
A Journey To Gain True Omnipotence

What is a god? A god is a powerful being worshiped by many and gains power through their believers. Follow the mc as he fights to regain Omnipotence, an impossible goal, but a god could dream... right?

Itachi102 · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

20x slot draw

The Hyuga clan is known as the strongest warriors of the hidden leaf, with taijutsu capability reaching a state where they far surpass others in martial arts thanks to their unique eyes and combat capability.

Hinata was skilled but skilled enough to take on their sensei. Kiba soon joined the battle to help fight Kunenai, and with Hinata to help them break out of genjutsu, they were able to put up a good fight, but in the end, they were defeated.

"Kiba you're too rash, you need the same level of teamwork you have with Akamaru with the others. in the end, you get in the way by thinking you can do it all by yourself, this could lead to the others being injured or worse, dead when on the mission." Kunenai said seriously while looking at the Kiba who was out of breath and sitting on the ground, Hinata was also out of breath and was sitting down to rest. meanwhile, Sora stood there while breathing heavily, acting as if he was out of breath.

"... understood," Kiba said softly while throwing a look toward Sora, indeed Kurenai's words were true, but he didn't want Sora to outdo him. seeing how Sora was capable of taking on Kurenai and putting up the most fight of the group, he wanted to prove himself. but that only leads to him messing the team up.

"Sora... you took the lead of the team leader, which is unexpected as I saw you as the cold quiet type. but you still have your ways to go, your taijutsu skills are basic, your kunai skills are average, and your genjutsu skills as even worse. but you do have one thing going for you, you have sharp eyes, you're creative, and adapt quickly. you also have a lot of energy," Kunenai said to which Sora nodded calmly,

"Hinata... you have a long way to go, but today you took maybe the biggest step in your life," Kurenai said with a warm smile as if she was looking at her little sister, leaving Sora speechless at how differently she treated everyone.

Hinata on the other hand just nodded with a lowered head, she too was happy with herself today. She managed to bring up the courage to fight alongside others and did a good job, she kind of wanted to do the same, but this feeling was kind of addictive.

With that out of the way, Kurenai allowed them to head home and rest. starting tomorrow they shall start doing missions, and training. So, they headed off but Sora choice to walk Hinata home as he wanted to speak with her.

"Hinata... do you believe in god?" Sora asked softly, stunning Hinata who looked at him in confusion.

"Like the sage of six paths?" Hinata asked, the Sage Of Siz paths was considered a god to many, so she instantly jumped to him.

"no... he is more like a lesser demi-god. What I'm talking about is a being who created all things within this world." Sora said softly, seeing Hinata's curiosity was hooked Sora went on and spoke.

"this morning when I woke up, I got a calling to speak with you and help you. My god gave me a mission, to help make you the best shinobi you can be, and bring your dream to reality." Sora said with a smile, Hinata was speechless, she didn't know what to say but she of course didn't believe Sora's words.

"I know it's hard to believe... but after my god told me about you and the Hyuga clan, I kind of have no choice but to help to step forward. Hinata, I shall help you break your fate and give you the hands to change that fate for the battle. I will help you... even in winning Naruto's heart." Sora said with a smile, stunning Hinata whose face instantly turned red.

"W-what do you mean?" She asked smoke almost coming out of her head from how red her face was at the moment. Sora had her sit on a bench with him and slowly spoke.

"My god gives me knowledge. you see, you're not the first person I approached. Naruto, I shall help and guide Naruto to not only become the Hokage but bring peace to this world. I know how Naruto grew up all alone and hated by everyone... all but a few people, one of them is you." Sora said with a smile, which made Hinata panic slightly.

"I was given a dream to see that day where when you were being bullied, and Naruto stepped in to help you. only to get his ask kicked, but that day he won your heart... and you have been watching him since, cheering him on in secret." Sora said with a smile, Hinata wanted to cover his mouth, not wanting him to continue, but she could only cover her face in embarrassment,

"No need to be embarrassed by it all... I will not be here for long. Naruto would need someone like you to be by his side on his journey. I'm only here to help you guys as my god requested. but soon I shall be taken away," Sora said with a small smile, stunning Hinata

"you will die?" Hinata asked in worry, to which Sora shook his head.

