
A Hero is Sent to a Different World and Became a Businessman?

In the world of superpower, a man named Seiko lives. A big incident happens in his life. But somehow he was transported to another world. He lost his power and gained a new life. Due to certain circumstances, he became a businessman. Hello, this is the author. I'm sorry in advance for grammatical errors and other problems in the writing. Please forgive me and if you want to waste time then you can point out the problems. I hope you read it. The name and the synopsis are only eligible to relate to the first few arcs.  Thank you for reading the synopsis and I hope you will like this story.

AGEMIN · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
26 Chs

Chapter 26: Meeting The Chief

"Have you gone nuts?", astonishment written on his face.


"Why are you encouraging them by giving them money," he said, being bewildered.

"This is the only way."

"No, this is not the only way. We can beat them. We have the strength. There will be hardly anyone above Captain-Tier. Even if they have someone, we can make a plan and defeat them." to make his intent clear he said it loudly.

"How do you know if they won't attack them in our absence? Give me a guarantee. I will listen to you." Seiko's demeanour and calmness devoured Rachid's confidence despite his provocation.

Being a little nervous he said, "If we scare them they will not do that again."

"What if someone inspires them and gives them power? They have the taxpayer with them so they have the power to back them up. They are the kind of person who has a lot of egos. It's not like we have a strong background that will give us back up. We are just some merchants. So, what will keep them in fear? Here is another thing. Only you are strong. I can hardly keep up with anyone who is a Captain-Tier."

Being irritated, Rachid says, "Ahh, you don't get it. You have changed. I thought you stand for justice. But looks like you are just like the other adults."

"Yes, I'm just like other adults. Now go and prepare for it."

Being angry he left. Belkhir says "Don't you think Rachid changed in those few months? Like now he gets angry very quickly."

"Yes. It's a fault of his age. You know he is in his teens. So, that's quite normal."

"That's true, but in a few months? I thought he was more mature for his age."

"He wasn't mature. When the only thing in your mind is how to get food then nothing comes to mind other than that. I'm sure you have been there." His silence agreed to his statement. "In short his personality was buried by poverty. Give him the time he will change." Seiko claps and says "Hurry! let's pack up and get ready to leave." Belkhir shows hurriedness.

By the next morning, they reached Morel. Guilt appeared in villagers' faces. Seiko says, "Go to your family and act as if I'm your ally and you left the village to get help from me ok?" He smiles and says "No one will talk about what happened. Ok?"

Their faces lit up a little bit and so they nodded.

"Oh, another thing. Patricio sent the information to the person who ordered you and, do as I told you before."

The villager welcomed them.

They stopped at a place and started to wash their face, hand, and legs. Some of the villagers requested them to come to their house. But Seiko refuses. He says, "Until I meet your chief, I have the right to stay here."

In about half an hour one person comes and says, "The chief wants to meet you. He also mentioned that only you(Points at Seiko) will come."

They reached the chiefs house. It was quite normal. The chief looked quite old, he had a big beard, probably reached above his chest. His beard and hair are completely White. He had a glass. He was wearing very loose clothes. He is skinny.

"I have heard everything. So you are that person who said who will give us one gold coin."


"What do you want from us?"

"We might use this village as a route for our trade. So if we use it for our trade then you will help us in all ways you can."


"Well, that was very easy."

"Yes, that is because it is our apology gift."

"How so?"

"I told them not to do that but they still did it. That's why."

"No, you don't need to do that. By the way, can you tell me about that Eye? I would love to know about it."

"It was expected since you got accused of having it."

"So what is that?"

"It's a myth. According to the myth, the person who has it will have so much mana that he will be capable of destroying the world. The myth goes like this once there was a princess of France. She possessed that Eye. But To save the world suddenly she disappeared. Some even say that she could go back in time." He laughs a little and says "That's just outrageous! do people believe in it?"

"Then what about the sense? Some people can sense it. They even have a device for that. What are your thoughts on this?"

"I have nothing to say."

"So there is a chance that it is real."

"Might be."

"What if that is real? What if they find that and try to destroy the world."

"Look, if that is real we will find it in the right time to prevent it and if we don't find it in the right time then destruction is inevitable. We can't survive. Why waste time on a problem that doesn't exist?"

"True. It feels as if you know the future."

"Yes, in some way. I believe that the earth will not end like this. So even if the Eye exists in the end, they will be unsuccessful. I think that will be the initial fate of the world."

"I assume you believe in fate."

He grins and nods his head.

"What are your thoughts on changing fate?"

"Unlike others, I don't believe in fate blindly."

"Can you tell me more about your ideology?"

"What gave you that interest?"

"You have been saying lots of stuff which I didn't ask for. It appears that you are a person who loves to talk."

He shows signs of uneasiness and says, "Ahh, is that so? I'm sorry if I annoyed you. It's a bad habit of mine. Sorry."

"No problem. I don't mind. Rather I would love to hear about your ideology, after all, you are an elder you know more than I know."

"Stop flattering me."

"Humans are interesting. I would love to know what others think based on their experience. So, please tell me what you think about fate."

"I don't know about humans but you are an interesting fella."