
A Hopeless Dream

Lady_Wordsmith20 · Teen
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3 Chs

Chapter 1

There was a girl, she was 18 years old. She had her whole life planned out. She was beautiful, talented, and she loved kids. She carried the usual flaws and burdens. Insecurity, life of borderline poverty, curious, mediocure social skills, and a little timid. Her main goal since she was 5 years old was to start her own family. To do that she knew she had to get a job and make enough to care for herself and the kids. Now, marriage was always a second thought for her. Thinking about it always left her scared and guessing. She always thought about all the possibilities of what may happen if she ever said her vows. Divorce is always an option, then if they do have kids, what happens to them? She couldn't dream of ever separating them but she also couldn't fathom the thought of being without them.

She had all the love she ever needed and then some. Yet, she never was opposed to finding more, and always tried to give more than she has. Which sometimes did more harm then good. She always loved those who could never truly love her back. It was all the little things or ways they used to show her they loved her that made her happy. It was the only reason needed for her to go above and beyond. She never said " I love you." for the heck of it. She only ever said it when she meant it. You'd never see her angry unless she was pushed. You'd rarely hear her yell unless she was excited about something. Like all people, she made mistakes but she never really saw them as mistakes. They we're just eye-opening (and sometimes harsh) lessons. Take prom for example....or should I say the few months after prom.

She found herself lying in a hospital bed, forehead covered in sweat and screaming as she delivered a healthy baby boy. With laborer breaths, she took the wailing child from the nurses arms and into her own. She adjusted the blanket to get a good look at her baby, and when she did, you could see her eyes light up. New tears began pouring out of her eyes and she held him close to her, kissing his tanned cheeks. She was tired and in a bit of pain but all that was dulled with each cry that came from those tiny pink lips.

After, a few more moments of stroking and kissing her baby's soft head, the nurse took the now sleeping baby away. As soon as the weight left her arms, her eyelids began to drop until she fell asleep. She woke up a few hours later to see her mother sitting beside her holding the small child. Her mother looked up at her. She could tell her mother was trying to decide whether she should smile or scold her.

She smiled shyly at her, knowing what was going through her mom's head. Her mother, much to her own dismay, smiled back shaking her head and looks back down at the baby. "He's beautiful, what are you going to call him"? She asked returning her attention back to her daughter. The older woman places the baby in it's mother's arms. She looks at the child with soft, pondering eyes as she tries to think of a name. A small smile makes it's way on to her face when one comes to mind.

"Aiden". She murmured softly. Her mom, who was now stationed by the window, turned her head while nodding in agreement. "It's perfect". She gave a soft smile before returning her gaze to the window. A few moments later, the doctor came in announcing that both mother and son we're healthy enough to leave so they did. When they got he she laid the still sleeping child in his crib. She stood over his crib, whispering words of protection and promised that no harm will ever come to him as long as she was around. She couldn't help but laugh at her own words. "How can I protect you when I have my own fears to face"?