"This isn't my journey to watch... you see, my god is the god of everything. even other gods consider my god a god. but sadly the other gods are suppressed, because of this, the gods can act as they wish. Illness, deaths, pain, wars, and so many others spread because of this, my god was never the type to seek out believers, he allowed everyone to have free will and do as they wish. the chains of fate never held anyone down, but after he was suppressed, you have people being chained and caged up in the cage of fate... never to spread their wings and fly." Sora said softly,

"I want to get believers, they shall give him the power to break free, and destroy the concept of fate, hate, illness, and many others. we are all the main characters of our stories. so we shall choose our paths and dreams." Sora said while looking at the sky

"I was... chosen to spread his name. My job is to find people like Naruto who are capable of restoring peace to this cruel and evil world. but Naruto would need someone to help him along the way, at times he would stumble and question himself, at times he might think of taking the easy path. its moments like that he would need someone like yourself to show some people trust him. The greatest power in this world is Hope, Love, and friendship." Sora said as he stood up, and looked at Hinata who was overwhelmed with the knowledge given to her today.

"What's your god name?" Hinata asked softly, she was greatly moved by what was told to her today... well, the thing that moved her the most was that the fact she could one day stay with Naruto. So, Sora smiled as he went on to tell her his god name...

Hinata Faith reached 63%, giving Sora 1 FP to go home with, giving his total number of FP to be 4. Sora didn't plan on doing another draw for the time being, he had enough to become a powerhouse within this world, he just needed time and had to stay lowkey.

"Yo Naruto," Sora called out to Naruto who was heading home, Naruto was stunned seeing Sora and smiled while rushing over. instantly, Naruto told Sora everything that happened with Kakashi and how his team passed Kakashi's test.

Kakashi was their sensei and Sora's cousin, although related, Sora had only seen him 3 times and that was about it. Kakashi's test was simple, he had 2 bells that Naruto and his other 2 teammates needed to get, those who got their hand on 1 can pass, but the one who couldn't watch everyone else eat and also be sent back to the academy.

When Kakashi found out Naruto had already eaten, he was enraged, but Naruto give Kakashi was explanations Sora gave him. A ninja should always go into any mission or training at 100%, those words stuck with Naruto and shocked not only Kakashi and the rest of the team that someone like Naruto would say something like that.

but with those words, Kakashi couldn't be angry, it's not like he forced them not to eat, he simply told them it was best that they don't eat as the training would be too much and they would throw up everything they ate to scare them. things went as Sora remembered in the anime, and the group passed similar to what they did in the anime, but this time Naruto tried to be less reckless

"I will give you a task, read at least 5 pages a day of a novel. you want to become Hokage, that you can take your team with. but do you want to wait to start getting smarter at a later age?" Sora asked to which Naruto shook his head slightly,

"Good, then pick some big book that looks boring as hell and start reading 1 page a day, and slowly increase it. make a habit out of it. once you can easily read a chapter without forcing yourself through it, let's talk about your next task." Sora said calmly, to which Naruto nodded slightly, although unwilling he knew this was the best for his future.

"as for your support, just be you. my god picked you for a reason, and soon you would see you draw friends towards you. I will do my part, but what I do I can't say. so just have faith." Sora said with a smile, to which Naruto nodded. Sora took Naruto to a bookstore where he went on to pick a book about a shinobi who saw how cruel this world is, and how he lost everything.

"books about others' lives view such as this... I think they would best show you just what I wish to change." Sora said softly while holding the thick book which made Naruto's face pale, Sora brought book two books and gave them to Naruto

"I will read the book as well, and by the end I want you to write your thoughts on this book, it's annoying, but being Hokage is more annoying. if you're unwilling to do something this simple, you should just give up." Sora said with a smile, to which Naruto's eyes burned slightly, and took the book.

"give me a... month, and I would have finished this book," Naruto said seriously, to which Sora smiled slightly and nodded

"then it's a deal... if you fail, you would have to do one thing I ask. but if you succeed, I can ask god for anything you want. of course, he might not answer, but I will do my best." Sora said with a smile, to which Naruto instantly nodded,

"Alright, I should get going home... remember to speak with god, who knows one day you might form a deep enough connections that you two can speak to each other. but don't force it, pray in faith, your heart, and soul." Sora said with a smile, Naruto nodded and rushed off back home, and Sora returned home where he went on to start training while having a shadow clone read the book.

that night, Sora sent a clone over to Naruto and had the clone send chakra to its eyes, giving Naruto a deeper divine feeling wash over him while he prayed. this made Naruto pray for even longer, giving Sora 3 FP, giving Sora a total of 7 FP.

