
A Hero is Sent to a Different World and Became a Businessman?

In the world of superpower, a man named Seiko lives. A big incident happens in his life. But somehow he was transported to another world. He lost his power and gained a new life. Due to certain circumstances, he became a businessman. Hello, this is the author. I'm sorry in advance for grammatical errors and other problems in the writing. Please forgive me and if you want to waste time then you can point out the problems. I hope you read it. The name and the synopsis are only eligible to relate to the first few arcs.  Thank you for reading the synopsis and I hope you will like this story.

AGEMIN · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Chapter: 10

"Cut!! Cut!!"

Seiko finds himself in a movie set. There are lots of people. One of those people comes and asks if Seiko is all right.

Seiko says "Is this Inception?"

"No, You were in the matrix."


Seiko is surprised. With a scared tone, he says"Oh, I'm dreaming. That's right! I'm dreaming."

He slaps himself and says "Wake Up!"

Luis and Mr.Might pass by. They are talking and laughing.

Terrified Seiko says "Hey!! weren't... you two enemies?"

"Ya, in the movie."

Seiko is shocked as if a flash of lightning strikes on him.

The director comes and says "What happened?"

"Was... Was I really in a movie?"


"What is the name of the Movie?"

"Avatar the last infinity game: Attack on demons."

"Oh! But Why everything felt so real?"

"Because you were in character."

"Then, why don't I have any memories of this life?"

"You have a weak memory."


"Have you ever seen the Bolt movie?"


"Remember the dog and the plot?? That's exactly, what has happened to you."

"Even if it is a movie but wasn't I suppose to be the main character?"

"No. You aren't the main dude. Mr.Might is the main dude. Look, after this, you will die. Then, Mr.Might will be sad and start to tell how he became the greatest hero."

"But I think I got the most Screen time."

The Director smiles and says "That's because you are flagged to death."

Seiko is in serious shock.

The director shouts and says "Pack up!!"

He looks at Seiko. Seiko looks very tired, confused and stressed. The director says "Go and get some rest and come to me to take your money, when you are fine. ok?"

Seiko is again surprised. He learns that his role is done and he has nothing to do. He gets out of the set and says "Is this real life?"

Someone says from a distance.

"Or Is it fantasy?"

Seiko hears it. He can hear little music with it. Then again that person says "Caught in a landslide.

Escape from reality.

Open your eyes look up to the sky and see.

I'm just a poor boy I need no sympathy."

Seiko looks around and sees that someone in the set is playing this. He takes off his slippers and throws that on the player and says "Copyright is scarier than death". Everyone around him is shocked.

The director is angry. With anger, he shouts and says "Someone!! Take him out!!"

Seiko gets out of the set.

Seiko is depressed. He starts to wander around. He enters in a set. In the set, there were 3 men.

One of them is young. The other 2 is old. Their age would be around 55-63. A young man says "Welcome to Survival with teddy. I'm Teddy Grills."

Music plays.

"Welcome. Today we have 2 special guests with us. Kim Modi and Trumpobama."

Kim Modi was wearing a glass. His hair was white. Trumpobama is brown with blond hair.

Teddy asks how they were. They had a little talk and then teddy asks "Mr.Trumpobama, What is your last name?"


He smiles and says that. That smile threatens Teddy.

"I was asking what will happen if humanity gets trapped in the wall?"

"Attack of maxiran. You will also get drafted."

"But I'm retired."


With a broken tone, Teddy says "Let's ask Mr.Kim Modi a few questions."

Kim Modi says with a smile on his face "Ok"

"Trumpobama and you are friends, Right?"


"This will bring a good relationship with countries."

"Yes, it will."

"It will also bring good things, right?"

"Of course."

"So, When will good days come?"



"Do you want to shut down your heart?"

"All I was asking that when good days in your life came."

"Oh, you will get more than before."

Teddy points his finger at the camera and says"Adapt, improvise, overcome. This is how you win in life."

"So you used to sell tea?"

"I used to sell Apple juice."

"How did you make it?"

"It is made by the liver and filtered by kidneys. With the nutrition of fatty acids."

"Oh, urine I have drunk a lot in my life."

"It's not urine it's Apple juice."

Trumpobama says "I saw you were on National Neography. You have betrayed us."

The director saw that the bodyguards are taking out their weapons. He is scared and says with an angry tone "CUT!! CUT!!"

Seiko understood the situation and got away from there. Then he goes to another set.

"Take 14 million 5 billion 4hundred and 49 I repeat 14 million 5trillion 4thousnd and 69"

A pink man with butt chin says "Impossible"

"Cut! Good, now next shot."

Now a young man with little blood on his face comes.


The young man says "Let me guess, your home?"

Butt chin man says "It was and... it was beautiful."

"Good now next."

Butt chin man says "Fine I will do it by myself."


"I have the high ground"

Seiko is surprised and says "Wait!! This is not the right movie"

Director "Good next"

"Luis I am Your father"


Seiko is again surprised and says "WHAT THE F*** are you making. From where the *** Luis came from? What is this S*ar w*rs!?? M*U!?"

"I'm glad you asked. This is, Avatar the last infinity game: Attack of demons"

"Again this thing!!!"

He gets out of that set. A strange man with white hair is standing. He sees Seiko and says "Oh traveler, trying to enter in the demons life? lots have gone but none returned."

"Why Shyne is here?"

He looks around and sees lots of people are doing crazy stuff. Seiko puts his hand on his head and screams.

In a court, lots of people were sitting on the chair. A man with long hair that covers his eyes is there. On the other hand, a woman with a white apron is standing.

Seiko says in mind 'What's wrong with this hair? Why am I in court?'

He looks around and sees lots of people are there and they are wearing strange clothes.

'Why everyone is dressed weirdly? What are they saying? What language is this?'

All these chapters were complete in January. I wanted to recheck but I'm too lazy so I didn't do it. Sorry for everything, I am a noob after all. If u have read it thank you.

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