
A Hunger for Blood and Magic - DxD

A soul, fresh after a 1st degree encounter with his afterlife gets tossed into a universe where a group of teenagers that have trained for less than a couple of years get stronger than beings that have lived for millennia. That's right, welcome to DxD, a place where the boob reigns supreme and the vampires are either feminist lolis or mysoginistic old bastards. How does the world behave when a true fuckmothering vampire comes into being? Let's find out. ------------------------------------------------------------- This is a Fanfic... I don't own anything!!! All the characters except the MC and all the Worlds belong to their original owner ------------------------------------------------------------- A/N: First of all I want to declare that English is not my first language, so if you cannot overlook a few mistakes then this fanfic is not for you. Also, this is my first fanfic so keep that in mind. There is also a MC that will sometimes be good, sometimes be evil, it's all about his perspective and how he feels like Feedback is appreciated. Last warning, in this fanfic some characters will have a different attitude than the canon or the original version so please note this warning before jumping into this.

Khalderas · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

Chapter 6 - The Hunt

It's been close to six months since I started my travels around the world. It was both a pleasure and a business trip. I've visited museums, colleges and universities, I've sampled blood from the brightest minds and the finest bodies, I've grown my repertoire of magic substantially and now, I was ready to take on my biggest challenge yet: Romania, the land of vampires.

My goal here was clear, I was about to begin the hunt.

Getting inside the vampire territories was easy enough, their alarm system was not prepared to come face to face with my methods of evasion. I've been planning this heist turned hunt since I left Japan.

Now, here I was in Constanta, a port city located in the Eastern part of Romania.

'Damn these pure-blood wanna be idiots, look what they did to this place, it's like Magical Britain 2: Electric Boogaloo I hated what they did to this country, you could feel the oppressive air that hangs down on everyone. All the people looked like they had a noose around their neck, waiting to tighten.

'I don't think that the people know why this country has a massive predisposition for depression. They probably chalk it out to them being Eastern European sad slavs, whoops, tautology.'

I began walking through the streets in Constanta while wearing my adult form, no need to have someone question why a 14-year-old was moving alone through the city, not that these sad sacks would care.

'I need to scout out the place, get my feelers out, and find vampire dens. First things first, what do I know about these shitstains. The vampires of Romania are split into 2 factions, the misogynistic Tepes and the feminist Carmilla. They all spawned due to some conflict or another about who should lead the vamps, who had the purest lineage, or some other bullshit. What do you get when you cross-breed nazis and the KKK? That's right, you get these bastards. Bah, they're like dogs speaking about pedigree. Anyway, my target is the Tepes, located in Targoviste to the west of Constanta and near the center of the country but that info is not enough, I need more.'

Putting my rant and my plans aside, I went to a hotel, checked in and started to wait for night-time, the time where the bats would hunt. Nighttime came fast enough and with it, I stalked the streets, sticking to the shadows.

Honestly, it didn't take long to find my targets, in my hindsight, I had forgotten about the most important quality that purists and cult members possess.


Yeah, these high and mighty, tight wound racist assholes who are all about being pure and shit do not find mortal brothels beneath them. Fuckers, if you hate them that much don't put your plug in their sockets. Oh well.

Everything else aside, I stood around the shadows of a building, waiting for them to finish their job, it was a group of three, 2 middle aged bats and a younger-looking one. Not long after, they all came out wearing that purebred sneer.

'Damn, didn't even have to wait that long, what's it been, an hour? Haha, quick shots.' I started to follow them, out of sight, out of mind, listening to their conversation for anything that might prove useful.

"So, how was it, son? How does it feel to let it all out in these peasants?" Said old bat number 1 to the youngling while laughing and patting his shoulder.

"Hehehe, it feels good, father. Feels good showing them who their betters are! Can't wait to come again!" laughed the princeling.

"That's exactly it son! Say, now that you've joined your father, would you like to come with me on an excursion I've been planning for tomorrow?"

"Yes! Where are we going?"

"That's my boy, the men found a small little morsel in a village nearby, her family had hidden her from our eyes. We'll stay here for tonight, then go get our due tomorrow."

"Yess, can't wait!"

While this wonderful example of parentage was conversing, their third member stood around silently. 'Probably a guard or a look-out.'

I continued to follow them through the streets until we arrived at their place of residence, a 2 story mansion on the outskirts of the city.

As soon as the sun came up, it was time to act.

Before going in and taking out my targets I released a nifty magic trick that I developed myself.

