
Endoria's princess

After three years of Enmity between the two most greatest kingdoms. Endoria and Baneria, they both decided to make peace by getting Prince Eric of Endoria to Princess Zara of Baneria. When Princess Zara left to Endoria, she faced so many hurdles with no support from anybody including her husband who is in love with another, she can't go back now but fight her fears and be strong.

Gold_3454 · History
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"wooow," The crowd watching her play the game admired her, while the other players were giving her an icy stare with clenched jaws and dilated nostrils, she wasn't bothered by their stare, she wasn't even bothered by the money she was winning, she loves winning and their angry stares makes her feel victorious, this was the fourth time she was winning the game.

"My princess, I think you've won enough, we better hurry back before your father knows about your absence," Eugene whispered to her ears, hoping she would listen to her this time which of course, turned out void.

"let me play one more time Eugene, don't worry you're going to get forty percent of what I won," Diana whispered back, winking and giving her a broad smile before turning back to the game.

Eugene had a worried look with a tight-lipped smile, rubbing her palms and began searching around to see if she'll meet anyone that works in the palace, she should be persuading Princess Diana to stop playing and come back to the palace with her, but she has already been bribed, she knows that Diana has won a lot of money, why can't her princess just be like every other princess.

she has been serving princess Diana since when she was seven, the princess relationship with her has become more than just a master and servant relationship, it had develop into a friendship and she is happy to follow the princess anyway.

"aren't you tired of playing, you're a woman, go and find something else to do," one of the players scolded her, shooing her away with his hands as the other players agreed with him.

"too bad, the only thing I can do is watch how some group of men is losing to me," she did an evil laugh as all the men inside the casino began to roar, angered at the fact that Diana was stepping on their ego.

Eugene was so scared, she began to pray dearly in her heart that her princess won't get both of them beaten up, they didn't even bring any guard to protect them, who knows what these boozers would do you them out of anger.

Diana on the other hand didn't even flinch or act like she was scared, she had that dirty grin on her face till the noise started lessening,

It's not as if she could fight, she just loves getting on people's nerves, she was good at running thou, but unfortunately, she had Eugene who was just too slow and quick to run out of breath.

They couldn't identify her because she wasn't dressed as a princess, she had borrowed Eugene's large brown high-waist pants and a matching coat, tying her dirty blonde hair in a chignon hairstyle, she also didn't have any jewelry or makeup on.

"Alright, since I'm the one winning the most, I'll make my bid higher than yours," Diana signaled Eugene to bring out the gold she had won, the last time she was here.

"is the price good enough?" she stretched it forward for everyone to see that it was real gold.

"fair enough," one of the players accepted, as the others agreed by nodding heads and shrugging their shoulders.

"let's begin," one of the workers from the casino help them to shuffle the cards before they began to play.

Diana became suspicious when saw someone wearing a hooded coat standing beside Eugene, she haven't seen him before.

"hey stop wasting our time, young lady," one of the players sneered after they notice she was distracted from the game.

Eugene was also suspecting the man wearing hood, he seems to be getting too close to her which made her change the position of the bag to the other side, holding it more tightly.

The hooded person left the side to her back, which made her change the bag position to the front.

She felt something pointy behind her back, as she slowly turn to see what it was, which scared the wit out of her, the person was holding a knife behind her.

"Be a good girl and hand over the bag or else," he pressed the knife deeper as beads of sweat began to form on her face with eyes froze open, she was scared stiff when the thief's hand touched her, looking at how his hand was slowly collecting the bag from her, she didn't make a sound for the fear she might be stabbed if she do so.

As Diana turned to see what was going on as the thief immediately pushed Eugene towards her running away with the bag of money.

"Princess, he took our mon...," Diana didn't wait to listen to Eugene's explanation and quickly chased after the thief, Eugene not wanting to return to the palace without her joined her in chasing after the thief as the players began to fight over Diana's gold.

"Stop there you thief," Diana shouted, slamming and knocking down passengers that stood in her way.

"hurry, take the short passage to the front," she instructed Eugene not removing his eyes from the thief.


"NOW...," Diana speeded up, while Eugene the shorter path to the thief.

The thief was shocked to see Eugene in front of him, why can't this ladies just forget about the money.

The thief quickly pulled out his knife when Eugene came close, scaring the life out of her as she moved backwards afraid the thief might truly hurt her with it.

"Don't come any closer, or else...," She looked around and found a short stick closer to a cart nearby, which she quickly picked up.

"I'll hit you with my stick," she threatened, pointing the stick at him while putting on a brave face.

"What makes you think I'll be afraid of your stick, I have a knife with me," he didn't notice Diana who punch him on the crotch from behind and slowly took the knife out of his hands before collecting the bag from him.

Eugene rushed quickly to Diana's side, as they watched how the thief leaped away.

"Are you hurt," Diana's eyes roamed over Eugene's body to ensure she wasn't wounded.

"no I'm not, let's go to the palace now,"

"I haven't gotten my gold back from the casino,"

"You know you can always get more than that in the next game,"

"Ok, but just one thing," Diana told Eugene, who groan loudly, tired of Diana's procastination.

Diana bought some street food for the little beggars she had promised to be bringing food and money too, so they would stop stealing and get beaten by people, she also gave Eugene the money she promised, before they left for the palace.