1 Prologue

After all this everything they've been through, it seems that humans have decided that advancing technology for their convenience is what they were meant to do. At this point in time, we have AI machines, holographic computers, and MICs. The Mental Internet Connection. It's a pretty cool way to be connected to the internet through your mind. We have nanites, which is nanoscopic tech that can heal internally. They are usually reserved for hospitals but some people have them implanted illegally to save time and money.

Even with the advancement of technology making lives easier crime rate are as high as they ever been. But even that doesn't compare to the corruptness of the higher tech companies. In this day an age, the president is pretty much useless and the country is mainly run by the military.

The human mind is truly the scariest thing of all. Thanks to the greediness of our country, the advances in biotechnology moved on to make an advanced human race. The military did inhuman experiments to ensure that the got the perfect soldiers. Many people died as a result. Fathers, mothers, brothers, and sisters were lost to satisfy their cause. Once they completed their goal, the world belonged to America. We became the most tech advanced country and we leveled any other nation who tried to change that. America ran the world and made everyone do their bidding less their country be wiped off the map.

Sometimes, I wonder what life would be like if humans were as simple as the animals they slaughter for food. We are a race that believes itself to be the top of the food chain when we are nothing more than fragile children trying to find a purpose for our lives.

I am Xandria 3 and I found my purpose. I am going to show the military that there are some things you shouldn't play with.

There was medium sized group of us who were able to break the control of the military. We started a rebellion. We intentionally failed homicide missions. Some of us faked our death of the rougher missions so that we could move without the constant eyes of our officers on us.

The most recent mission was by far the most successful.

We were sent out to the Chinese village Yihezhuang. This was an extremely poor village filled with the elderly and a few kids. We were sent to clear the area so that they could place a military camp here to keep watch. These poor people were underpaid making $107 a year, barely enough to satisfy their needs. Their technology was also similar to those in the old days. The still use old ways of healing instead of the fast healing power of the nanites.

"Xan, It's much too late to be typing away on your MIC, doncha think?"

That's Mia, bless her, she was one of the first people that backed me up when I decided to rebel.

"It's never too late to work on our mission." I said.

Mia snorted and moved from her place in front of the door. "Right, we 'ave to go. I got a notification that our officer is coming to check on us and we need to have these people healed and moved out of here before he arrives." She stepped off of the stairs into the rain.

I checked the time on my watch. She was right, we needed to leave if we wanted to make our move on time. I pulled my hood over my head and followed her down the road.

We arrived in at the village and the smell of death permeated the air. We walked up to the elder of the village and told him what we were assigned to do.

"We were sent here to level your village and to murder your people. We don't have much time to remove you from this area before our superiors arrive. Will you allow us to help you?" The old man stared at us with hard distrust and spoke harshly.

"You tell me you were sent to kill us but you are going to defy the orders of your superiors? Why should we trust you? You are of America, the country that walks over everyone and believes they own everything. Even if we let you help us, we have sick here who cannot walk or cannot see, how will you save them?"

"That's true I informed you of this so you understand the time crunch we are on. Because we are from America we have the technology to heal your sick. We have a place for you but you must hurry in your decision."

The old man narrowed his eyes but nodded sharply. "I will show you the sick."

"Mia start loading up those that can walk and the children. I'll go and heal the others and bring them along."

I followed the man to the hut that held the sick. I reached into my bag and pulled out several small canisters. I walked up to the first elderly lady and gave her the canister. "Drink this, please." She shakily raised it to her lips and drank. Her eyes widened and I smiled. Nanites were fast working and I knew that whatever ailed her would be gone in a matter of minutes. I continued to open and give the canisters out to all of the sick. Broken legs were mended, blind eyes could see, withered lungs could breathe clean air.

I quickly escorted the newly healed to the transport. Mia had everyone settled in and ready to go.

"Are you ready to go?" I asked her as the last people entered and took their seats. "Yep, everything's ready to go." Mia went to the front and got in the pilot seat. I got off the transport and headed back toward the center of the city. I felt as the ground shook and watched as the transport took off. A strong sense of accomplishment filled me as I began to empty the camp. Mission accomplished.
