

Ahoy there, fellow adventurers! Are you tired of the same old Game of Thrones fanfiction?. Well, fear not my friends, for I have a tale that will transport you to a galaxy far, far away and drop you right at the heart of Westeros. It's a mashup of Star Wars and Game of Thrones, but better than any crossover you've ever seen. Join me on a journey through the eyes of a Jedi Padawan as he navigates the treacherous world of Game Of Thrones. Watch as he grows in strength and wisdom, shaping the fate of this fantastical land with his lightsaber and quick wit. It's like a cocktail of starships and dragons. It's epic, it's thrilling, it's everything you've ever wanted in a story.

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51 Chs




[Please take a meditative position while the system initiates your access to the training venue]

It was a simple notification that greeted me on the system's training tab.

'Just like I thought ' I sighed to myself as I adopted the yoga meditative position on the rough concrete cell'. I had been wondering how I get to meet these masters for training.

honestly, though, it wasn't unexpected. After all, most Jedi connect with the force through meditation. For me, though, I wasn't naturally a force-sensitive person, at least not the way others were. my only primary source of Force power was The Force system, so naturally, I could only access The Force through it.

As I continued to meditate, I felt a strange sensation wash over me. It was as if my body was being lifted off the ground and transported through space. When I opened my eyes,

I found myself standing in the streets of Coruscant, just outside the magnificent temple.

My heart raced with excitement and anticipation. I had seen the temple dozens of times in the show, but nothing could have prepared me for the awe-inspiring sight that met my eyes.

The temple loomed before me, a towering structure of gleaming white stone that seemed to stretch up to touch the sky. Standing in its immediate vicinity, I couldn't help but feel small and insignificant in its shadow.

As I slowly approached the entrance, I noticed two Jedi temple guards standing on both sides of the entrance with their long yellow saber staffs held by their sides.

I slowly turned around with my eyes widened as I soaked in the sight of everything around me

Everything was too detailed, just as it appeared in the TV show. I found myself doubting that all this was some system simulation

"Freaking hell, is this fucking real?" I wondered out loud.

"That depends on what you mean by 'real," a voice answered from the direction of the temple entrance.

I turned to see a tall figure dressed in brown Jedi robes emerging from the temple gates. The guy looked like Benjen Stark with his raven black hair.

"kylo Ren?"I called out Lound (or should I have stayed Ben).

Except for the Jedi robes he wore, the man looked as 'Sith' as ever. I held my breath as I watched the Jedi Knight, who had once fallen to the dark side approach me. he looked real to the tiniest details, just like I knew him from Star Wars.

"Manners padawan Eron.I believe you are here to learn the Shii Cho Saber form. "You shall therefore address me as Master Ren from now on," the man said sternly as he stepped forward and offered me his hands in greeting.

As I shook Ren's hands, I couldn't help but feel the warmth emanating from him.' was this the original Kylo Ren' I wondered to myself.

"Welcome, young Padawan," Kylo said in his distinctive voice. "You've taken your first step on the path to becoming a Jedi. This way," and with that, he turned and led me past the seemingly unconcerned temple guards into the temple itself.

"Are the guards even responsive?" I asked my new instructor as I struggled to keep pace with his huge strides.

"I am afraid not," Ren answered, barely pausing. It was as if he had expected me to ask the question.

"The system only focuses on things that are important in your training.

Ah, the system. Speaking of which, I decided to ask the question that had been brooding in my head.

"Does that mean you are not real?".

This time, there was a little pause before Ren answered."as I said, That depends on how you define 'real', but if it helps you, everything within this system is a simulation of the original ones. However, that doesn't make it unreal, does it?" Ren asked, turning to look at me.

I felt dumbfounded for once."I guess so' I responded, not fully grasping how such a thing was even possible. I quickly reminded myself that if someone could literarily pluck me from my apartment to a medieval world, they could definitely play with some simulation. But it had to be a mad tech. I sighed stowing the thought away to revisit it at a more convenient time

As I trailed behind my guide through the temple, my jaw dropped at the sheer magnificence of the interior.—soaring arches, intricate carvings, and glowing holocrons lined every wall.

But it wasn't just the beauty of the place that struck me; it was the sense of peace and serenity that permeated every corner. I felt like a weight had been lifted from my shoulders as I breathed in the calm atmosphere.

After a series of twists and turns through the long hallways, Kylo Ren ushered me to a clearing that was not unfamiliar to me.

This was the temple training ground.

My eyes automatically went to the far end of the ground, and sure enough, I found what I was looking for. The ancient tree, which was imbued with the power of The Force stood majestically near the outer walls of the training ground.

"Ahem", Ren cleared his throat noisily, drawing back my attention.

"Sorry for the lack of orientation, but since you have already set your lesson mode to fast and a time of four hours, we don't have much time to waste. please hand me your lightsaber"

I reluctantly reached into my robes and handed him the saber with a heavy heart. I had come to regard the weapon as part of me, and handing it away made me feel like I was losing a limb.

