

Ahoy there, fellow adventurers! Are you tired of the same old Game of Thrones fanfiction?. Well, fear not my friends, for I have a tale that will transport you to a galaxy far, far away and drop you right at the heart of Westeros. It's a mashup of Star Wars and Game of Thrones, but better than any crossover you've ever seen. Join me on a journey through the eyes of a Jedi Padawan as he navigates the treacherous world of Game Of Thrones. Watch as he grows in strength and wisdom, shaping the fate of this fantastical land with his lightsaber and quick wit. It's like a cocktail of starships and dragons. It's epic, it's thrilling, it's everything you've ever wanted in a story.

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As Han Solo and I approached Jabba's palace, my palms were sweating with tension. The Millennium Falcon had brought us across the sprawling wastelands of Tatooine almost in no time. Saying the ship was fast would be an understatement.

Chewbacca had been instructed to remain and take charge of the ship while Solo, and I proceeded to meet the Hutt.

I had faced my fair share of danger in Westeros, but this was a whole new level of it.

I had hidden my saber so that my deal with Jabba wouldn't be hindered. The Hutt crime boss harbored a deep-seated distrust for Jedi or Sith alike, and I did not want to give him a reason to murder me.

All my trust now lay in the Starfinder that I had taken from the Jedi Temple and, of course, in Jabba's greed.

As we crossed the sandy ground, I felt the heat radiating through my boots. The air was thick with anticipation, and a sense of foreboding hung in every gust of wind.

The steel structure of Jabba's palace loomed in front of us like a fortress from another world.

'God, who lives in a steel castle in the desert?' Well, the answer is damn right simple::only Jabba.

I followed Han Solo through the entrance, my eyes scanning the numerous pig-like creatures that were guarding the gate. the Gamourian guards.

With all of Jabba's power, it surprised me why he would even employ these useless creatures.

Seriously, they were wielding axes in a world where people used Blasters and lightsabers? Even as amateur as I was, I could still cut through them effortlessly. No wonder Darth Vader was able to kill so many and even force-choke Jabba.

For creatures that spent all their lives training for battle, Gamourians were simply useless.

One of them reached to block my way, but Han Solo simply shoved the guard aside.

"He is with me."

The green guard looked like he was about to swing his axe on both of us, but the sight of Solo's right hand on his blaster made the threat clear. The creature stepped back.

'Not that foolish, I guess'.

Solo led me through the dimly lit corridors of Jabba's palace as my heart raced with trepidation. My nose picked up the now familiar scent of alien species, and the distant sounds of laughter and music echoed through the halls.

As we approached the grand entrance to Jabba's throne room, my steps faltered for a moment. The doors loomed before me like a gateway to hell.

I took a deep breath, reminding myself that this was my chance to accomplish the quest and begin my training in powerful force abilities. Well, and at least return to Westeros. A lot of my plans were stalling with every minute I spent here, not to mention that my body was quite vulnerable.

With a nod from Han Solo, the doors swung open, revealing a scene straight out of my wildest dreams—or perhaps nightmares.

My eyes widened as I took in the opulence and chaos that filled the room.

Jabba himself sat upon his grotesque throne, his massive form oozing with a repulsive aura that seemed to permeate the air.

I couldn't tear my gaze away from the sight of his slimy, slug-like body, adorned with gaudy jewelry that only accentuated his grotesqueness.

The room, just like the cantina in Mos Eisley, was full of alien voices, laughter, and the clinking of glasses as if the entire galaxy had converged in this one nightmarish space. It was a surreal sight, a twisted carnival of debauchery and excess.

My blood raced with dread, unsure of what awaited me in this den of iniquity.

I glanced at Han, who wore a confident smirk on his face as he led me toward Jabba. It was clear that he had done this before—barging into the palace uninvited—but I couldn't help feeling a pang of anxiety deep within me.

Jabba's bulbous eyes narrowed as he noticed our approach. His frog-like lips broke into chants of the Huttesse language, and his hand gestures showed that he was furious. I expected the droid next to him to interpret, but it seemed Han Solo understood the language.

He stood tall and confident before Jabba, unfazed by the intimidating presence of both the Hutt and his guards. He shot a glance at me before addressing Jabba with casual nonchalance.

"Relax, Jabba; my friend here has something that might interest you."

"Huuuh!" The Hutt's eyes bulged even further as his hand signaled for the music to stop. He began to stroke his chin as he broke into the Huttese chant while pointing at me. This time, his droid did speak.

"The almighty Jabba wants to know where you come from."

The hell he does, I said to myself. I could see that even Han was curious like he had just remembered that I had not revealed my identity to him.

On my side, my mind was sampling the hundreds of Star Wars worlds across the galaxy. I wanted to come up with one that would not only convince them that I was a smuggler but also make them afraid of me. There was only one such planet.

"I come from planet Dathomir," I declared proudly. I could hear the collective intake of breath as most people in the room recoiled in shock. Even Solo seemed surprised.

Dathomir was a place associated with eldrich magic that was mainly practiced by the night sisters. I had picked this planet simply because of this fact; perhaps it would scare Jabba and make the negotiation process easy.

Jabba, however, didn't seem to give a damn. He began blubbering again, and his droid interpreted.

"The all-powerful Jabba notes that you don't resemble a Zabrak, but he says it's not of importance; he wishes to know what brought you to his palace."

Perfect. That means he is eager to do business, and so am I. I reached into my pockets and retrieved the Starfinder. I held it high for the Hutt to see.

"This is The original Starfinder...

But the fat frame of Jabba had already stood up and begun descending the elevated throne in excitement. I did not know how to react. I knew that Jabba had a soft spot for artifacts, but I did not know that the crime boss would be this excited.

I looked at Solo in fear of the approaching crime boss. He stepped closer to me and whispered, "Remember, sell it high."

I did not know what to say to Solo. I intended to exchange this artifact for the Holocron that Jabba had recently bought. The moment I had the Holocron and the Starfinder in my hands, the system would allow me to fade from this world as the quest would already be fulfilled.

Part of me, however, felt quite bad for Han Solo. If I tricked Jabba and stole what he considered to be his, He would be the one to pay, as he was the one who had lent me to Jabba's palace.

The man had been good to me so far, and the thought of leaving him in such a situation made me reconsider my plans, which now meant I had to come up with a new course of action.

Jabba had now reached where we stood, and his green hands were extended as if he wanted me to give him the Starfinder.





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