

After identifying Sierra's body, everybody with a heavy heart returned to the house. Jennifer's mind was still racing at the speed of light. Everything was about to be settled down, Sierra was about to be finally at peace, why this happened? Nothing was making sense. Jennifer's prolonged silence was stressing out Marc, but she had no idea, it was like she was reliving all her past memories.

Jennifer stood up, and went to Sierra's room, laid down on her bed just to feel her presence once more. She kept replaying all the memories and turned to her side, that's when she noticed some papers lying on the table, Jennifer quickly grabbed them and started reading.

"dear Jenny, I hope you're the first one reading it. If not, please hand them to her.

before saying anything, I want you to know that I love you regardless of your feelings towards me.

I know how broken you were after the death of our mother, I heard you weep every night before dozing off to sleep. I saw you come out of the restroom every once in a while with red, watery eyes. I saw you lose your appetite and your shiny smile. And most painful of all, I saw you spiralling into your darkest days. But I couldn't do anything, not even reach out or comfort you because how guilty I was. Yeah that's right, I was and still am really guilty because I was the reason behind the death of our mother..."

Jennifer was confused, her world was shaking uncontrollably, she quickly sat up on the bed and continued reading.

"I made the deal with that bar manager to bring the truck and crash it into our car, I was the one who sneaked the drug packets into her purse and I was the one who made it seem like an accident.

I did that all because I hated her, I still do. I hated it when I saw her giving all her love to you, when I had been the one begging for it my entire life. I saw her giving support to you, when I was the one suffering throughout my teenage years.

Instead, I was the supporter of her when it should have been the other way around. She would cry all night, leaning on my shoulder and asking me why our father left her. She would steal money from my wallet and when I confronted her, she'd throw glass stuff towards me while screaming "you're just like your father!". She would get high on drugs and overdose, hoping to die.

I saw this all while the other kids were talking about the trending music and movies or about their crushes. I knew how to pay finances while the other kids were still exploring themselves. So tell me if I am in the wrong for hating my mother to a point that I murdered her. I am not ashamed to admit it but what I am ashamed of is sabotaging everyone into thinking that I am an angel, because I am not so I don't want anyone to think that. To me, it was a war between two sinners, pointing fingers at each other and it doesn't matter who won or who lost, what matters is that we both are at peace now.

By the time you'll read it, I won't be here. And I want to tell you to not be a passenger of this train because you'll end up at a destiny like mine or mom's, and trust me, you do not want to be like any of us. So choose your destiny wisely and pay your own cost. That's it, that's all I want you to know and I love you once again, regardless of your feelings towards me.

love, Sierra."

After reading all this, Jennifer was shook. She saw Sierra as her idol and took pride in knowing that she is her elder sister, how could she do something so horrible? and even more so, Jennifer was puzzled that if it was all her plan, then why did she pretended to go to London? and if it wasn't her plan, then why did she wrote everything down and how did she predicted her future? maybe it wasn't her plan, maybe Sierra was planning to leave these papers out after flying off for London. there was now a list of unanswered questions and Jennifer was perplexed. Nothing was making sense, silence at that moment felt so loud, that she started screaming and crying. Marc and Falene rushed to the room, she handed Marc those papers while Falene comforted her.

As Marc continued reading it, his face grew more and more concerned. Falene looked over to him and asked "what is it?"

He looked at her and passed it on, and falene was also perplexed by what was written on those papers. It was something nobody ever thought of, or even dreamt of, that Sierra could be capable of something so hideous and terrible. Both of them were now silent and were rethinking everything that happened that night.