
A hero? Me? Not a chance!

Heroes are stupid, never killing a dangerous villain... Even when the villain has committed genocide, heroes will try to "find the good" in others... What a load of bull crap. I'm the one who has to clean up after their mistakes, and they treat me like some kind of villain... Well, I am, but that's not the point. I am a villain who targets mostly other villains, and heroes are too upset about their pride to do anything about it.

Aura_Of_Despair · Fantasy
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23 Chs

15] Some are more vigilant than others

(Shin POV, Shin's house)

Hikari- "Welcome home!" She says this with a smile on her face, and I smile in kind.

Shin- "Yeah, I'm back." I give her a head pat, and she leans into it like a cat. Oh, I didn't know she liked head pats this much. I'll have to do it more often.

"How long was I gone anyway?" Being in another dimension throws off any sense of time, especially since I think his world's flow of time is faster than mine.

Hikari looks at me weirdly.

Hikari- "Only about 2 days, if you count today as well." Huh... Maybe it didn't distort the time while the portal was open.

"So how did it go with your brother?" I shiver slightly remembering what he did to me while he was training me.

Shin- "It... Was very beneficial to me, and probably him." I close and open my fist, feeling the stinging sensation on my palms. She connects both of her hands, fiddling with them.

Hikari- "So... About that thing in your letter..." I had totally forgotten about this, dealing with Blaze exhausted me.

Shin- "Right! Uh... Can we go inside first? I don't think we should be talking about this on the porch." She quickly runs inside, and I gently shut the door.

"So... What should we talk about first?" I am feeling excruciatingly nervous, being a violent and brutal murderer doesn't kill off my emotions. I wish I could have gotten more advice from Zero...

Hikari shifts, opening her mouth to speak.

Hikari- "Let's just rip the Band-Aid off, what do you say to dating your sister?" Her bright red face is more than enough to tell me that she's embarrassed.

Shin- "Going right for it huh? I was told that if I liked someone, I should just go for it while I have the chance." I sit in silence for a moment.

Hikari- "So... does that mean that you will?" Her face, while still being red, has a huge smile on it now.

Shin- "It... depends on how you view my 'other' side. Do you remember when I was telling you about my violent urges?" She freezes for a moment.

Hikari- "Wait, violent urges? Is that what you were talking about when I accidentally confessed to you?" I nod my head.

Shin- "I don't have any towards you, and that's weird in my opinion. A good thing, but it's weird." She smiles again.

Hikari- "That's flattering, and a good sign! I would have been with you anyway, even if you did feel violent urges toward me... I would probably turn into a masochist to fit your needs." I flinch.

Shin- "Wait... Really? Please don't turn into a masochist, I don't want another Darkness." I sigh, thinking about her reactions to pain.

"Please don't... You already know I'm a villain, but you haven't seen what I do to others. I'll let you be my girlfriend if you can still love me after witnessing me at my most insane." She nods, seemingly resolute.

Oh crap, I just remembered that I need to send coordinates to my slaves... Time to look up some gun shops.


A few days later, I'm able to go out and villain. I give Hikari a few guns to protect herself, but only in case I somehow can't.

It's not too exciting, and I make sure to not lose control. I just shoot some unimportant characters, subjecting Hikari to the sight of blood... Well, the blood of others.

(At home)

Hikari- "You didn't kill anyone today, why?" I scratch my head.

Shin- "Well, I wanted you to get used to the sight of blood. Also, seeing people with injuries. How do you feel?" She audibly sighs.

Hikari- "Fine. I told you, I don't really care for anybody but you." I cough, choking on air.

"Are you okay?" Nodding weakly, I dismiss her worry.

Shin- "I'm just not used to people saying that about me, not even my actual brother has said that." She pauses, seemingly thinking about something.

Hikari- "Really? Am I your first?" She says this with a hint of mischievousness.

Shin- "Yeah, actually... Well, First that I can believe that is 100% sincere."


The next day, the news describes rogue heroes. They're a group of extremists, who have had something done wrong to them. They only have lower than C-ranks for the most part, but there is an occasional B and even a single A-Rank.

Shin- "Looks like the Vigilants are awake huh?" (Not vigilante)

Hikari- "Vigilants? What is that?"

Shin- "A group of stupids who gain way too much power later down the line." She seems confused, but doesn't bother me with any more questions.

"I'm planning on ending a couple of high ranking people in their group... Want to come with? Oh! I also have to deal with Cass... It's about time she hits her lowest..."

We head to city D3, the Vigilants' headquarters. I also make sure to bring a mid-potion just in case it's necessary.

