
A hero? Me? Not a chance!

Heroes are stupid, never killing a dangerous villain... Even when the villain has committed genocide, heroes will try to "find the good" in others... What a load of bull crap. I'm the one who has to clean up after their mistakes, and they treat me like some kind of villain... Well, I am, but that's not the point. I am a villain who targets mostly other villains, and heroes are too upset about their pride to do anything about it.

Aura_Of_Despair · Fantasy
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23 Chs

4] A Truly Hollow Void

(Shin POV, Horizon Academy's Gym)

Now I have to deal with the repercussions of turning Flair stones to dust. I'll just tell them that my lightning was a bad matchup with their... Element? I have no clue.

So that's what I tell them, and they believe it for some reason. What idiots.

When they move on to the next person, I was brought to an open area to test my Flair. I see kids using their Flair's left and right, a kid who teleported one too many times ends up puking.

I activate my telekinesis on myself to cause the purple sparks to flicker around my body. Now the question is, what should I make it so I'm not ostracized later in life.

Once I start pondering, Atlas runs up to me.

Atlas- "I see that you have a lightning related Flair too!" Blue sparks begin emanating from his body. His statement causes me to shake my head.

Shin- "It's more of a body enhancement, the lightning is just visual effects." He nods, beginning to talk to me about various things. I just turn on auto-pilot, but I think he's talking about villains or something.

Atlas- "Blah blah, that villain from a few days ago. Blah blah, Hyper Human blah blah blah." I can't help but groan inwardly at his annoyance. Grow up already, I can't stand pre-devastation arc Atlas. He's basically Izuku Midoriya without the analytical prowess. God, will you just shut up?

Atlas keeps talking to me, and I try my best to not kill him while he does so. Eventually, he asks if I can use my Flair.

Shin- "Why?"

Atlas- "Well I wanted to see if I could control the lightning that you generate, of if I could only control my own lightning."

Shin- "Each lightning bit only lasts for a tenth of a second, and appears once every few seconds... I doubt we could even tell if you could manipulate it." Atlas puts his finger to his chin, as if thinking. He slowly nods.

Atlas- "Well, it won't hurt to try. I do see your point though." Shrugging, I use telekinesis to make the purple lightning appear. Atlas' face scrunches up, seemingly to focus extremely hard.

It seems that Atlas can't manipulate my purple sparks of lightning just yet, maybe he can once he gets a better hold of his power. But it's good to know that he can't do crap right now.

An idea suddenly sprouts itself into my head, what if I use [Void Ability: Gluttony] on Atlas' Flair? Can I get it?

Shin- "Hey, can you make a ball of lightning? I wonder if my body has a lightning resistance, do to the sparks." I am also curious about this, I'm not lying.

Atlas- "Uh, sure. I'll try to make it as weak as I can, I don't want to accidentally hurt you." He makes a fist sized lightning ball, and holds it up to me.

I almost audibly gulp, hesitantly reaching out my hand to the sphere of lightning. 'Come on, Gluttony... PLEASE do what I think you're supposed to do!'

Once my hand comes in contact with Atlas' Flair, the lightning turns black for a split second before disappearing. He didn't seem to notice this, and he looks at me with worry.

Atlas- "Are you okay?" I nod my head.

Shin- "Can you make a stronger one? I think that one was too weak to really see anything." He nodded, but with a bit of hesitation.

He makes another ball of lightning, about twice as powerful as before. I use my [Void Ability: Gluttony] once more, and the lightning blackens and disappears again.

*NEW!* [Voided Ability: Electro-Kinesis, (F-) 1%] {Mastery: (F-) 0%} 

And so, after discovering this... I had him give me progressively stronger lighting spheres. In doing so, my Flair Rank went up to C. Unfortunately my mastery stayed absolutely dog water.

This idiot didn't even realize that I was using him, just happy to see that I was okay. He got tired eventually, so I went around looking for other Flairs to steal. Unfortunately, when I found one I liked... I couldn't use my [Void Ability: Gluttony] because of stamina reasons. I actually ended up passing out the moment I tried to steal that kid's Flair.

(Atlas POV, Horizon Academy Gym)

I was with my new friend Shin, when he saw someone with a cool Flair. He jumped up to ask if he could do something with it, and the kid obliged.

