
A History of War

Life is difficult enough for a Lirian soldier. Training for ten years, hunting evil deimos, solving crimes, facing powerful weilders, keeping the peace in a tension-filled world, each Lirian soldier has a lot on their plate. It doesn't become any easier if you have to deal with a dark past that looms at every corner. How will Lais Felix and Helen Song, two best friends with tragic pasts, handle life as soldiers while running from their past? Will they manage to escape their tragic beginnings? Or will the past finally catch up to them?

Rotten_Avocado · War
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172 Chs



Finally, I manage to finish the words to the undoing spell. It took quite some time, it IS a high-grade spell after all, but it should work just fine in my case. Perhaps I should thank K'orra after all,  for the Aristhea. Had it not been for the mighty ancient, I would have been more clueless than I am now. As it stands, at least I have an answer to one of my questions: how come Allan Graves can perform blood wielding.

I feel the brunt of the spell in my hands, hovering over it like a snitch. I turn around, then all shit breaks loose. 

We all fall to the ground as an immense pressure pushes us back.

It seems that the humans are very terribly affected, being weighed down with so much force that they are already bleeding. As for myself, I do feel the pressure holding me down, but not as much as the human probably fee. Well, thank the makers for my ancestry.