

Ahoy there, fellow adventurers! Are you tired of the same old Game of Thrones fanfiction?. Well, fear not my friends, for I have a tale that will transport you to a galaxy far, far away and drop you right at the heart of Westeros. It's a mashup of Star Wars and Game of Thrones, but better than any crossover you've ever seen. Join me on a journey through the eyes of a Jedi Padawan as he navigates the treacherous world of Game Of Thrones. Watch as he grows in strength and wisdom, shaping the fate of this fantastical land with his lightsaber and quick wit. It's like a cocktail of starships and dragons. It's epic, it's thrilling, it's everything you've ever wanted in a story.

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general p.o.v

After a decade of friendship and surviving life-threatening situations together, you'd think you'd know a guy pretty well. But as Ned Stark watched the king's contorted face, he couldn't help but wonder if he really knew his friend at all.

Eddard did not blame him; a prisoner had just held a mysterious sword to his throat. And truthfully, kings aren't exactly known for their humility. So, it's no surprise that threats don't sit well with them.

None of this bothered Ned, what was troubling the Lord of Winterfell was the fact that his friend was taking the stranger's bluff seriously despite all the facts that stared at him in the face.

He had just ordered ravens to be sent through the seven kingdoms, asking them to be on high alert of calling their banners. he had also named an unthinkable amount of gold as a reward that the crown would pay to whoever captured the two men.

Ned had tried to warn the king before he had the prisoner freed, but his overzealous desire to know the nonexistent message had landed them here. Even though Ned couldn't tell the king as much, he knew it was largely his fault.

Lord, stark blamed himself too. He was after all the warden of the north and the king's safety when he was in his territory was his responsibility

they were seated in the Winterfell great hall with the silver piece of metal placed on a table before them, having been deeply analyzed by maester Luwin and other royal officials. The hall hung with tension and millions of answered questions about the mysterious weapon

" I told you Ned, we should have killed the mad king's children in their cribs. see now, they are back to haunt me" the king spat out in fury his chest was heaving uncontrollably

"Your grace I still think that what the boy said was a lie. "He was bluffing his way out" lord stark answered finally deciding to speak his mind.

"Look at me, Ned. I don't care what the spy said. I want those children dead before they cross the sea. Both of them," King Robert countered with a burning face. Lord Stark was equally furious.

"You are to kill teenagers on account of a fabricated story, cant you see he lied all along," Ned said flaring up, this side of his friend made him see no difference from the mad king.

"That metal is not a message; it is a weapon," Eddard went on, with anger. The entire hall, filled with top officials, including the queen and Lady Caitlin Stark, fell silent as the two friends exchanged heated words.

"Besides, if that boy was a Targaryen-paid assassin, do you not think you would be dead by now? He had all the chances in the world, yet here you are," Ned finished, slamming back into his seat.

Fear could be seen on Caitlin Stark's face as she worried for her husband, who had just lectured the king.

Robert's eyes burned with fury as he suddenly stood up, banging both his hands on the table. Many of those present flinched in fear.

"Leave us," the king commanded in a slow, dangerous voice, his gaze fixed on his old friend. The room hastily emptied as knights and the king's advisers departed. Caitlin Stark gave a warning look to her husband before leaving as well.

As the tension in the room mounted, only Queen Cersei remained, twirling the glass of red wine she held in her hands. Her gaze flew between the two men in the room, "You too, woman," the king bellowed, his voice trembling with fury. unfazed by the brutal order that was shouted at her, The queen grinned evilly.

"Ooh, I thought you needed at least an audience as you two killed each other." However, she wisely chose not to provoke the king further and gracefully walked out of the room, her flowing dress rustling behind her.

Once the doors shut, Robert turned to his friend, and if anyone had been present, they would have been astonished at the king's sudden change of attitude. "Seven hells! Ned, what is the meaning of this? You can't address the king like that, much less in front of the officials," Robert said as he slumped down in his lush seat.

Even Lord Stark looked awed by the king's contained mood. "Forgive me, your grace. I must have been carried away. I don't like the idea of killing innocent people. It reminds me of Aerys Targaryen's reign," the Lord of Winterfell defended himself.

"You are right, Ned. The boy must have been bluffing. I figured as much myself. Yet, what was he doing with the crows, and why were the Crows so far from the Wall without the Lord Commander alerting anyone? Don't you think it's suspicious? You told me yourself that he could be a spy," Robert questioned.

It was a line of thinking that Lord Stark had been pursuing. He had even sent a raven to Castle Black and expected a response. Yet, whatever it was, it could in no way warrant the killing of kids simply because their father had been the previous king.

"I fail to see the connection between the Mad King's children and our current predicament," Lord Stark insisted, his gaze fixed on his friend who was already pouring himself a second glass of wine.

"You wouldn't understand, Ned. I can never rest easy as long as those children are alive. I will forever be a usurper," the king replied, a distant look in his eyes. "That prisoner today reminded me of that."

"But..." Lord Stark attempted to interject, but the monarch cut him off. "No buts, Ned. I will not hear it. Those children must go, and since you have refused to be my Hand, I shall begin my journey to the capital at dawn."

Robert polished off his glass of wine and rose from his seat, signaling for Lord Stark to do the same. "Looks like the North still needs you, old chap," he said, "and I expect to hear about that pesky spie getting caught any day now. Should be a piece of cake now that the warning's been spread around."

Lord Stark bowed to the king, relieved that his buddy wasn't using his crown to drag him down to the capital. "Thank you, your grace," he said.

But then, out of nowhere, the king let out a curse. "Gods be damned, Eddard! You've sentenced a friend to a life surrounded by Lannisters. My conscience will never forgive you."

Lord Stark's heart sank as he immediately saw the meaning behind the king, swords

. "You mean to name Jaime Lannister as the Hand of the King?" he asked, his voice trembling.

"I haven't decided yet," Robert replied, brushing off Lord Stark's concerns. "But honestly, what's the big deal? The Lannisters have already given so much to the kingdom."

Lord Stark shook his head in disbelief. "Your grace, you've already made a Lannister the queen. Isn't that enough?"

But the king wasn't having it. "Enough of the bickering, Eddard. You've already turned down my offer. Whoever I choose as Hand shouldn't concern you. I'm off to bed."

And with that, the king left Lord Stark standing there, completely flabbergasted.




from date 26/06/2o23 chapters will be uploaded daily.sorry for the inconsistency

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