
Chapter 31 Isabella. Get out!

I could not believe Alexander was acting so idiotic....attempting to go against Raymond. It would not end well....he was involving ray enemies. It will not work. He will get himself killed and even more people. If I tell Raymond he mite kill the whole humans....I don't want that. If I don't tell him and the vampires attack... What will happen? Oh gosh! I'm so confuse. I don't want anyone to die.

I have being becoming more angry and annoyed by the day. Tired and achey. This child was making me exteremly irritable. Sophia thought it was amusing and ray was still appreciative that I had been cooperative with him lately. I was so tired to argue. That all. I have other things that were burdering me.

I was often plagued with odd dreams of Alex and his different plans to wed me and kill Ray. It had me waking up in the midnight,oddly craving for Ray's touch.