
A hero in search of a harem! No retreat and no surrender! (18+)

If you're tired of CHINESE IMPOTENTS, Wretched YAWNERS, and DARK ORS, then this is the place for you! The main character was just an ordinary guy, but he has a unique life ahead of him! Full of adventure and action. Well, and the harem will be replenished. (A SUPERMAN who travels in the worlds of the anime. Gg will not leave other worlds behind. He will live in all worlds at once!) [WARNING!!! FANFIC IS DESIGNED FOR DISCUSSION, RELAXATION AND ENJOY!!!] IN SHORT!!! THIS IS ALL BULLSHIT!!!! READ FOR YOURSELF!!!!

diniskei · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
38 Chs

Chapter 20! Mission Rank B in the Land of the Waves!

Hello friends! You're watching "Uzumaki News" on Channel One! (Do the gods have Channel One, too?)

This is your host, Uzumaki Teal! So... Turn on the splash screen!


The TV turned on and suddenly, Til appeared in a funny pirate costume and then began to sing a song to the funny and amusing situations that were happening to him and his ladies of the heart.


- *Are you ready kids?

- Yes captain!

- I can't hear!

- That's right captain!

- HOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Who lives in the middle of the universe?

- Teal Uzumaki! Man of Steel!

- Who is so strong? And cool without a flaw?

- Teal Uzumaki! The Man of Steel!

- Who survives always and everywhere?

- Teal Uzumaki! Man of Steel!

- Who is as agile as Flash on the ground?

- Teal Uzumaki! Man of Steel.

- Tilla!!! Uzumaki!!! Tilla Uzumaki!!! Tilyaia! Uzumaki!!! TILAYA!!! Uzumakiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHHHHHHHH!

And then at the end, Alice played the flute!

-----Til Uzumaki!!!!! -----


- Oh, I can't! Hahaha. That was magical, honey! - Alice finished laughing and wiped away a tear with her sleeve.

- You don't say. - Kurama, on the other hand, kept laughing like Biju.

- Yeah, well... That was funny. - I agreed with them.

- So, let's finally get to the news of the Shinobi world! Because... I completely forgot to tell you about them. Let's go!


The other shinobi villages were very, very shocked by the appearance of my parents! And those who had talked about war or had ill intentions quickly reconsidered their decisions. The fact that some of the strongest shinobi of the old days had reappeared, and that they had brought some... Manas with them, too.

That's what Akatsuki thought, too... Why would I think that? Yes, because I haven't heard from them! Somewhere in the middle of nowhere, beneath the grass of the village. (Ha-ha! Just kidding!)

Of lesser importance... The very Village of Sound formed, which we know a lot about. But some people think we don't... So let them think so. Heh.

My father and mother are now not only respected, loved and feared... But supported in everything! What about it? We saved the red-eye clan popularly called "Uchiha", killed Danzo the brute, found his shady dealings, and besides, we have such a powerful ally as "Manas"! So there's no intrigue or anything like that.

Nobody's making cold wars with each other or trying to crap on the Fourth. And besides, why?

Thanks to my father, our village is getting better and better every day. And so is his power. Although relations between some of the clans are not what you'd call friendly, things are slowly getting better. And soon... They can truly become one village.

And now... I'm going on my very first mission of rank B. And I'm probably excited.



In the Hokage's office, no-nonsense company has gathered. Team 7 led by "Copy Ninja" - Hatake Kakashi, Team 8 led by posh - Yuhi Kurenai and... Team 9 led by "Furious Green Beast" - Maito Gai! And... Is it just me, or is it a little too crowded in here?

I looked at my father questioningly, and arched an eyebrow questioningly. He held up his hand, telling me to wait and start talking:

- Tazuna-san, you may come in.

The office door swung open, and the man from the canon came in! Only... He was focused and sober... Amazing!

- Hello!" he greeted and bowed respectfully to the Hokage.

