
A Hunter In GOT

A man that worked a 9/5 deadbeat job, finds himself to be killed in a vending machine accident and is reborn as a man that must hunt to survive in the barren wilderness of the north.

MrEuripedes · Book&Literature
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25 Chs

Arrival To The Village

Connin POV:


The journey was long but we have finally reached the village, or should I call it a fully functioning town now.

" I thought you said it was a large village." Ludwin spoke with a confused voice, " There's a checkpoint for crying out loud."

" Must of changed since I was here."

Indeed the place did make quite a few renovations but I didn't realise why their were so many guards in the place. Their were atleast five carriages ahead of us full of goods that had to be checked. This caused me to release a loud sigh.

" What's up, we have bad news?" Ludwin questioned from the back of the carriage while scraping the blade on his pole hammer.

" Aye, a long bloody wait. If they question you for your weapons." I paused thinking of something, " Say your a mercenary that I hired to protect me and train up a kid." I nodded to myself as that would be a good reasoning.

Looking back I saw Ludwin nod as he proceeded to bring out a book that was written in a strange language, " What language is that written in?"

" Latin." The man said bluntly

The language he called latin brought confusion upon me, as in all my years of trading and learning up on stuff I never heard of the language called Latin.

Ludwin suddenly spoke up again, " I mean Valyrian. It is Valyrian according to the book keeper."

My mind was shocked, " You can read Valyrian? That must mean you can speak it."

" Indeed I can speak and read it, aswell as write in it." He proceeded to flip to the next page.

" What are you reading?" I asked intrigued in the book that had him so interested.

" History of Westeros: A Valyrians Point of View." He spoke as if that was a common book to find.

" They should all be burned by now." I spoke with a shocked expression, " How'd you find it?"

"Some small shop in Essos. " He flipped onto another page muttering in a language that I couldn't understand. It wasn't valyrian or the old tongue, Not even dothraki. He was speaking a whole different language.

This brought a sense of revelation onto me, excitement washed all over me. The thought of learning a rare dialect intrigued me to the end of the worlds. However that would have to wait as we were the next to enter the town.

" Name? Reason and Do you live here?" the guard that approached asked

" The names Connin, the fella back there is Ludwin. We're here to drop off trade goods." I took a deep breath, " And yes I live here."

The guard stared at me before staring at the other guards, " Do you mind getting off the carriage and allow us to inspect the goods."

"Of course I see no reason not too." Saying that I jumped off the carriage and so did Ludwin grabbing his helmet and putting it on and placing the pole hammer over his shoulder.

The man made the guards look small compared next to him, they were a whole head smaller. The guards didn't even dare ask him questions and continued the inspection.

" What's in the barrels?" One of the guards questioned.

" Beer and apples." I simply responded

The guards jumped off the carriage before walking over to me and gave me the all clear to keep going into the town.

Hopping on the carriage, Ludwin entered the back and we continued our journey into the town main road.

It was filled with shops and market stalls, although most were empty as of right now due to it being late in the day.

"This God of yours, does he have a name?" I stared at him intrigued

" Indeed, however he has a plethora of them." He answered the question staring down at his helmet, " He is mainly known as The Father, The Almighty Or The Holy Trinity."

Hearing him I couldn't help but be further interested, " This God, What does he do? Is his divinity like thunder?"

"He is The Almighty, he is everything. He sees all, he does all." The man gave a prompt answer.

" Tell me, why did you want to come here?" I spoke to him keeping a eye on the road, " I know you said to train the kid and for work. But what are you really here for?"

" My Lord, The creator of worlds. He has guided me here to train and be apart of his avatars inner circle." The man spoke with utmost devotion, " I follow the lords words, as if it was law. Maybe you should too."

" I am alright, don't want to get wrapped in this religious stuff." I waved my hand, " Unless he can guarantee an increase to the amount of trade I can get."

" Do not get greedy, Connin." Ludwin spoke in a rough voice, " For that is a sin, be happy with what you receive and treat others with kindness and he may reward you."

Hearing him I couldn't help but nod. Greed blinds people, and blindness leads to further debauchery.

" Do you want me to take you to the kid now?"

" It would make me happy if you did."His voice now muffled due to the helmet he had on his head, "For my devotion to God can be used to nurture his avatar to his full strength."

Although this man's god seems different, he seems to care for his subjects if what Ludwin has been saying is true. Guiding them on the path of peace and tranquility .

As the horses stepping on the gravel track, we were nearing the home of Jakob, It looked odd compared to all the built up homes although the wildlife still bustled in this area that could only be hunted in certain seasons according to Jakob as it would allow the population to grow.

" We're getting closer, get ready to hop off." I shouted to the back of the carriage


Ludwins POV:


As I heard Connin I couldn't help but be excited and eager. Fiddling with my pole hammer, the carriage came to a sudden halt.