Ren stared at the hilt for a moment before sighing."Aah, a double-blade saber! amazing, but that means more work to be done."Balancing weapons like double blades and saber staffs requires more work in balance." Ren said as he pressed my saber's activation button.

I noted that even though the blades emerged, they were not as vibrant as they were when I activated them myself.

He kept hold of the activation button, and I was surprised to see the blade's already weak energy begin to fade. When he was done, the blade was a faded haze that I could barely make out.

"Here, that should do it," he said as he handed the weapon back to me. Seeing the confusion on my face, Ren was forced to explain."I have powered down your lightsaber to avoid it from inflicting serious injury in the sense of practice, it will However inflicts pain should it make contact with flesh

I felt relief at Kylo's words. It was a question that I would have asked sooner. I had been wondering what would happen in case I accidentally lost my balance and fell on the energy blades.

I also noted that the blades had become bright again now that they were back in my hands.

"Alright, time to begin your training," Kylo Ren declared, stepping in front of me. "First, put away your lightsaber, we shall begin with foot and body positioning".Ren instructed

I obediently clipped my lightsaber to my belt and stood at attention, waiting for Kylo Ren's next instruction. He walked around me, scrutinizing my stance.

"Your feet should be shoulder-width apart," he said, adjusting my position. "And your weight should be evenly distributed between them."

I nodded, trying to absorb his teachings.

Shii-Cho was the most basic form of lightsaber combat, but it was also the foundation for all other forms. I knew that if I could master it, I would have a solid base for future training.

"Now, extend your left foot forward," my trainer instructed. "Good. And keep your right foot back."

I shifted my weight accordingly, feeling a slight stretch in my legs.

"Next, while you are in that position, we'll work on body positioning," he continued. "Keep your shoulders relaxed and your arms loose at your sides."

I did as he instructed, feeling a bit awkward in this new stance.

"Remember to breathe, and feel the energy within you"

As Kylo Ren continued to critique my stance, I couldn't help but feel a sense of relief; at least I was now learning something from Kylo Ren out of all the people. Who would have thought this was even possible?

Despite Ren's intimidating presence, I knew that he was one of the most skilled warriors in the galaxy, and I was honored to be receiving his guidance.

As he circled me, I focused on maintaining my balance and keeping my breathing steady.

Of course, I fell and stumbled countless times, but every time, my trainer would patiently make me repeat all the stances

I was beginning to feel frustrated, but after a few hours of Kylo's guidance, I began to be more confident in my stances. Plus, Ren's attention to detail and unwavering focus on perfection pushed me to strive for excellence, I didn't want to disappoint him, but more so, I wanted to finally have a means of saving my head.

after an hour and a half of body positioning, my Trainer called for a break and disappeared to the temple. thirty minutes later he reappeared, announcing that the break was over.

"Now that you have mastered foot and body positioning, we shall begin your blade control practice. Draw your saber".Ren instructed

I took a deep breath and reached for my lightsaber, feeling the weight of it in my hand. Kylo Ren watched me closely, his own red blade ignited and ready. I wanted to ask why his saber still glowed red, which was a Sith signature color, but he had already begun his instructions.

"Remember," he said, "Shii Cho is all about fluidity and precision. You must be able to move your blade with ease and accuracy."

I nodded, trying to focus on his words as I raised my own saber. The hum of the energy field filled the air as he began to show me saber moves.

We started with simple movements, and he began teaching me how to defend against an enemy's strikes.

I could feel the power of the system Force flowing through me as I moved, to counter Kylo's every strike,

"You are surprisingly good for a fresh padawan".Kylo's compliment was like music to me. The guy rarely does that (unless you happen to be Rey) which I wasn't), so it must mean something.

As we continued to spur, Kylo offered tips and corrections on my technique. I listened intently, determined to improve my skills

A few minutes later, Ren suddenly changed his strike speed and began to move quickly, his blade flashing through the air in a series of intricate patterns. I tried to keep up but found myself stumbling over my own feet.

"Slow down," Ren said sharply. "Clearly, you're not ready for that level of speed yet. instead of striving to match my pace, you should focus on your form."

I took a deep breath and tried again, this time moving more deliberately. I could feel the muscles in my arms straining as I tried to control the blade.

"Good," Ren said approvingly. "Now remember to feel the force inside you, it will help you become aware of your surroundings."

for the remaining time we spurred until all the moves began to feel like a ritual, I would parry all Kylo's strikes and still breath as if I hadn't done a thing. I was even surprised to suddenly hear Kylo announce that the time was over.

"You have much to learn," he said. "But you show promise. We meet in our next lesson. And remember to practice"

I felt a surge of pride at his words as I clipped my lightsaber back onto my belt.