- Tazuna-san is a builder and architect from the Land of the Waves. At the moment the country is starving and struggling with resources. To solve all their economic problems, they need to build a bridge. We understood their situation and accepted Tazuna's mission, giving her the rank of B. You will have to protect them until Tazuna-san and his team finish the bridge. It may seem too easy a mission for rank B, but it's not. You will be hindered by a slippery tycoon named Gato, who has decided to enrich himself on the woe of this country and its inhabitants. You must foil all his attempts to destroy the bridge. And be vigilant... This structure is not just a bridge between islands, it is a bridge between countries and people. Therefore, this mission is very important. Even a ninja attack is possible, so always be on the alert! - The father finished and no one was left with any complaints.

- The people of our village collected all their money and instructed me to take the mission from you. And I am grateful to the esteemed Hokage for turning down Gato's dirty money and accepting us. This bridge is our last hope. Please help us! People will always remember your kindness and benevolence. And our countries will always be on friendly terms. - bowed Tazuna and my comrades looked at the Hokage with approval, admiration, and pride.

- So that's why there are three teams? - I asked, raising my hand.

- Yes. You leave tomorrow morning, so get ready. Any questions?

- No!" we answered together and left the office.

The teachers took their students away to prepare them a little for this mission, and even Kakashi-sensei was serious and gave some instructions.

- That's it for now. Now go and get ready for the mission. - He said and disappeared into the Shunshin.

- Hooray! Our first B rank mission! - Naruko exclaimed happily.

- I think we should be prepared for everything. See you later! - Satsuki said and ran back to her house after saying goodbye.

With Naruko and Sakura, we chatted for a while and went to get ready for the mission as well. Everyone was excited. Even me! After all, this is the legendary Naruto mission where he found his way as a ninja! IT'S REALLY COOL!!!



Yeah! Well, the house was a mess! My girls were running back and forth and couldn't stay in one place. They put everything I needed in my bag and even more...

- So! When you jump up a tree, look to your left first, and then to your right, so you don't get hit by enemy vehicles. - Itachi said, pointing a finger at me.

- Change your underwear every day, and brush your teeth the same way. If you hurt yourself, tell Sakura right away. Sakura, did you get everything you need?

- Yes!

- Ugh... I want to go on this mission too! What if something happens to you? - Ino asked me, pouting her lips.

- Ok girls, that's enough! - I said, and pulled myself out of her clinging and mercilessly beautiful hands.

- I'm not a little boy, and I can take care of myself.

- Eh... You're right. It's just that this is your first B-grade mission! And it's so exciting! - Tsunade pretended to cry.

- Yeah... I feel like a first grader who just entered the Academy. - I exhaled.

I was in the middle of a few hugs, kisses, lectures, tests, and super hugs, and they finally let us go.

On the way, Sakura and I stopped by my mom's house. There again, I was hugged and comforted for some reason, saying that I was only going away from Mommy for a few weeks. Kushina was there too and kissed me on the cheek. That's so sweet... Just a darling!


- Hey, guys! - Ten-Ten waved to us.

All the Genii are finally here, and our captains will be arriving shortly.

- Hi, there. I see you're ready for anything. - I smiled.

- YES! THE POWER OF YOUTH BURNS WITHIN US!!!!! - Lee said with fire in his eyes.

- Oh, yes, Lee. The power of Youth burns in me, too! - I encouraged him by finding a synonym that suited me!

But all Lee cared about was that I agreed with him, and the doughboy tearfully put his hand on my shoulder and gave me a thumbs-up.

- Hmph.

And that's Neiji now. And he is, as usual, not verbose. By the way, here he is not as gloomy as in canon, because his father is alive... But still, the upbringing of the Hyuga clan, does not pass without a trace. Yeah...

- Kiba, how's Akamaru? - I asked, looking at the dog handler.

- He's fine, and here he is.

Kiba pointed to Akamaru, who came quickly from the side of the gate and greeted me.