Seeing this I jumped out the back, " Jakob! The weapon trainer is here, His names Ludwin Van Hohen." Connin shouted out disclosing my full name.

As I moved to the side I saw three men, two of them were atleast six feet, with the third being taller than me by one inch.

"It is good to see the man that shall train my son." The man pointed to the giant of a man next to him, "This here is my son, Aleksi."

"By Christ, what have you been feeding the lad!" I spoke in shock, " He may be blessed by God, but even then this is too much."

The lad suddenly turned to his father muttering a few words before turning back to me, " May we have a private chat, Ludwin?" The boy spoke with a calm smile that adorned his face.

"Indeed we may have a chat." I nodded at his request unsure of what he wanted.

The boy proceeded to gesture for me to come with him to which I followed, entering the cabin. He turned towards me, "Your not meant to be here?" He muttered with a serious face speaking in perfect Bavarian, " Which era are you from?"

Kneeling before him my face widened in shock at his accent in Bavarian. It was perfect there were no mistakes what so ever, " The 14th century my lord." I responded as I recovered from my initial shock

"You practice Christianity?" He questioned me to which I nodded at his question, "The Almighty wishes me to follow you, as you are his avatar."

The lad didn't seem happy at my statement, " Are there any others like you?"

" Not that I know of." I answered truthfully, " And God has not warned me of others."

Hearing this the boy seemed to show a sense of relief, " Were you a noble?"

"Yes my lord, I was a noble of a small house under the Holy Roman Empire."

"Very well, you shall teach me how to fight aswell as noble etiquette." The boy spoke with a smile lending a hand out to me to which I firmly grasped.

The boy, no, my lord pulled me up with seemingly no effort at all.

"Then teach me on how to use a halberd." He said in a loud, but happy tone.

" Of course my lord." I bowed my head following behind him as we walked outside the cabin.

"Ah, Aleksi you are back. How was your talk?"

"It was good father, he shall be my teacher." My lord answered with a small grin on his face.

"Then here, take this halberd." The man next to my lords father handed a highly decorated halberd. It had a large amount of flowers on the axe head as well as a coat of arms with a dragon that had a spear going through it.

It looked like a truly expensive piece of equipment only meant for the rich and powerful, something you don't expect to find in a small town that was uncivilized and colder than Denmark itself.

I also had a gift prepared but it shall only be given once he has finished his training.

"Well then seeing as you are not busy." Clapping my hands, " I believe I should start on your sons training."

" Indeed, it'd be better than him sitting around doing nothing." The boys father made a quick jest.

Walking off my liege followed behind me until we were able to eventually find a clearing in the middle of the forest.

"Stand there." I pointed to the centre of the clearing, " Now show me how you would hold a halberd."

The second that I spoke those words I quickly regretted it, His stance was worse than that of a one armed warrior, his feet were to close together and he held his hands close with the halberd in front.

"No, No what your doing is incorrect, Hold your hand high on the haft, and the other one low." As I spoke those words he quickly adjusted, " Yes, just like that!"

" Now put your left feet forward and deeply bend the knee." He quickly followed the instructions making a small smile form on my face, " Your a natural at this, my lord. Now keep the halberd above you head so you may swing it down on your opponent."

The boy was now in the correct stance, he seemed awkward in the stance but that can be fixed with time and effort.

"Now test out switching to reverse and back to normal." I couldn't help but feel impressed at how he could understand, " Get used to this now and then we may continue to attacks and counters."

Watching from afar, the boy was doing it slowly but upped the pace after each try until he was eventually able to swap grips in a few seconds. His fluidity with the weapon also increased, It was as if he was made for it.

The quirks in his stance were also slowly being tweaked into perfection, this man. He was simply perfection, any doubts about him not being Gods avatar instantly vanished. He spoke Bavarian perfectly even though he shouldn't know it and it seemed as though he didn't realise he spoke it.

'O'Lord, I thank you for the blessing of allowing me to teach your avatar and mold him into perfection itself, I shall follow this avatar to the end of the world if it is meant for the spread of your light.'

I spoke a quick prayer as I held onto my chest plate with the cross and Jesus inscribed. I nodded to myself, this boy was definitely the avatar of God. There was no doubt about it.

As I stared at the boy, his stance was perfect. Their were no faults, he was not shaking from the weight of the weapon his halberd was in the perfect position for a head strike.

The boy was truly perfection in itself. "Now follow outward with your right foot and send a strike to the head!" I shouted over to the boy.

He immediately followed my command, " Sloppy, try again this time follow the stance and not just dropping the halberd." I showed him a demonstration swinging my pole hammer.

The boy immediately entered his stance once again this time quickly moving forward and sending a strike with the halberd, " Bravo, Bravo, Now repeat until you are comfortable."