
A hero? Me? Not a chance!

Heroes are stupid, never killing a dangerous villain... Even when the villain has committed genocide, heroes will try to "find the good" in others... What a load of bull crap. I'm the one who has to clean up after their mistakes, and they treat me like some kind of villain... Well, I am, but that's not the point. I am a villain who targets mostly other villains, and heroes are too upset about their pride to do anything about it.

Aura_Of_Despair · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Not a chapter

I was too busy this week to write anything, but next week I'll be sure to give you two chapters!

If I can't make it next week, then I KNOW I can do the week after. At that point, you'll be getting three chapters at once.

Sorry for the... waste of time, I'll make up for it. Promise!