
A Hundredfold Training System

Lin Chen crossed to the other world and accidentally got the 100 fold training system, he is getting stronger all the time!

MUNVEER · Fantasy
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11 Chs

dragon-tiger Mountain Range

There were now more people in the Martial Skill Pavilion, who were all the talented disciples of the Lin Clan that had reached the 7th star tempered Body stage, thus they were here to pick some Martial Skills.

Under the disciples' curious and astonished gazes, Lin Chen calmly took the manual and left the place. After returning to his residence Lin Chen Thought

"Improving my cultivation alone is nowhere enough. I shall practice my Martial Skills as well in order to become stronger in battles. Speaking of which, I shall make my way to the dragon-tiger Mountain Range to start practicing this phantom Art!"

Lin Chen's eyes flickered as he soon made up his mind.

The dragon-tiger Mountain Range was located to the north of Qingyang City. It was said that people could hear the cries of dragons and tigers from the woods, thus it was given its name

Although no one could prove the rumors to be true, quite a large amount of beasts resided in the dragon-tiger Mountain Range, thus making it a great place for cultivators to practice their Martial Skills.

Lin chen packed some dried foods that would last him a day, and left for the dragon-tiger Mountain Range.

The place was a short distance away from Qingyang City. It only took Lin Chen two hours to reach there.

Head into the forest, the lush dense forest sent all kinds of dangerous breath, faintly can see the shadow flash by, the strong wind blowing through the branches, rattling.

Lin Chen had not gone far into the dragon-tiger Mountain Range, he saw a wolf lurking in the grass ready to attack him.this wolf is 1st grade wind wolf comparable to a tempered body martial artist

"Hum, it's ridiculous to think that I can't see it. It's not certain who attacked who."

Lin Chen use phantom step

his Body shape flash, jumped directly past, launched a attack to the wind wolf!

"Penetrating fist"

Lin Chen's speed was very fast. The wolf was lurking in the grass. He thought no one found it, but he got a huge fist!


A punch in the head of the windy wolf!

Blood splashed, and the head of the wind wolf burst like a watermelon.

Simple and easy!

One hit, one kill!

"Ding! You have use phantom step, and you will gain 1*100 times the experience of the phantom step

"Ding! Your phantom step has reached the small success stage,

The sudden sound of a reminder in his mind made Lin Chen very happy.

This feeling is just one word, cool!

He just kill the wind wolf using phantom step and it reach small success stage

In this world, who can be more powerful than myself?

A little smile, with the first, there will be the second naturally. Lin chen slowly enters the forest, launches the phantom step, and the crazy killing starts here.

Ding! You have use phantom step, and you will gain 1*100 times the experience of the phantom step

"Ding! Your phantom step has reached the perfect stage

After a while, Lin chen killed a 1st grade flower skin snake, and the system rang a series of prompts. Hearing the prompts, Lin Chen was so happy that he would explode.

Lin Chen's body moved and 4 identical Lin Chen appeared around him and after a while they banished.

this is phantom step at perfect stage.

Unexpectedly, less than two hour his phantom step has reached the perfect stage

This kind of speed is like riding a rocket.

He spent some time eating before leaving the place, heading straight into the deeper region of the dragon-tiger Mountain Range.


An imperious roar could be heard among the woods, causing the leaves to drop rapidly from the trees, like a rain of leaves.

Before Lin Chen stood a two meter tall ferocious tiger with colorful fur. Its eyes were glaring at

Lin Chen while it paced back and forth, as if it was waiting for something.

Lin Chen wore a stern look. His figure remained motionless on the spot.

This tiger was known as the Multicolor Tiger, a 1st-grade peak stage Demonic Beast whose strength was equivalent to a 9th-starTempered Body Realm martial artists. If one got bitten by its sharp fangs, even a 9th-starTempered Body Realm martial artists would be slain.