The Badass Area Magic Field or BAMF for short.

The idea came to me while studying synapses and the nervous system of the human brain. I combined this idea with a bit of quantum mechanics and subatomic particles observations. The idea was to release minuscule and undetectable magic particles in a zone around me, these particles were so small that they could ignore walls and other obstacles due to them passing right through. My first problem was how to make this field transmit information back to me, that's where the nervous system came through. Each particle was linked to another and then to another, each connection ending up right at the starting spot, me. This allowed me to sense or 'see' everything in an area around me. Well, now that I think about it, I just made a discount Byakugan.

The current problem with the BAMF was the sensory overload and the processing of information, I couldn't keep it on 24/7 due to me being unable to process such a large amount of information for a prolonged period of time. The BAMF did not only provide 360 information, it also provided an absurd amount of data on everything around me, from molecular make-up to details about the genetic or functional structure of a person or object. Also, I couldn't use the array to gather information on targets that were much stronger than me as their magic would intrinsically protect them from what was basically an in-depth scan. This would need work and improvement but it was enough for now.

With the BAMF covering the whole mansion I 'saw' that the princeling and his father retired to the second floor while the guard rested on the first. It was time to act.

I went around the building and turned into a shadow thus entering the first floor in such a way that the guard ended up with his back to me. Still in shadow form, I slowly snuck behind the guard.

We were only one meter apart as I raised my right arm towards him and started my spell.

'Flash freeze' (A/N I am so bad at naming things so if you have any ideas or suggestions for spells or names of spells, please advise. Also, my mc will never shout his spells out, who would really do that without reason?)

What stood before me was a new true blue cryogenically frozen statue. Flash freeze allowed me to freeze targets on an atomic level, there was no iceberg laying around in the living room, no what was there was a target so perfectly frozen that you wouldn't notice anything while taking a cursory glance.

After making a new entry in the miraculous wonders of frozen ice-cream book, I went to my second target, the princeling.

The young bat was resting on a bed in his room, a foolish smile on his face, probably thinking about this day's proceedings, the hunt planned for tomorrow or about how good he would feel if daddy pegged him, who truly knows.

He was such an easy target that it wasn't even funny. I simply snuck to his bedside and extended my hand. My nails became black colored claws which I then used to gently pierce his skull in one swift movement. Not a second later, my nails were diddling his brain. Through them, I sent a small pulse of dark magic that put him in an illusion for the foreseeable future. I had plans for him.

Temporarily ending my business with the little batfucker, it was time to deal with the big one.

Arriving just outside his room, I retracted my BAMF and resent it to cover only his room, concentrating its full might on this single location. I found him sitting at a table and reading some book or another, it was probably Twilight. My magic slowly surrounded his body, creating a filament that made him unable to move anything except his eyes.

Then I simply strode into the room, the time for stealth was over. Opening the door like an FBI raid party looking for lolicons I strode to his table, ending up face to face with ye olde vamp.

"How does it feel, eh? How does it feel being the one that's on the receiving end, you little batbitch?"

His eyes went wide and started to move from side to side, a sign of him trying to break out. His struggle filled me with joy, I hated rapists and would never condone such an act so seeing him squirm, feeling his futile endeavors clash with the magic prison that I created gave me an incredible feeling of satisfaction. I knew that I should just go in, do my job, and leave, but I couldn't help myself with guys like this.

I threw the table aside and noticed, without meaning to, the name of the book he was reading. 'My Immortal?! What the fuck, no, no, no, that brings up bad memories!'

I ignored the nightmare fuel and leaned towards my prey, looking him right in the eyes, his dull red staring right back at my glowing orange.

"Look at you, a helpless little wabbit that got caught into the big bad wolf's trap."

I put one hand on his head, the other went to his shoulder. Moving his head aside with more force than was necessary, I probably broke some vertebrae but who cares, I looked towards his neck.

My eyes shone brighter than ever, my mouth opened up, showing 2 rows of pointy teeth. My maddening grin never left my face. I threw my head backward. I lunged forward.

And then I started to drink.



Hope you like chapter 6. This is the first time Hiro has engaged in Diablerie. For those of you who don't know, Diablerie or Amaranth is the name of the act where a vampire forcefully drinks or consumes the essence of another vampire, greatly boosting their parameters.

For Hiro, it doesn't have the stigma or the side effects that it has in other media, it's just him drinking the blood and power of other vampires.

Anyway, as always, feedback is always appreciated.

See you next time