
A hero in search of a harem! No retreat and no surrender! (18+)

If you're tired of CHINESE IMPOTENTS, Wretched YAWNERS, and DARK ORS, then this is the place for you! The main character was just an ordinary guy, but he has a unique life ahead of him! Full of adventure and action. Well, and the harem will be replenished. (A SUPERMAN who travels in the worlds of the anime. Gg will not leave other worlds behind. He will live in all worlds at once!) [WARNING!!! FANFIC IS DESIGNED FOR DISCUSSION, RELAXATION AND ENJOY!!!] IN SHORT!!! THIS IS ALL BULLSHIT!!!! READ FOR YOURSELF!!!!

diniskei · Anime & Comics
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38 Chs

Chapter 8. Unsealing and SSS Class Techniques!

- Mom, Dad, let me introduce you to my brides. This is Kurama and Alice! - I said, smiling.

- Hello!" bowed Alice.



- Nice to meet you, Alice-chan," Mom said, squeezing her hands.

- Hello, Minato, Reiko. - Kurama said.

- So my son really is Superman, since even Kyubey has a crush on him. - He said, smiling.



- Kurama, why didn't you tell me you were a girl! - Mom said, taking Kurama's hands in hers.

- Please forgive me! - Kurama said as she bowed.

- For what? - Mother.

- It was because of me that you died...

- It's not your fault, Kurama! It's all my fault, I should have watched over my apprentice. It was because of me, controlling you, that he wanted to destroy Konoha. - Father said.

- It's not your fault, Dad! Madara trapped him on purpose. And by the way, would you like to make up for all your mistakes? - I looked at my father.

- And see your daughters? - I turned my gaze to my mother.

- We want to, but it's impossible, son. - Dad said, smiling sadly.

- I'd like that, too..." said Mom.

- Mom, Dad, it's possible! - I said, smiling.

- "Edo-Tensei?" - Mom raised an eyebrow!

- "No, Mom! When I was reborn in this world, Hel, that is, the Goddess of Death, gave me the "Gifts of Death," and one of them is a resurrection stone! It can completely resurrect you, and you will be 100% alive! - I said.

- But that's impossible! And what's more, my soul was eaten by Shinigami! -

my father said.

- Here! - I said and held out my hand, in which a stone appeared.

- And Shinigami is in Hel's service, actually, and I advised her to do that.

- Eh! Well, if that's the case, then fine! - He said with a sigh, and then smiled.

- Except... you have to wait until I come to the shinobi world. - I said.

- Okay! And, Tilya-kun, I'd like to see you perfect the Rassengan. - Dad said, and there were sparks in his eyes.

- Well then you two stay, and I want to chat with my daughters-in-law! - Mom said and dragged the girls to the cabin.

We followed them with a glance, and then...

- Okay. Dad, let's go somewhere else. - I said, and we moved into a huge field.

I mentally gave the order, and the Five Gates of Rashamon appeared before me.



I started to create a Rassengan in my right hand.

Then I added Wind Chakra and launched the technique into the gate.

- Wind Elemental: "Rassen Shuriken. - I shouted, and the technique flew at full speed toward the gate.

It punched through all the gates and exploded, leaving a huge crater.

- Wow, so you added the wind element to Rassengan and got a new SSS class technique! - Dad said.

- Exactly! You have lightning, and the control is very high. There's a variation for lightning too! - I said, and the targets appeared in front of us.

I created Rassengan again, but this time I added the element of lightning. I made a Rassengan with red lightning running through it.

- Lightning element: Thunder Rassengan. - I said, and launched the technique.

It traveled the distance and destroyed the target in an instant, leaving a crater different from the last technique, but quite large, too.

- This technique isn't as powerful as the last one, but it's a lot faster! - I said, turning to my father.

- Another SSS class technique! How many more tricks do you have up your sleeve? - my father asked, smiling.

- There are many more. Try to create one. But first, show me Flight of the Thunder God and how to break the Eight Trigrams seal.

- Okay. Look...

Three hours later, my father and I had already taught each other the techniques.

I first used clones and then, gaining their experience, moved around.