- Hinata, you're getting prettier every day. - I looked admiringly at the princess of the Hyuga clan.

- G-greetings. - I'm not sure what I'm supposed to be doing, but I'm sure I'm not going to be the one who's going to be the one who's going to get hurt. Heh.

- Thank you, Uzumaki-kun. - She smiled, and seeing her real smile made Neiji's eye twitch.

- Hey, what about me? - Ten-Ten asked, pouting her lips.

- Your charm made me forget to compliment you. - I said, nodding admiringly. The boys rolled their eyes at that, but Takahashi laughed.

- You got away with it, flatterer. - she said.

- Aha! Hey, Shino! Why aren't you talking? - I asked, turning my attention to the bug lord.

He woke up from his deep thoughts and, realizing that he was not forgotten, became a little happier and even waved his hand in emotion.

- My friends, I salute you.

- Ha-ha-ha! You're the same as always! - I laughed and clapped him on the shoulder.

My team also said hello and chatted with everyone else about nothing.

- Lee, how was your training? - I asked.

- It's great! But it's not enough. I will keep practicing because there is always room for improvement! - He exclaimed.

- You are right! And we must train while the power of Youth is flowing in our veins! - With fire in my eyes, I supported the dense-brower, and the other boys laughed nervously. Then... A powerful hand rested on my shoulder.

Turning around, I saw our punctual captains. Kakashi-sensei looked tired, Kurenai-sensei was smiling at her students, and the hand on my shoulder...

It belonged to Gai-sensei, who was standing there with a bright smile and tears in his eyes.

Suddenly, a powerful illusion of a sunset appeared around me and Lee and Guy.

- May your Youth... flourish forever! - he said an epic phrase, to epic music. And Lee and I got into the atmosphere!

- Guy-sensei! - we shouted together in admiration, but no more words were needed. We understood each other without any words, and we also shed tears of youth.

Guy-sensei nodded and wiped away the tears. But it didn't help and the tears of happiness were pouring down in a river, so he didn't want to show weakness in front of his students, turned around and showed his thumb. And so... Now the three of us stood on the edge of the cliff and began to watch the beautiful sunset with tears in our eyes and dazzling smiles!

- *Bam!!!! *

Kakashi-sensei at this point punched himself in the face so hard that he left a mark afterwards. As did some of the genies, though. And Kurenai-sensei giggled next to the girls watching us.

And only Tazuna alone didn't know what kind of weed we smoked before breakfast.

- Hello, Kakashi-sensei. - I smiled at the teacher, who was now stroking his bruised face.

- Kurenai-sensei, you look stunning! - I said as I appeared beside her and gallantly kissed her hand.

- Well, thank you, young temptress. - She replied and giggled again.

- So, young man... Stop flirting with Kurenai, and don't give in to his natural magnetism. - Kakashi said, looking first at me, then at the beautiful Kurenai, who also liked to tease others.

- You know, it's really complicated. - Kurenai smiled and pinched my cheek.

- Let's go now. - He sighed wearily, and thought to himself:

- "It's going to be an awfully long road."

And so we left the village, making our way to the Land of the Waves. But we had a long road ahead of us, and so

A snap of the fingers and the ring turns into a guitar.

- Let's hit the road with the music!


- *There's nothing better in the world n-o-o-u,

Than to have a friend wandering around the world.

Those who are friends are not afraid of worries,

We've got all sorts of roads to travel!

We can go any way!




- Oh! Great song, Tila! Filled with the power of youth! - Gai-sensei and Rock Li shouted in admiration, to which I threw the lyrics sheet at them with a smile. The three of us sang, and then even Naruko joined us. Surprisingly we had a great choir!

Kurenai, Tazuna, Kibe, Ino, Sakura, Ten-Ten and Hinata all loved it. Even Shino listened and enjoyed it in his own way.

And only Kakashi-sensei, Neiji, and Satsuki saw us enjoying Youth and raised their eyes to the sky and begged.

- "God, give me strength!"

