
A Husband For The NANNY

“Congratulations, you have been hired as the personal assistant…” “Really!” Grace exclaimed even before Jace Brandon, the CEO of Brandon Corporations could finish his statement. The growing sparkle in Grace’s eyes did not escape the keen sight of Jace. “To my son,” he completed. “Yes, I’m very much delighted to take up the position of the personal assistant to … your what?!” Grace’s eyes almost popped out of their socket as she completed “son?” listlessly. “You heard me right,” Jace replied coldly as he stared at Grace. “Is that not the same as being employed as your child’s nanny?” Grace asked doubtfully. “If you want to put it that way, yes.” Jace replied nonchalantly. “In other words…” Grace began. “You are officially my son’s nanny, if you accept the offer,” Jace Brandon completed. “If there is nothing else, this interview is officially over.” ********* Grace Fowler, who had always dreamt of becoming a top designer in the biggest designing firm in the country was blacklisted for exposing sensitive company information due to a set up by the ones she trusted the most— her boyfriend and her kid sister. Shattered and battered, she set out for greener pastures in an unknown land and ended up being hired as a nanny to the son of Jace Brandon, the wealthiest billionaire in San Francisco. But the scariest thing was when her job description was gradually amended to not only taking care of the five year old autistic son of the CEO but the widowed CEO himself. What does the future hold for her when suddenly, everything around her begins to change and her past comes calling again with the sudden appearance of her boss’s late wife. Will Grace be able to let go of her past and embrace the joy of fighting for the heart of the man her heart yearns for, or settle for happiness in the arms of Trent, her boss’s cousin, who literally adores the ground Grace walks on?

Beautifiedg1 · Urban
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194 Chs

Observing Simple Table Manner

"No buts. From now on, you eat wherever he wants you to eat. And if he says it's on the same dining table, so be it. No arguments. Do I make myself clear?"

"Y..yes, Sir." Grace said and obediently wheeled herself towards the huge table that was the size of a banquet table. She carefully lifted herself from the wheelchair and settled on one of the chairs arranged neatly around the huge table.

Jace glanced at his son but instead of being happy, the person that everything was being done for was busy giving him an angry glare.

'Really?' Jace couldn't help but feel helpless. He understood that his son was mad at him for the tone he had used with his nanny.

"Mrs Bertrand, please serve the meal," he ordered the cook.

"Yes, Mr Brandon."

The aroma of the food filled the entire dining room and Grace, who had completely forgotten about food, was suddenly reminded that she only had breakfast the entire day.

She could barely wait to dig in but had to maintain her image so she waited quietly for the man of the house to set the pace, but before everyone could start eating, there was a flurry of activities at the door and Grace heard a helpless sigh escape Jace's mouth.

Beside her, Grace also saw what appeared like a ghost of a smile on Charles's face.

Her gaze alternated between the father and son. What was going on in this family? It's like whatever makes the father sad brings the son happiness and vice versa.

'But first things first, who could cause such a huge stir in the house?' she thought and got her answer almost immediately as the door to the dining room swung open, and an extremely handsome Caden sauntered into the room with the effortless grace of a man accustomed to attention.

Grace instantly recognized him as Charles's uncle, whom she had met at Brandon Corps on the day of her interview- she would never forget those attractive hazel eyes of his.

"Can you be any less dramatic whenever you barge into my house?"

"How could you say that, brother?" Caden asked, feigning innocence. "I don't do these things myself. It's just that I'm too irresistible, so I cause a stir wherever I go. I'm sorry if your staff are not exempted, I just can't help it," Caden apologized in a tone that was far from apologetic.

It was obvious he enjoyed the attention he was getting.

"Hey Pumpkin, you look so happy today. What's the reason?" he asked as he ruffled Charles's hair.

He pulled a chair and before he could settle down in it, his eyes widened in surprise as they landed on Grace, a hint of confusion flickering across his handsome features.

"Who's this, Jace?" Caden asked, his gaze darting between his brother and the unfamiliar woman seated at the table.

But then, as if a switch had been flipped, recognition dawned on his face, and his expression softened into one of genuine warmth and admiration.

"I remember you… My nephew's Savior," he said, his voice tinged with respect.

But he was also taken aback when he realized that she was seated on the same table with his elder brother and knew without a doubt who was responsible for her presence there.

His brother only ate with close family members and would never allow anyone close to his son considering his condition, but he was already making a concession in less than a day of her arriving at the house.

"Hey beautiful, I heard you saved my nephew yet again. Are you some kind of superhero?"

Grace's cheeks flushed with modesty at the reminder of her past heroics. "I only happened to be around when I was needed," she replied softly, her eyes shining with gratitude for Caden's acknowledgment.

Jace felt a pang of unease as he watched his brother's interactions with Grace, knowing all too well the effect Caden's charm could have on those around him, especially women.

"Ms Grace Fowler," he corrected sternly.

"Yeah, Ms Fowler. But come to think of it, Grace. Don't you think your destiny is intertwined with my nephew's? Caden asked and his charming eyes twinkled with a mischievous light.

"You have saved him twice and if not for the circumstances surrounding each incident I would have thought you orchestrated it, but of course, they were just coincidences, right?"

"Huh?" Grace was rendered speechless by the implication of that question and almost choked on the drumstick she was chewing.

"Can you keep quiet and observe simple table manners, for once? Be careful not to be a bad influence on my son," Jace warned.

He was somehow not comfortable with the level of familiarity his younger brother was displaying with his son's nanny whom he was sure he had only met twice like him and Charles, but here he was talking with her as if they'd known each other for years.

Meanwhile, as the person that hired her, he had not been that free with her and his brother was already striking conversations with her as if she was his date.

'Grace?' He repeated under his breath. 'He's already on a first name basis with her?' he scoffed.

'And the damn girl was doing nothing to tell him off but rather seemed to be enjoying the conversations, wait till he shows you his other side.'

After taking some bites from his sizzling bowl of macaroni and cheese, Caden completely forgot about his brother's rebuke and continued to engage Grace in more conversation.

It didn't take long for his easy charm and genuine simplicity to put Grace at ease in a way that few others could and the tension in the room seemed to dissipate as they interacted.

Jace watched their interaction with interest and saw that even Charles seemed to be enjoying his meal for once without complaints. He also noted that Grace, surprisingly, had not neglected Charles for a moment as she didn't fail to tend to him from time to time.

'Well,' he thought with a wry smirk, 'I suppose I'll just have to let her find out for herself.'


I want to express my most sincere gratitude for all your votes towards the story. Thanks so so very much and God Bless You.

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