
Chapter 29 Three Months Later

****Three Months Later****

I have been eating much lately and I have become chubby. According to ray and Sophia, pregnancy look good on me. I now realize that this child will make me stuck with Raymond in my life. Raymond on the other hand has been kind to me lately, which I found amusing. He lets me do anything I want, eat as much as I can, make sure I take my bath. Sometimes I kick him out of the bed saying I was not comfortable, he will just simply nod and sleep on the couch. He was treating me like a goddess. I don't know if its because I am carrying his child, the ray I know won't comply with whatever I say or do. Still yet with this behavior of his I wasn't satisfied. I needed my parent. Why won't he let me see my parent?

My heart thumped wildly as I stared down at the small piece of paper. It would turn into bread recipe every time I laid it down. But when I picked it up...ingredients for the portion would pop up. It was surely magical.....

3 dragon scales.

Lavender oil