We seem to arrive just in time, as a group of ex-heroes are blowing crap up. They seem to be instilling fear in others, that way they can take over without issue.

Vigilant 1- "HAHA! Being a hero took way too much effort! I would have drifted years ago if I knew it felt like this!" He lights dynamite, and throws it.

The dynamite lands right next to me, causing me to sigh.

Shin- "Really? Dynamite? Is your Flair so crap that you resort to external stuff?" This seems to draw his attention, as he looks to the two figures shrouded in shadows.

V 1- "And who th-" I silence him by shoving the dynamite down his throat.

Shin- "Time for some bloody fireworks." My huge smile is represented by a glowing white crescent moon where my mouth should be.

The Vigilant starts choking and coughing, trying to get the stick out. Meanwhile I turned around and did a Zamasu pose. 

I use my Telekinesis to lift him up into the air, where he explodes in a bloody and beautiful fashion.

Shin- "I now see why he was using dynamite, that was more enhanced than normal. There's barely any full organs, and the blood splattered so far!" I open my eyes and immediately lock onto Hikari.

"Oh! I forgot! Sorry!" I immediately hid my smile, and ran up to her.

Hikari- "You're fine, it mainly looked like a balloon of red paint exploded."

Shin- "Yeah, I bet you would have been traumatized if it were normal dynamite. Especially if a pancreas hit you in the face."

Hikari- "Why a pancreas?"

Shin- "I dunno, would you have rather I said large intestine?" She shakes her head.

Hikari- "I just meant you could have said organ or something."

Shin- "I have a bit of a... history with getting hit in the face with a pancreas..." I then shudder, recalling a small amount of how I died.

"Moving on before I remember something even more unpleasant."

Hikari- "Why are we dealing with this terrorist group? Aren't you a villain?" I sigh and shake my head.

Shin- "I don't really enjoy hurting civilians, so I just kill any and everything that crosses that line." Hikari just continues walking with me, not bothering to answer.

"That means heroes, villains, vigilantes, anti-heroes, monsters, criminals and the like." I pause.

"I don't kill allies, those who interest me, those who benefit me, and those that are important for the future that I have set out." I close my eyes, thinking about all the people I've killed and those I'll kill later.

Nothing. I feel absolutely about it. The deeper I search, the bigger I realize the abyss is. I'm surrounded by utter void, the only thing I can make sense of... The face made of nothing but despair, and it smiles at me.

Hikari- "Shin... Are you alright?" She's standing in front of me, looking concerned.

Shin- "I'm fine. Just... I feel a bit bad that I lost myself that quickly, forgetting that you even existed." She smiles slightly.

Hikari- "It's fine. I'll just have to root myself into your head so much that I always take priority, no matter what." I look at her, a little worry manifesting in my mind.

Shin- "What?" She giggles and skips off.

"No, no no. W-what was that? Yandere development? No... I must be imagining it." I shake my head, and jog to catch up with her. At least she's determined...

We spend the next thirty minutes just dealing with Vigilants. I get more and more brutal as time goes on, and eventually Hikari wants to join as well.

Hikari- "I just want to try it once! Come on! Let me!" I close my fist in front of me, crushing a Vigilant's heart.

Shin- "After you have training, I don't want you getting hurt." She hangs her head down.

Hikari- "And what training did you do?" I can almost see her smirk, thinking that she got me.

Shin- "It was torture... Hours on end, no breaks taken... Ugh." I shiver slightly just thinking about it.

Hikari- "Wait, you actually received training?" I'm not going to tell her that it was only for a day, and it was only a few days ago.

Shin- "Yeah? Swords, Guns, and hand to hand combat. I also got beat quite a bit, and I can only beat him because of my absurd Flair."

Hikari- "So, are you going to train me?" I bring my hand to my lips.

Shin- "I guess so, it is the best way to monitor your ability." A smirk arises on Hikari's face.

Hikari- "So we'll be getting pretty physically intimate with one another?" I see my chance to fluster her, and definitely get her back.

Shin- "We'll be getting physical in more ways than one now that we're in a relationship." I say this with a smug look, which disappears once I notice her face filled with excitement.

Hikari- "Really!? You mean it!?" That... Didn't go how I expected...


Hey! Join my discord! Give me suggestions and junk, I'll be glad to listen.


I'll also read all your messages, so no weird stuff.

First chapter in two weeks! That break didn't really do much for my mental health, probably because I never stop thinking about my tens of timelines I have set for each story I make... D&D included... They take way too much time, my players are unpredictable.

Aura_Of_Despaircreators' thoughts