
Do You Love Me Arch

The Kagian soldier stood frozen, faced with the frightening presence of Archer in his dragon form, stretching 10 meters in length and standing 5 meters tall.

In a sudden display of power, his chest emitted a radiant violet glow, triggering the second-in-command to shout, "Retreat! It's preparing to attack!"

Panic gripped the soldiers as they scattered in an attempt to escape.

Meanwhile, Ella swiftly drew her bow and released a barrage of piercing arrows, skillfully taking down the fleeing soldiers with lethal precision.

One of her arrows found its mark, striking a soldier's leg and causing him to collapse to the ground.

Seizing the moment, Archer released a mighty breath, engulfing a large group of Kagians in flames.

Their bodies were consumed, reduced to charred remnants and ashen bones Archer surged forward, his immense form propelling him with a thunderous impact.

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