
A Journey of a Fortunate Girl

A princess who lost her parents in childhood and lost her roya identity... Adopted by her father's secret friend and live in totally different life. But with her future , wisdom and talent making a one of highest point of country.. *Some facts were happened really in historicaly this work is fictional story..

Daoist7r3W4o · History
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40 Chs

Chapter 09- Spy

 "Neela, our lady in this room. "Woman showed a room and Neela walked to the door of the room.

"Lady Miththa, I'm Neela" Neela introduced herself while standing in front of the room and the voice of a young woman sounded saying "Come in "a pleasant way. After that Neela entered the room. Middle of the room lady Miththa was sitting on a luxurious mat gracefully. Near her, middle aged woman was looking at both of them.  She looked at Neela for a while and asked, "Have you went to Master's house?"

"Yes, my lady. I went there. I got the job too. "Neela said happily.

"Did you see that girl?"Miththa asked without an expression.

"Yes, my lady. I looked at her." Neela said and her eyes were brightened with admiration.

"How was she?"Miththa asked in a sour tone while looking at the expression of Neela disdainfully.

"She is a beautiful girl. If anyone sees her surely adore her" Neela said smilingly.

"I am not asking about whether is she beautiful or not. I want to ask is there any strange things in house or about her?"Miththa said angrily.

"So far I did not find anything. Master treat that girl very well. All family members protect her well. So it is impossible to say that girl not master's daughter." Neela said confidence.

"How about master and she? Are there similarities in both of them?" Miththa asked exhausted way.

"It is somewhat tricky… From what I saw there seem to be no similarities between master and that baby. May be I wrong too. Lady, I think I should watch more to tell facts certainly."Neela said tactfully.

 "Okay. After watch more and tell the situation. Don't worry about the price. You will get 100 silver Kahawanu end of the matter."Miththa said sleepy expression.

"Thank you, lady. I surely fulfil your task."Neela said happily.

"You can go now," Miththa said and Neela went out of the room while nodding to her. After some moment the woman in the room said," My lady, it seems there is some mystery "

"Nanny, according to what Neela said, there should be some hidden story, "Miththa said with a happy expression. The middle-aged woman was the nanny of lady Miththa. From childhood to today she was the person closest to Miththa and the most confident person in her life. So Miththa always kept her nanny in her room on any occasion.

"But my lady, there is hard to find similarities between babies with parents. So we have to find more ways to find this mystery. "The nanny said.

 "I think the only person who knows this girl's identity should be master "Miththa said sadly.

"So what? If this child is adopted child isn't it help to end this gossip? It can restore the name of the master. By this, we are doing great help to him. "Nanny said concerned manner.

"That is the problem. If that child adopted one why not he clear his name? What is there to hide? Is this child have an unspeakable identity" Miththa said worriedly.

"My lady…my lady…" a young girl ran into the room without permission. Both people looked at the girl who came into the room angrily. Looking at that girl said," Sorry my lady. For interrupting your discussion "in a scared mood.

"Okay, tell me what you have to tell. "Nanny said angry expression.

"Nanny, don't scare her. You tell me what happened to me" Miththa asked the girl.

"Lady, there is news princess is missing. Whole royal guards searching her." The girl said with a shocked expression.

"Princess? What princess? "Miththa asked.

"Princess Mahamantha. Daughter of King Subha "the girl said in disbelief.

"When was princess missing?"Miththa asked curiously.

"The night of the fight happened south door of the capital." The girl said calmly.

"It means two days ago. Is that right?" Miththa asked.

"Yes, my lady."

"Then, how old is this princess?"

"Lady, it is said princess month old"

"Month old. Okay. You can go. Also, tell me news about this to me immediately if you got it." Miththa asked with an astonishing expression.

"Yes, my lady," the girl said and went out of the room.

"Lady, what is it about?" the nanny asked.

"Nanny think about it. Isn't the master taken that girl from the capital evening of the day the new king was crowned? "Miththa asked happily.

"Yes, it is, "the nanny said confused manner.

"Isn't that girl said month old too?" Miththa asked.

"Yes…then, "the nanny said with some idea.

"Don't you think this girl maybe princess of missing? If it is all doubts now clear about behavior of the master. "Miththa said in happily and stood up from her seat instantly.

"Yes. I also think. But how could we prove it?" Nanny asked.

"Send that woman to message that watch out behavior of master after getting acknowledge of this news" Miththa said decisively.

"Okay" nanny said and left the room immediately .