
Chapter 47 Stay here

"Morgana you are amazing."

I had managed to get up from my bed and was pacing around the room. She had managed to give me strength and I was increasingly grateful for that. While Sophia paced nervously back and forth while we awaited for our mates to join us.

I had told a maid to have Roland in the next room, just incase ray wanted to end my life. I did not want him to do it in front of Roland....even though he will not remember.

"Human Queen and Sophia, you need to calm down! I will not let anything happen to you two. Well I will try my best....you know those two dogs are very strong." Morgan explained as I gave her a nervous smile.

At least she would attempt to help. Sophia looked ready to run out of the room and down the hall. I was increasingly becoming nervous too. What would he say before killing me? Or will he be too disappointed to say anything.....hopefully disappointment was what he will feel.