
A Hundredfold Training System

Lin Chen crossed to the other world and accidentally got the 100 fold training system, he is getting stronger all the time!

MUNVEER · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Ancient Wilderness Body Refining Art

The Yan Clan remained relatively low-key; there was not much news that was made known to the public.

, she should be cultivating diligently in her clan right now. Why would she bring her personal bodyguard here to the dragon-tiger Mountain Range?

While Lin Chen was being confused, Yan Xue suddenly let out a scream, "Why aren't we there yet? You idiots, did you actually take a good look at the map? If you brought me to the wrong location, I will not forgive you easily!"

"My lady, we did follow the map correctly, but apart from the ruined cave that we found before, there was nothing else here…It's possible…possible that this map is fake…" One of the men said with a helpless expression while clenching his teeth.

"WHAT?" Yan Xue's face turned cold, "How could the map be fake? Let's go back to that cave again, if we fail to find it this time, I'll definitely teach a lesson to that swindler who sells this fake map to me!"

The three middle-aged men rubbed the sweat on their foreheads and nodded their heads, before they began searching.

Lin Chen continued to conceal his figure and follow them, as it was almost impossible for them to see him with his current cultivation. There was a great difference between the Qi Refining Realm 2nd star and the Qi Refining Realm 5th star.

Besides, judging from the brief conversation between Yan Xue and her guards, Lin Chen could tell that they were here to look for some sort of treasure.

Lin Chen was curious to know what kind of treasure they were looking for.

after sometime a cave appeared in his sights.

The cave was located among the woods. Its entrance was two men tall, surrounded by wild grass. It looked perfectly ordinary to him.

Yan Xue and her guard entered the cave, and then Yan Xue's disappointed voice came from the inside.

''there is nothing here let's go back to the city''.

Yan Xue and her guards came out of the cave and she was fuming with rage and cursing the swindler who sell this useless map to her. she tore the map and throw it away and go back with the way they came.

after some time Lin Chen Came out of the hiding spot and entered the cave, and was soon disappointed by the sight inside it.

The cave was only over ten feet deep, and he could easily see the end of the cave. Apart from piles of wild grass, there were only a few rummaged spots. There was nothing notable that caught his attention.

"It seems like this map is a scam indeed." Lin Chen shook his head slightly, and prepared to take his leave.

As he turned around, he suddenly saw a vague character on the wall. and he could sense a vague aura from it.

"Mm?" Lin Chen's eyes flickered with doubts. His instinct told him that the Character was something worth taking a closer look at.

He immediately approached it and inspected it thoroughly. suddenly a system prompt sounded in his head.

"Ding, you watch the character on the wall and your comprehension is increased by hundred times"

"Ding, you are comprehending an ancient body refining art from the character on the wall"

Lin Chen was startled,

At that instant, Lin Chen finally came to a realization. The Character was not just something ordinary. It had been left here by an expert, thus the reason why the Character would emit such a aura.

"It appears that the treasure mentioned in the map turned out to be this character. However, as Yan Xue and her bodyguards' cultivations were too low, they could not sense the aura concealed inside the character. If it weren't for the System, I wouldn't have been able to discover it either!"

Lin Chen took a deep breath while staring at the character on the wall. His face was filled with joy.

Lin Chen did not waste any time. He immediately sat down before the wall with his legs crossed, staring at the Character. Meanwhile, his mind became extremely focused.

At that instant, a series of System prompt took place in his mind.

"Ding, you watch the character on the wall and your comprehension is increased by hundred times"

"Ding, you are comprehending an ancient body refining art from the character on the wall"

"Ding, you watch the character on the wall and your comprehension is increased by hundred times"

"Ding, you are comprehending an ancient body refining art from the character on the wall"


"Ding, you watch the character on the wall and your comprehension is increased by hundred times"

"Ding, you finally learn the ancient wilderness body refining art from the character on the wall"

Time gradually passed Lin Chen had spent an entire hour sitting in front of the character on the wall.

Suddenly Lin Chen felt countless knowledge about Ancient Wilderness Body Refining art pouring into his mind.