

Ahoy there, fellow adventurers! Are you tired of the same old Game of Thrones fanfiction?. Well, fear not my friends, for I have a tale that will transport you to a galaxy far, far away and drop you right at the heart of Westeros. It's a mashup of Star Wars and Game of Thrones, but better than any crossover you've ever seen. Join me on a journey through the eyes of a Jedi Padawan as he navigates the treacherous world of Game Of Thrones. Watch as he grows in strength and wisdom, shaping the fate of this fantastical land with his lightsaber and quick wit. It's like a cocktail of starships and dragons. It's epic, it's thrilling, it's everything you've ever wanted in a story.

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The moment the door shut safely behind us, Daenerys rushed and took my hands like a panicked child. All the resolve and composure that I had witnessed earlier had seemingly evaporated into the air. Now, only fear shone in her violet eyes.

"By the gods, what is happening to me?" she exclaimed, her eyes meeting mine as if she could see right through to my heart for the answer to her questions. Through our connection, I could feel that she was truly overwhelmed.

I felt a deep admiration for her. The level of composure she had shown, even after undergoing such a life-changing experience, was nothing short of admirable for someone so young.

"I keep getting... I... things keep getting... weird," she stuttered as she began. "One time I was normal, and then... then the next, I was doing things... I now can do magic... I now can read people's thoughts... I can feel almost everyone's intentions toward me... and... and that is not even all of it... one time I'm standing in one place, the next I am miles away... not to mention, a few hours ago, I put a huge imaginary wall around your ship to prevent it from moving," she paused and squeezed my hands, her clear eyes still boring into mine.

She was standing so close... so close that I could hear her breath... so close that I could feel her breath... staring down at those confused eyes, I felt a strange warmth in my stomach... a warmth that I would not acknowledge, a warmth that I would not allow to grow into thoughts. No, not while Daenerys stood inches away and could certainly read any thoughts I formed.

Besides, her behavior was probably due to her confusion... and I was not about to take advantage of her in that state.

"Listen, Danny..." Damn! I caught myself too late. Her eyes rose questioningly. I was so used to referring to her that way based on the show, something I would have to work on. "Sorry... what I meant to say is... the things you are able to do have nothing to do with magic... it's... it's something that is just inside you." Fuck! This was proving to be far harder than I thought. How do you explain The Force to a person not familiar with it without making them believe all the more it was damn magic?

I mean, it might be a way of life, to both the Jedi and the Sith, but to a normal person, when you cannot logically explain what you just did or teach it to someone, that sounded pretty darn like magic. I decided to do the best I could.

"What I mean is... the punishments you had gone through... I think... I think you were almost dead," I didn't fancy telling her what I really thought, but then she just did it for herself.

"You mean I was dead?" Daenerys exclaimed, her eyes not leaving mine. Damn... I would never learn to expect her reading the words right out of my fucking head.

"I just can't seem to help it... it just happens automatically when you are close," she clarified, seeing my strained face.

"Never mind," I reassured her. It was obvious that she too was not comfortable with intruding into someone's thoughts, especially when you happened to be constantly a part of those thoughts.

"I don't know for certain if you were completely dead, but I had to share my life force with you to restore you to life. That is how I think you are able to do those things."

"Because you can do them too," Daenerys finished, looking astounded. The so-called answers that I was offering her did not appear to do anything to shed light on her predicament.

She let go of my hands and began to pace around the cabin.

"Does that mean you are the magician?" she suddenly asked as she continued to pace restlessly.

"I told you it's not magic... it's something that can be taught if someone is Force-sensitive," I countered, feeling tired of having to explain how the Force worked to someone so clueless.

"I know... but even magic can be taught," she went on. "But... why?" She suddenly stopped right in front of me, except this time she did not take my hands, and her eyes did not look so inviting anymore. It was amazing how this woman could transform in a split second.

"Why what?" I feigned ignorance even though both of us knew what she was asking.

"Why risk sharing your life force with me? Why bring me back, Eron?"

'Yes!... why... why had I brought her back... I knew the answer... but trouble was that I myself thought the answer was just an excuse I had given myself so as to be near the Targaryen princess.

"Was it for the dragons... did you bring me back just to use me to hatch them for you?" She was now trembling, and I could clearly see tears dancing in her eyes. Somehow, the way she said it broke me... it made me feel as if... well, I don't know how the hell it made me feel... but that previous warmth I had experienced in my stomach had suddenly gone cold when I heard the disdain in her voice. It was like someone had poured gallons of ice over the fire.

"Danny..." I tried to reach for her hand, but she withdrew. Her body language was now clearly hostile, and the look she now gave me was similar to the one she gave the good masters.

Daenerys hated me.

"You... you are no different from them," she spat vaguely, but we both knew who she was referring to.

She paused for a while as if trying to fight what she was about to say, but when she spoke, all the fear and uncertainty that had clouded her voice were now gone, and back was the Mother of Dragons that I was familiar with.

"You know, for a long time, men have used me," she began, her eyes coldly fixed on me, her chest thrown out, her lips curved in that way only she could do.

"For long, I did everything I was asked to do, I even thought it was my place to do their bidding. Do you even know how many times the good masters raped me after my own brother sold me?" she asked as she began to tremble once more, except this time it was with anger.

"I will tell you... too many to count... I lay with anyone who pleased them as payment... and when I displeased them, they raped me as punishment... to them, I was a commodity, just like I am to you," I opened my lips wanting to interrupt, but she swept my attempts aside with a wave.

"Just save both of us the trouble... you know I can see through every thought that forms in your mind... and even if I did not... you think I can't see how you men keep staring at me?" I was flabbergasted to say the least... my mouth opened in protest, but no words would come... so I shut the damn thing back, but then it opened right up as Daenerys did something I had not seen coming.

With a smooth move, she unlaced her dress and it came crashing to the floor.

I tried to stare away... I wanted to, but I could not as those pebble-like nipples pointed straight at me.

She stepped out of the gown and began to take slow steps towards me.

By the fucking gods, what the hell was happening?