

Ahoy there, fellow adventurers! Are you tired of the same old Game of Thrones fanfiction?. Well, fear not my friends, for I have a tale that will transport you to a galaxy far, far away and drop you right at the heart of Westeros. It's a mashup of Star Wars and Game of Thrones, but better than any crossover you've ever seen. Join me on a journey through the eyes of a Jedi Padawan as he navigates the treacherous world of Game Of Thrones. Watch as he grows in strength and wisdom, shaping the fate of this fantastical land with his lightsaber and quick wit. It's like a cocktail of starships and dragons. It's epic, it's thrilling, it's everything you've ever wanted in a story.

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51 Chs


power stones pretty please, I am starving


King Robert held the polished silver metal like it was his crown. His eyes were shining with mirth.

"Bloody hell, I knew you were hiding something!" the monarch exclaimed as he ran his hands through the intricate patterns on the shining hilt.

I felt my heart racing with tension as I waited to see if my plan worked.

The Kyber crystal that powered the lightsaber was in training mode, meaning it wouldn't glow unless it was restored to full power. And, well, I had forgotten to do that.

This was the mistake I was counting on.

You see, back in the Jedi Temple, Kylo Ren had powered down my lightsaber. And in my haste, I had failed to restore it to its full power.

This meant that even if the saber was being wielded by a force-sensitive being, its blade would be very pale and harmless. but if it was in the hands of a person who was not attuned to The Force, it would be a piece of useless metal even if they activated the blades.

In all manner and appearance, the lightsaber could pass as a mere piece of metal, albeit a strange one.

However, I knew what it looked like to the king, though, with his level of paranoia, the structure of the double-bladed saber would certainly appear to be some kind of secure storage for a scroll or a letter, which was what I was counting on.

After a minute of fumbling with the saber with no result, the king's fury began to creep back.

"Someone break this thing!".He bellowed his face glowing redder than a tomato

I suddenly felt my heart do some flip-flopping as I watched one of the soldiers wielding a battle axe step forward. Hell no, there was no way they were breaking my saber.

"ooh! I wouldn't do that if I were you." I said, trying to sound unconcerned, "You see, if you destroy the casing, you destroy the message."

It took a while, but Robert suddenly grasped the gravity of what I was telling him. "Wait!" he yelled to the man who had been preparing to pound the saber.

Lucky chap! Even if he succeeded in breaking the saber, the rebound effect from the kyber crystal would have probably killed him on the spot.

The king was now joined by Lord Stark and other officials, who were all examining the strange metal.

I decided to take advantage of their momentary uncertainty. "I could open it for you, you know". I continued in my carefree tone.

All eyes turned to face me, doubt and skepticism etched on their faces, but it was Lord Stark who voiced their suspicions.

"Why the change of heart? You killed two men of the Nightwatch just to protect it, and now you are willing to open it."The lord of Winterfell queried. I could see the king begin to see the logic, and that is one hell of a thing I wasn't about to let happen.

Sincerely, the man had a point. I had to stop him from talking before he exposed more holes in my story. This was a game between two madmen, the king and I; if a third reasonable person interfered, it was game over, especially if that man was Eddard Stark.

I laughed meekly, trying to throw them off.

"I killed your men for attacking me, not to protect the message," I corrected the lord of Winterfell before ignoring him and turning to the king. "But since I know you will kill me anyway, I don't see why I shouldn't let you see the message; it would give me great pleasure if you knew what was coming for you."

Those words were the last attack on the king's already waning patience. He quickly looked around him, and perhaps the sight of many soldiers armed and willing to kill for him was reassuring. In any case, he couldn't see anything to fear from an unarmed prisoner.

"Unchain him." The order was given in a low, resolute voice, and nobody dared to object.

Pyter Bailish looked like a choking man. I knew he wanted to do his 'advice' thing, but the king had gone back to no-argument mode.

As the chains were being taken from my hand, I tried hard to suppress the tension that was slowly coming to a crescendo. We had finally come to the climax of my plan.

I slowly got to my feet. It was then that I noticed that all the soldiers had their weapons at the ready.

Man, as dangerous as it was, I felt pride knowing that I commanded such an amount of caution. Poor guys; all their caution would not stop me, though. This was it.

The king had already grown tired of waiting. His deep desire to know what message I had been planning to send the 'queen" had overridden his sense of caution. He hastily stepped forward and proffered the saber.

Nothing could have prepared him for what happened next.

Just as my right had secured the saber, my left hand struck out with a lightning reflex and grabbed the king by the color

Now,Robert Baratheon is not a man of weak form, but then neither am I. Plus, I had two advantages on my side. one, I was a head taller than him, and the most important one was the surprise, of course.

Before anyone could even react, the lightsaber was gleaming menacingly on the monarch's neck.

My fingers were strongly pressed on the single-blade activation button. and gradually I began to feel the blade's power returning. This was no longer in training mode. it was now one of the world's most dangerous weapons.

The king was the first to notice this, seeing as he was the closest and the main victim of the weapon. The blue energy blades now hummed with power. Everyone recoiled in shock. The sudden turn of events induced fear, but even worse for most of them was the sight of a sword made of pure light on their king's throat.

I couldn't help but smirk as I delivered my ultimatum: "Drop your weapons, or your king dies." It was a witty move if I do say so myself.

The soldiers hesitated, unsure of what to do next. But I knew they wouldn't risk their king's life. And just like that, the tables had turned.

Lord Stark was the first to act, after all, he was the lord of Winterfell and the warden of the north. That meant that the king's safety when he was in his region was his responsibility.

"Put down your weapons," Eddard ordered while dropping Ice, which he had purposely brought to cut off our heads. Haha! "It's a funny turn," I say.

Throughout the ranks of the soldiers present, a clutter of metal dropping on the ground rang as they dropped swords and spears.

The ten men of the king's guard were the last ones to unwillingly drop their weapons.

I wasn't a fool, though. I knew that the members of the king's guard rarely carried one weapon. They had to have others concealed.

in a speedy move, I brought the saber across the kings leather chest guard tearing it wide apart just by touching it

Robert screamed in terror but my chokehold was irresistible

"Ser Barrister, tell your fellow knight that I won't repeat myself," I warned, indicating the dagger concealed in the general's gauntlet.

The king's screams had startled all of them into confusion.

"Commander, do as he says " Lord Stark roared authoritatively.

Ser barristan unsheathed the blade and dropped it. the rest of the king's guard followed suit.

"now have those weapons piled together over there," I said pointing to a distance of close to 50 meters.

after a while, there was no weapon close to any man. including lord starks children.

"Aah!" I exclaimed "I almost forgot, you too imp, lose that dagger" I yelled to the dwarf who had disappeared behind his brother.

Tyrion emerged, looking crestfallen

"Honestly I can't even...."

"lose it", I said cutting him off, honestly, what was it with this guy and speeches? Did he mean he wanted to talk me into accepting decapitation?