{Name: Sora

Age: 13

Titles: [None]

Ninja rank: low Genin

Strength: High Genin


Ninjutsu: [Transformations Jutsu: 4/10] [Body Replacement Jutsu: 3/10] [Clone technique: 3/10] [Mulit-Shadow Clone Jutsu: 4/10]

Taijutsu: [Basic Marital Arts: 9/10]

Genjutsu: [Basic Illusion: 8/10]

Abilities: [God's Eye: 1/10]


Faith Power: 7}

'these eyes improved my comprehension capability.' Sora thought while standing at the tip of a tree, which the fool moon shone brightly behind him. the improvement to fight was huge, and many jutsu improved.

Thanks to his battle with Kurenai, he had many things to sit on and think deeply about, allowing for his marital arts skills to near level 10, his Basic illusion skills to reach level 8, and almost all of his Jutsu to level up. of course, for such growth, he needed to make clones to focus on training on one of each Jutsu,

Thanks to [The Ring Of Self-Sustenance], each clone Sora made had his full amount of chakra, sure creating them caused the ring to lose power, but that power was restored once the clones and displeased,

The Multi-Shadow Clone Jutsu allowed Sora to fix that problem as he could control how much chakra each clone has upon being created, allowing him to create hundreds of clones, although they all have an extremely small amount of charka, once that chakra is used up, that clone shall disappear.

Also, the clones Sora create have 95% of Sora's strength, allowing them to withstand more hits than normal clones before they disappear. this could allow Sora to trick others into thinking his clones could be his main body, of course, if the clone suffers a huge injury like being stabbed in the heart, it would use up a lot of chakras to remain, meaning less chakra returns to Sora

Sora believed this is the level Naruto was at when he was at his peak, if Sora keep leveling his up, Sora might be able to create a clone that is so realistic to him, he might question which is the main body.

'I can feel my strength growing, these eyes are powerful. the growth they give seems to increase if I train. I bet that increase would increase even more if I tire myself out, allowing myself to recover under the power of these eyes... so, should I train without the ring and only put it on when I'm done training? sounds reasonable,' Sora thought while taking off the necklace, putting it in his pocket, and going on to train to put his theory to the test.

So the night went by, within a forest Sora could be seen laying on his back with a slight smile. feeling his hunger, and how sleepy he was he stood up.

'At this rate... I will reach chunin within a month.' Sora thought with a smile while putting on the necklace, with that, he felt the hunger and sleepiness being washed away, and he returned to 100%

'Naruto's growth would be quick... but if I use the system to its fullest, I can not only keep up with him but grow past him.' Sora thought with a smile, Naruto would be around the age of 17 when he is considered the strongest shinobi. right now Naruto is 12, in 5 years Naruto would reach that level of power.

Sora didn't see himself reaching that level of power with his current growth rate, but if his eyes are truly overpowered, then once he reach kage level, he would not need to worry about keeping up with Naruto.

"Well... today we have a mission," Sora said as he jumped up, disappearing from the spot he was at. So, as that time passed. nothing huge happened the following few days, Sora forced on Naruto and Hinata, increasing their faith bit by bit.

Sora sent a clone to watch over Hinata, but she didn't pray which disappointed him, Naruto on the other hand worked hard. reading books, praying, training, and going on missions with his team.

His Path reached 86%, giving Sora more FP. along with that, Naruto prayed every day, giving Sora at least 1 FP a day. Hinata faith on the other reach reached 69%, a step away from 70%, but within a week, Sora had a total of 20 FP.

Naruto became the greatest help within this time, thanks to the necklace he gave Naruto, Sora no longer needed to be by Naruto, and Naruto could give Sora FP from a long distance away.

'system I can upgrade anything right? Can I upgrade myself, or even parts which I want to upgrade?' Sora asked calmly

{Answer... Anything can be upgraded, the host just need the amount of FP needed to upgrade. some upgrades would take more time than others, so the host should upgrade the upgrade functions to lessen the time needed. note that upgrading the upgrade functions is instant.} the system said making Sora sigh for a moment

with 10 Fp, he can upgrade the Faith Collector Functions, but for now, he didn't have so many believers that he needed to upgrade it. the statue's window could be upgraded for just 5 FP, which could allow him to see other statues' windows, but if they are too strong there was a limited amount of things he could see, since Sora knew a lot about this world, he was not going to do that.

there was the slot function which could be upgraded for 10 FP, doing so would increase the chances for better rewards, but the prince would increase by 10 times, something which Sora didn't want for now, so he was not going to do that for now,

So with nothing to save up for... Sora went on to start using the slot draws with all his points, his biggest wish right now was to get something that would make him more god-like. in a few months, he plan to disappear and wander the world and get more believers, so before that, he needed something useful, so he began the slot draws, planning on using all the points in one go...