

Ahoy there, fellow adventurers! Are you tired of the same old Game of Thrones fanfiction?. Well, fear not my friends, for I have a tale that will transport you to a galaxy far, far away and drop you right at the heart of Westeros. It's a mashup of Star Wars and Game of Thrones, but better than any crossover you've ever seen. Join me on a journey through the eyes of a Jedi Padawan as he navigates the treacherous world of Game Of Thrones. Watch as he grows in strength and wisdom, shaping the fate of this fantastical land with his lightsaber and quick wit. It's like a cocktail of starships and dragons. It's epic, it's thrilling, it's everything you've ever wanted in a story.

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51 Chs


As I stood on the shores of the purple harbor in Braavos, my eyes were fixed on the magnificent sight before me.

Lady Tide was about to kiss the sea for the first time.

Beside me stood Captain Ternesio Terys, a seasoned Braavosi sailor with years of experience navigating treacherous waters. I had stolen him from his own ship, with a good paycheck, of course. Most of my crew had also served this man on his former ship, 'The Titan Doughter'. His presence brought me a sense of reassurance amidst the flurry of activity happening around us.

We had spent countless hours over the past few days meticulously planning and discussing every aspect of this voyage—routes, potential challenges, and everything essential to ensuring a smooth journey.

Today would mark a significant milestone as passengers boarded Lady Tide, ready to embark on an adventure that would end in Yunkai.

The harbor was transformed into a bustling hive of activity as people from all walks of life boarded. Some were just there to bid farewell to family or simply have a glimpse of this piece of maritime magic.

For me, it was a mixture of excitement and tension.

I had expected that the exorbitant ticket prices would deter all but the wealthiest individuals. However, as I observed the flurry of activity around me, it became clear that my assumptions had been shattered.

The news of the LadyTide's maiden voyage to Yunkai had spread through high and low society circles. Rumors of its luxurious amenities and unparalleled service had piqued the interest of those who craved indulgence and exclusivity. And so, within just a few days of announcing the voyage, every available cabin had been snapped up by eager passengers.

The VIP passengers included Tyco Nestoris, a renowned representative of the Iron Bank of Braavos. Of course, the lenders had to see the probability of the significant loan they had lent me being repaid. The sealord of Braavos Ferrego Antaryo, and some of his family members were already on board; the magisters and keyholders had also boarded. The ship would also be stopping in Pentos and the other free cities to collect the passengers.

Its maiden voyage just so happened to coincide with a negotiation the free cities led by Braavos had initiated with the wise masters of Yunkai on abolishing slavery.

I was not so much into the specifics of it, as I had specifically chosen to stay out of any political entanglement. My duty was to get my sailors safely to their destination; what they did once they were there was not my business. Nonetheless, if you were to ask me, I knew what they were embarking on was a futile waste of time and resources.

Well, I needed the resources, but you know what I mean. Asking Yunkai to vanquish slavery was similar to asking them to commit suicide. Slavery was their main economic activity. especially the regular supply of well-trained bed slaves. and if you asked most men with the gold to spend, they would prefer it that way.

But why should I bother? Both the money and time were theirs to spend at their pleasure. I shifted my mind back to the ship.

What made the Ladytide even more lively was the fact that I had invited several courtesans on this voyage.

Yes, that was one aspect of Braavos that I had come to love and cherish. Well, I know that it was impossible to find a man in any of the free cities who did not drool over the Braavosi courtesans, but still, far from just being expensive prostitutes, I had come to see the other side of these mouthwatering celebrity beauties.

They focused on developing themselves not only physically but also by learning and equipping themselves with knowledge on various matters.

Some of these ladies were more informed compared to some idiot magisters.

The highlight of this courtisan would definitely be the famous Bellegere Othyris, daughter of Bellonara, the current Black Pearl, and Nightingale.

To say these women were beautiful was to be disrespectful. Beautiful was for mortals, and to me, I particularly felt that Lady Othyris was indeed a goddess in a mortal world.

I had told her as much on several occasions after we became acquainted.

I will never forget the first night I laid eyes on her. She had come to the moon pool with her retinue of servants.

The moon pool was a place I frequented when I wanted to calm my thoughts, not only to see the beauties but also the idiot Braavosi swordsmen who dueled each other to death in the name of their favorite courtesans.

I had quickly come to learn that this pastime was quite a dangerous one.

If these men happen to walk by anyone carrying a sword by night, especially in the moon pool, you are basically asking for a challenge.

The night I met Lady Othyris, four young men had already killed each other in her name. The fifth man challenged me on seeing the hilt of my disguised lightsaber, and I was forced to use forceful persuasion on the poor lad. Otherwise, I might have had to murder him. Yes, with the kind of skill and weaponry I had,the Braavosi water dance powerful as it was, was simply no match, and that duel would be nothing but cold-blooded murder.

As the moonlight cascaded over the still waters of the pool and the water dancer went to find another victim, I caught my first glimpse of the cause of the fight. It was as if time itself had frozen, for in that moment, all other sights and sounds faded into insignificance.

Her ethereal beauty was beyond compare, a delicate blend of grace and mystery. Her long, flowing black hair shimmered like moonbeams themselves, cascading down her slender frame. Each strand seemed to possess a life of its own, dancing in harmony with the gentle breeze that whispered through the night.

Her eyes were like twin pools of liquid sapphire, reflecting the depths of her soul. They held a wisdom far beyond her years, yet there was also an innocence that tugged at my heartstrings.

And oh, the sight of the beautifully molded, full breasts adorning her chest!

I could now see the reason why the young men were willing to die for her.

Later, because of my work as a highly-skilled healer, we ran into each other quite often, and we soon developed a genuine friendship.

On my part, I couldn't help wondering if she had laid with any man yet, but my modesty had thus far withheld me from asking.

Besides, I knew better than to commit my emotions to a woman's bond to attract so much attention. It always ended in heartbreak, and in Braavos, heartbreaks often ended in death.

We still flirted easily whenever we came across each other. To a stranger, it would look like a serious affair, but to us, there was some kind of unspoken consensus. a boundary that always defined how far we went.

I noticed that inside, I was already looking forward to seeing her. There were four other courtesans who were also beautiful; of course, it was unlikely to find one that wasn't. All in all,the voyage would be a feast for the men's eyes and a nightmare for the women who had accompanied their spouses as well as those waiting at home. And for those lucky enough to win a chance to bed one,it would be a voyage that would never leave their minds.