Dad, on the other hand, couldn't do the technique at first. Either not enough Chakra, or he added too much afterwards, blowing up the technique. But it all worked out, and my father launched the Rassengan with yellow lightning bolts at the targets.

So he hits the target and the target explodes!



- Just right for the Yellow Lightning, isn't it? - I asked.

- Just right, son. - Dad answered me.

- What about you?

- Here, look! - I said, and a kunai with the seal of the Nine-Tailed Fox on it appeared in my hand.



I threw him next to my dad and moved to him!

- Not bad, kid! - Dad said.

- Thanks, Dad!

- Boys, dinner's ready! It's time to eat! - Mom shouted.

- Well, son, shall we race? - Father asked.

- Sure," I said, and we raced into the house.

The whole buffet was laid out at home! There was molecular cooking from Alice and Japanese cooking from Mom and Kurama.

- Minato, Tilia has found the perfect bride! Not only is she beautiful, but she's an amazing cook! - said, smiling mom.

- Kurama, too. It turns out that when she was sealed in me and Mito-san, she was watching and learning how to cook. But all of us together don't seem to be any match for Alice.

- Well, Reiko, she's from the culinary world after all. - Dad said.

- Okay, let's get to eating! - Mother said.


After dinner.

- Yes! That was really good! - Minato muttered.

- Tell me about it! - It was me.

- Okay, Kurama, come here I want to do something..." I said, smiling.

- What?" she didn't understand.

- This! - I smiled and broke the seal.

- Alice, you tell Mom and Dad everything, and I'll take Kurama outside.

- Okay!


And a minute later, Kurama and I were standing in my room.

- So, how does it feel to be free? - I asked, smiling.

- I don't know..." Kurama said with her eyes closed, and then opened them.

- Well if so, let's go out in the fresh air! - I suggested, picking up the distracted Kurama.

I threw on my invisible robe and flew out to the park, opening the balcony.

We landed next to a tree, and I disconnected the cloak.

- There, Kurama, now we have our first date! - I said, smiling.

- Yes, thank you! - Kurama hugged me.

Then we walked around the park holding hands. At first Kurama shunned everything, but then she got used to it and started having fun.

We fed the ducks, ran around the lake, climbed the trees, and sat on the swings. Finally, we decided to take a break.

I bought ice cream and sat down next to Kurama. She clumsily licked the ice cream and a little bit was left on her nose.

I gently approached and licked the ice cream, and an embarrassed Kurama turned away and pouted. Ah, I'm about to cringe to death!

- You should take Alice here too, or else it's not fair," Kurama said.

I lifted her chin and said smiling:

- Okay! - and moved a little closer.

But Kurama leaned forward and kissed me. Then she used her tongue. I fell out at first, but then I started to respond, too.

We only pulled away when we were running out of oxygen (her).

- Ouch!" said Kurama, and she blushed and went back to my TM.

And then she said:

- "Thanks, Tila, but I just materialized and I can't be in the real world for a long time yet. - She said.

- Don't worry, Kurama, we haven't visited many places yet, so next time you'll have enough to recharge.

- Yeah, okay. And you go back home, because it's late. - She said.

- Okay, I'm on my way! - But then, I noticed a black cat staring at me.

It had just come in, apparently sensing me, and thank goodness it didn't see Kurama.

Well, well, well... Yoruichi herself is watching me!



I got out the catnip (I bought it just for such occasions) and started waving it in front of the cat's nose.

The cat stared at me and came close. I leaned over, scratched her behind the ear, and stroked her.

It did not try to resist but sprawled out in my arms. I spent another ten minutes with her, playing and stroking her.

And then I sat down and said:

- What name should I give you? ...Oh, I know! I'll call you Yoruichi! - I said.

And the cat froze in one motion.

Hee-hee, that's what dazed cats look like.

- That's it, Yorouchi, I'm going home. Bye-bye! - I said and ran home.

And the cat just stood there looking at me!

When I got home, I began to prepare for a new world. To the world of Fairy Tail!

I'm very interested in their magic. And I want to take Natsu's DNA, plus absorb a demon to make Alice stronger.

- Okay, everything's in place! Wait for me, the most crazy guild...


The portal opened, and I walked through it...