What irked me the most, is that Shin seemed to enjoy talking to this other guy. Shin almost looked annoyed to be with me, but he's like that to everyone. 

My question was, why is he acting like that? But that's when I saw him collapse. 'He was tired, that's why he was different.'

I immediately ran up to him, checking if he was alright. I carried him to the nurses office, and they told me that he was fine.

Nurse- "He's just exhausted from Flair overuse. Do you know what his Flair is?" I nod, telling them about his physical enhancement.

"I see, these types don't normally cause people to pass out from so little usage." Hearing her words causes a pang of guilt to emerge in my heart.

Hearing that his condition was my fault, made me feel a bit sad. I'll stay here and take care of him, maybe he'll forgive me.

(Shin POV, ???)

I awaken to find myself in an area shrouded in total darkness.

Shin- "Where am I?" A bone chilling voice can be heard responding to my question.

???- "You are in the Void. The place of forgotten dreams, and the realm of nightmares." I look around for the voice, finding nothing but glowing white eyes.

Shin- "I see. I must be in a delusion because of my exhausted mental state." I see a wide, glowing, demonic looking smile appear underneath the eyes.

???- "Something like that."

Shin- "So, how long until I get out of here."

???- "A minute or two, but in the outside world an hour passes for each minute spent in here."

Shin- "I see."

???- "Do you not have questions? I will answer them, I promise." I think for a few seconds.

Shin- "Answer them the next time I come here, I have a feeling that I'll be coming here more than once." A booming laughter is heard.

???- "Very well, I shall answer all of your questions the next time you arrive here."

Shin- "There is one thing, can you tell me my full name? I can look it up, but that would seem suspicious." The eyes squinted slightly, and the smile got a bit thinner.

???- "I will tell you this, because it is such trivial information. Your full name is Shin Hohl Vide. Their origins are from Japan, Germany, and France. Translated to English it would mean: True Hollow Void, a fitting name for a being such as you."

The moment they finish speaking, I am sent back to what I'll call the waking world... At least until I think of a different name for it in my perspective.

Atlas can be seen doing something on his phone, sitting in a chair next to the bed I'm in. He didn't even notice that I was awake, so I use telekinesis to make his phone 'slip' out of his hand.

He realizes that I'm awake, and runs up to me.

Atlas- "You're awake already? The nurse said it would be a couple more hours, but I'm glad to see that you proved her wrong." I pause for a moment, before realizing that I could tease him.

Shin- "You waited for me to wake up, watching me sleep for hours? What, do you like me or something? Sorry, I'm into women. And blue hair is preferred, on said woman." Hs face goes through numerous emotions. Embarrassment, disgust, shame, confusion, and back to embarrassment.

Atlas- "Wait, blue hair? My sister has blue hair!" He has a sister? Oh yeah, I forgot since she died in the Devastation Arc.

Shin- "You have a sister? And wait, why would you tell me that your sister has the hair color that I'm attracted to? Are you trying to set me up?" His face runs through another series of emotions, thinking about what he just did.

Atlas- "It isn't like that! I was just pointing out the facts!" I hop out of bed with a stretch.

Shin- "Well, now I'm interested. Tell me all about this sister of yours." After messing with Atlas for a while, I decide to go home.

I'm not romantically interested in anyone right now, I don't have the choice. I'm just doing this to be able to survive in this world, while simultaneously fixing it's stupidity.

Atlas' sister doesn't really have any worth to me. The only benefit I could possibly get from saving her is more manpower, and possibly an alibi.

I'll think about it when the time comes, I still have about 6 months before the Devastation Arc. Now I have to focus in how to get Aiya Lemir to join my side.

She should make an appearance soon, maybe in a week or two. Either way, I'm going to train the crap out of my kinesis'es, Kinesii's... Electro kinesis and Telekinesis.

So I spend the next few days just increasing my mastery over Electro Kinesis, before donning my alter ego outfit and fighting bad guys. 

My power steadily increases, and so does the difficulty of my training. I must prepare for the arrival of the villain that completely destroys Aiya's family... and also a lot of other people, but I don't really care about them. Or Aiya's family...

This book isn't as popular as my Chrono Trigger one, so I'll be posting a chapter every day that I can. But man, writing a Chrono Trigger fan-fic is hard... Wait, what author's note is this?

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