had no shine to it and yet somehow it seemed to glow. This gate had intricate circle designs that seemed to all connect to the one next to it and all that could be seen behind it was a blinding light. It was the same scene of the same dream but nothing ever seemed to happen... Aaron walked around the circle, inspecting both doors as he came to them. This time when he made his way to the far end of the circle there was a long staircase that looked to go on forever. This was new and he didn't really have anywhere else to go so he started down the seemingly endless stairs.

As he walked, shapes started to come into view. Off in the distance there seemed to be a castle with several tall towers. The empty white space started to thicken and now looked like a light blue mist. Beneath the castle there was a town which stretched nearly to the point he was walking towards. He looked down and started to see an end to the stairs. It looked a bit like a lake. there was a huge gazebo one a circular platform surrounded be glassy blue water and a long white path leading directly from the staircase to the gazebo... When he reached the bottom of the stairs and started walking down the path he could start to hear chatter. There were people talking up ahead. When he was near enough that he could see inside, it looked like there was some sort of high-class party going on. He paused on the path, not wanting to get too close to the people. From his experience people didnt have the best reaction when he walked into the room so he stood from a distance and watched the party goers dance, eat and clink their glasses in celebration.

As he stood watching, one of the people at the party turned and looked directly at him. The person swung around quickly and started running towards him, waving happily. Aaron was, of course started by this. Normally people run AWAY from the big scary monster but this guy was coming right at him! The man slowed down as he drew closer. He looked to be just under six foot tall with short, blonde hair and green eyes. He was sharply dressed in a white three piece suit with a black tie. The man stopped in front of him and smiled.


I didn't think you were going to make it Sir! You shouldn't show up fashionably late to your own party!

Kasouma was very very confused for many reasons. Not only because this strange man was telling him that this extravagant party was for him but mostly because he was nearly looking this man in the eye! "Hiw the heck am I so friggen short?!" he thought to himself. It didn't make any sense. he normally towers over humans but here he was at eye level with one. The man seemed confused. He tilted his head to the side, looking up at Aaron.


Is something wrong Sir? Everyone is waiting...


Uh.... They are? Waiting for what?


Well for you of course! We are celebrating your return Sir. Everyone is very excited to see you. The gates have been locked for so long...


Right... Return... Gates... um...


If you will come with me, I can explain everything. But for right now, let's go see everyone! We have all been waiting a very long time.

Kasouma nods his head and follows the man towards the gazebo. It still didn't make any sense though. Somehow he is suddenly short, People are throwing him a party to celebrate his return to a place that he doesn't remember ever visiting and it has something to do with those gates. What the heck is all this? As he walked down the path and drew closer to the party, everything began to get hazy again. The blue mist started to flow over the path, enveloping everything around him. He couldnt even see where he was walking any more but he could hear the faint sound of a voice... it started to gradually get louder and louder...


I said wake up damnit! Its time to get the show started!


Damn.... Well, here we go again...

I'm sorry it took me so long to post an update... I have no excuse ?

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