
A History of War

Life is difficult enough for a Lirian soldier. Training for ten years, hunting evil deimos, solving crimes, facing powerful weilders, keeping the peace in a tension-filled world, each Lirian soldier has a lot on their plate. It doesn't become any easier if you have to deal with a dark past that looms at every corner. How will Lais Felix and Helen Song, two best friends with tragic pasts, handle life as soldiers while running from their past? Will they manage to escape their tragic beginnings? Or will the past finally catch up to them?

Rotten_Avocado · War
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172 Chs

A Piece of Advice


"Alright, let's all go in and get this over with," the major says, his words sounding more and more serious after his exchange with the officer.

This is a small town, so the man said. There aren't that much people to go around. 

A mining town founded in the late 1900's when it was discovered that appreciaze can be mined here. Desperate and hopeful miners dropped everything from their previous lives to start over here. Establishments started to pop up, inns, bars, houses, then later on, a county was established. It's not much, but like the man said, it's a close knit town where everyone knows everyone. And in such a town, when more than a hundred people go missing…

"Concentrate on the task at hand, Kenko. Do not let yourself be too swayed by emotions. They will get the better of you," I hear someone say beside me.

I turn to see Lt. Song fixing up her mount's saddle.