
Endoria's princess

After three years of Enmity between the two most greatest kingdoms. Endoria and Baneria, they both decided to make peace by getting Prince Eric of Endoria to Princess Zara of Baneria. When Princess Zara left to Endoria, she faced so many hurdles with no support from anybody including her husband who is in love with another, she can't go back now but fight her fears and be strong.

Gold_3454 · History
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Diana and Eugene were eating the cookies they had bought from the village, giving some to Holly, Diana's cute Alaskan dog.

Diana preferred eating the cookies from the village market to the ones in the palace, the ones from the village were made with no worries about getting too fat or slim while the ones from the palace were made with fewer ingredients, to keep the royal family bodies healthy and in the right shapes.

Diana had an imp-thin, shapely figure, a pair of arched eyebrows that looked down on her velvety eyelashes, enticing blue eyes, a button nose, and a burnished complexion.

Eugene was a pale skin petite lady, with big brown eyes, naturally pink lips, and mercury-red hair that she made into two long braids.

They both paused the cookies from entering their mouth, a dizzying sense of anxiety struck them when they heard a knock on the door.

"hurry," Diana whispered to Eugene who quickly hid the cookies under the bed, Diana quickly wipe her mouth as Eugene went to open the door, just to find out that it was a maid.

"Your father want to ese you my princess," the maid informed, giving a little bow.


"Ok, I'll be on my way,"

"He said, I should come back with you,"

"And do you want to drag me out, I said I'm coming" Diana bellowed, giving the maid an icy stare with a little frown on her face,



"Sorry, my lady, I'll be taking my leave now,"

"Holly...," Eugene cried out, she went to carry the remaining cookies when the maid left, all to find out that Holly has eaten everything.

It's okay, we'll buy more next time, let's meet Mrs. Cornell," Diana got up from her seat and left to see Mrs. Cornell as Eugene followed her.

They walked through the hallway, finally reaching the sixth door which was the Princesses tutoring room, all eyes were on them when they opened the door, Diana didn't care at all, she went and sat on her seat, staring at Mrs. Cornell who looks like she was about to blow up.

"and why are you coming in now," Mrs. Cornell questioned, with every patient she has, if only she wasn't a princess, she would have punished her now.

"I only came here because I heard you were calling me," Diana replied,

"And where were you all along," Mrs. Cornell probed further.

"it's not in your place to Mrs. Cornell,"

"so you wouldn't have come if I didn't call you," Mrs. Cornell started to shout at her.

" yes," Diana smirked, knowing she has pulled Mrs. Cornell's strings.

"so full of pride, she's disgusting and mannerless," Penelope, daughter to the first concubine was giving Diana a disgusting look, which didn't seems to bother Diana at all.

"That's a good thing, with an attitude like hers she stands no chance of getting chosen by the prince, less competition for me," Vannesa began to brag, giggling loudly which irritated the rest of the princesses.

"and what makes you think that the prince will choose you," Brenda, daughter to the second concubine asked, wrinkling her nose with arched eyebrows.

"because people with body weight like yours convince me more," Vanessa mocked her, as all the princesses laughed at what Vanessa said, except Brenda's sister, Magaret, and Diana.

Everyone knew that Brenda was a fat person, she stated watching her weight recently after hearing of the prince of baneria visiting.

"That was a rude thing to say, you lack manners as a princess," Margaret condemned, angered at the fact that her sister was now crying because of what Vanessa said.

"Now, I have to deal with another sister, who just can't keep her disgusting freckled face to herself," it was known that Vanessa was a body shamer, being known as the most beautiful princess, with spotless pale skin, long golden blonde hair, a slender figure, and a perfect height, she loves making everyone around her including her maids to feel insecure about themselves, she pretends to be nice in front of everyone but only people inside the castle knows her harsh attitude.

"That's enough this is not the type of princess, I train you to be, I trained you all to mature and have morals," Mrs. Cornell scolded, making Diana laugh inside of her.

she felt her father was wasting too much money on Mrs. Cornell, looking at the princesses, one couldn't see the maturity and morals she claimed to have installed in them.

"why was I really called here," she directed her question to Mrs. Cornell, tired of hearing her sisters quarreling.

"Well, I only called you to warn you that regardless of you being the princess, the will be a punishment to face if you do not attend our class tomorrow," Mrs. Cornell warned, pushing her glasses to the tip of her nose while glaring at Diana.

"ok, then I shall take my leave," Diana stood up and was about to leave when Mrs. Cornell began to rage.

"you shall do no such thing unless I tell you to do so, lady Diana,"

"From my time interval, you should dismiss us five minutes ago, so I'm free to leave Mrs. Cornell," she said as she and Eugene left the room.


when she left the tutoring room, she decided to meet her mother, whom she hadn't seen throughout yesterday, life as a concubine was hard as the king only listen to the Queen, the king had locked her mother up in her room as a punishment after the Queen accused her of insulting her, she would feel bad if the day ends without seeing her mother.

"you can wait for me in my room," she informs Eugene.

Eugene nodded her head taking the left side of the hallway while she took the other side.


She knocked on her mother's door, As the maid inside opened the door, bowing after seeing that it was Princess Diana, she opened the door wide for Diana.

" greetings Mother, " Diana bowed to her mother, who was gently combing her nine-year-old brother's long brown hair.

"My Diana, I missed you so much, I haven't seen you for days," Helena got up and gave her daughter, kisses on both cheeks, before resuming back to combing Charles's hair.

"That's not true Mother, you saw me a day before yesterday," Diana retorted, happy that her mother was missing her.

"even if it was just yesterday, I still miss you too,"

" I missed you too," she hugged her mother sideways, as the mother kissed her on the head.

"you can wait for me in your room, I have something to tell your sister," Helena told her son, giving him a peck on the forehead.

"ok, don't take too long, " Charles advises before he left the room, the maid also left with him after Helena signaled her.

" so there's news going on that you and Mrs. Cornell aren't getting along, and you have been leaving the palace without guards, I was told to advise you," Helena gave her the look causing Diana to roll her eyes.

"I'll advise you to take this competition seriously, there is nothing the outside world can give you,"

"but mom, I won't be marrying for love, I don't want to be like my other sisters who just want to be queen, I'll still be okay leaving a normal life,"

"I was just like you once, believing in freedom and happiness, but all that change when the man I thought loved me was the one who betrayed me with the person I called friend, I want the best life for you, in Baneria, they don't accept royals to have concubines, you won't have to fight with his women as the kingdom only recognized you, story your best and don't give Mrs. Cornell a hard time," Helena advised holding her daughter's hands.

Yes...mother," she replied not wanting to argue or further the conversation with her mother.