
Chapter 14 Chapter 14

I awoke...to feel pain booming in my body. I sat up...nervously looking around the room.

Looking down my nervous body...my eyes widened. Brushes marred my pale skin. My stomach and thighs had bite marks everywhere, even my chest did. I don't even recall him biting me, I was so worked up and I didn't notice. Looking down I saw a sleeping Ray.

Disgust filled me, I got up and ran into the bathroom.s eeing an empty pale, I threw up the contents in my stomach. I clutched the bucket tightly....recalling the events of last night.

I had liked some parts of the experience which made me throw up the more. The other part like when he entered me was horrible. He ceased to stop when I told him it hurt. His grip on my body while doing.... Was unbearable. The only good part was when his tongue descended on my

Womanhood which I thought was unkingly