
A hero in search of a harem! No retreat and no surrender! (18+)

If you're tired of CHINESE IMPOTENTS, Wretched YAWNERS, and DARK ORS, then this is the place for you! The main character was just an ordinary guy, but he has a unique life ahead of him! Full of adventure and action. Well, and the harem will be replenished. (A SUPERMAN who travels in the worlds of the anime. Gg will not leave other worlds behind. He will live in all worlds at once!) [WARNING!!! FANFIC IS DESIGNED FOR DISCUSSION, RELAXATION AND ENJOY!!!] IN SHORT!!! THIS IS ALL BULLSHIT!!!! READ FOR YOURSELF!!!!

diniskei · Anime & Comics
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38 Chs

13! Uzumaki Kushina and the resurrection of his parents!

I woke up in my bed early in the morning... 6:00 to be exact.

It was still dark outside.

After eating breakfast, I decided to go to the Uzumaki Quarter.

Thanks to my mom, I quickly found the block. The mansion was very nice and even clean.

As my mom explained, I can come in here because I'm the "Heir to the Uzumaki Clan". And no one but Uzumaki can enter the house.

I studied the whole mansion and even the secret rooms.

When I found the hidden polygon underground, I decided it was time to resurrect my parents.

I pulled out the resurrection stone and wished to resurrect my parents.

A white coffin appeared. When I looked inside, I saw my mother, Reiko, asleep for the time being.

And with my father, it was unusual...

When I summoned him, the same shinigami appeared and spoke in a bass voice.

- "What do you want, human?"

- To resurrect my father, Namikaze Minato. - I answered.

- "That's impossible... Only if you sacrifice your soul..." - he wanted to say, but I, summoning the mask of the blank and holding Balu in my hand, interrupted him.

- Listen to me, servant of the Goddess of Death! I am no mere soul. I can destroy you right now, you're just an ordinary shinigami. - I said, pointing Balu at him.

The shinigami frowned.

- Lucky for you. I don't want to upset little Hel. - I said, removing Balu and revealing the second death gift.

- Do you know what this is?

- "Mistress's gift!" - Shinigami said in surprise.

- Exactly! And I want to use the stone to resurrect my father.

- "So be it, Mistress Chosen!" - Shinigami exclaimed and took out his dagger and opened his belly, from which a blob of light flew out.

Where it landed, a white coffin appeared again.

When I opened it, I saw my father sleeping peacefully.

- Good. Thank you very much! - I told him, and he bowed to me and disappeared.


The clones of my parents that were in my Inner World disappeared.

Thirty minutes later, my real parents woke up.

My mother stood up, looked around, breathed in the air, touched herself, and threw her arms around me.

Dad didn't even check himself, he just came and hugged us.

- Thank you, son! - Mom said.

- I didn't doubt you. - Dad said and patted me on the head.

- It's good to see you, too. You got all the clone memories, didn't you? - I asked and got a nod in response.

- So here's the plan... You need to get back into shape. I think that in three months you can regain your former strength and skills?

- Yes, son, that's enough time. - Dad nodded.

- Okay, it's just that during that time, Danzo will make his move. He wants to get the eye of a kunoichi named Shisui!

- Hmm... I know who you mean, she's another genius of the Uchiha clan.

- Yes, Dad. Her Mangekyo Sharingan abilities are very unusual.

- Good. - Dad said.

- I'll continue to live in my apartment so as not to arouse suspicion. Now, I'm going to go, and you guys get settled in.

- All right, take care of yourself, son! - said my mother.


As I walked out of the Uzumaki Quarter, I felt danger coming.

The shimba cells I planted with Kushina when she came to the Academy reacted!

Kushina had been kidnapped! And Kumo's ambassadors did it! Looks like the canon had shown itself after all. I turned and quickly ran into the forest.

On the road, I saw red hair. She's very smart.

I landed on a tree and saw the enemies. There were four of them: two jonins, one tokubetsu, and the last chunin.

I took out my violin and started playing. When they got under the genjutsu, I started to approach. Shit! The two junin woke up.

They turned to me and started looking at me...

- Hey, kid! You'd better get out of here. - smirked... Looks like the captain.

Kushina, whose mouth was covered with a blindfold, shook her head with tears in her eyes.

But I didn't listen to the captain and turned on full speed.

I hit each of them on the head. They both lost consciousness without even realizing it.

Then, I tied each of the four with a rope that I took out of my spatial pocket (hereafter=Space Pocket).

And then I approached Kushina, who was staring at me with her eyes wide open. I freed her and began to treat her bruises with light.

- Are you alright? - I asked.

- Y-yes, c-th-thank you..." said Kushina.

- Who are you?" asked Kushina.

- Tilia Uzumaki. What's your name?

- Namikaze... Kushina..." she answered.

- Kushina, so... That's a pretty name. Please wait one minute. - I said, smiling, and walked over to Capt.

Putting my hand on this loser's head, I began to look for information.

Hmm, so they knew that she was the daughter of the Fourth Hokage and also a half-breed Uzumaki, who also knows Fuin.

They wanted to increase their power with her and then ransom her from Konoha. And if not, then sell it to someone for a lot of money!

That's it, Hey!

I'll kick your ass when we meet. I pulled out a scroll and began sealing the failed kidnappers in them.

- How did you find me? - Koushina asked when I was done.

- I immediately noticed your beautiful red hair on the road and decided to follow. - I smiled again.

- S-th-thank you! - Kushina blushed.

- You're welcome! And now, let's go home, soon it will be dawn. - I lifted the girl in my arms, who blushed again, but did not look away from my eyes, and began to fly, pretending to jump.

And above us stood the moon. I've seen something like that somewhere before! Hehehe...

We returned to the village just before dawn and landed on the roof of the Hokage's residence.

Grandpa was already working on his papers.

When I entered, he immediately stood in a stance.

- Tila, I'm not falling for your tricks this time. - Grandpa Hiruzen said gravely.

- Grandpa, I have an urgent matter to attend to you.

- The same as last time? - he raised an eyebrow.

- No. Kushina was going to be kidnapped. - I said gravely and unscrewed the scroll, pulling out the bound bodies.

- What? They're ambassadors from Cloud! - I walked up to them, the Third.

- Exactly! They wanted to kidnap Kushina in order to offer ransom to the village and, if they failed, sell her to the enemies of the Fourth!

- Is that so? Cat! - Shouted Hokage, and Anbu appeared - correction - wearing a cat mask.

- Take them away, to Ibiki! - ordered the Third, and Anbu disappeared with the prisoners.

- Kushina, you may go. I'll see to the matter. - said the Third.

- Wait!" I shouted.

And then I looked seriously at Hokage.

- Would you like to know some secret information...? - I asked, slowly, to which the Third frowned and leaned toward me.

- It's top secret..." I made a serious face, and Third and Kushina approached me again.

I quickly folded the seals and used the seduction technique.

I turned into a naked Akeno and, sticking out my large breasts, which were covered by a white haze, murmured:

- Ho-ka-ge-sama! - Kushina's eyes widened in shock, and her face turned the same color as her hair! And Hokage's nose spurted blood and he fell unconscious.

- Ha-ha-ha-ha!

I dispelled the technique, laughing heartily, and then picked Kushina up in my arms and jumped onto the roof! I'm definitely having deja vu!

But at least Kushina isn't scared now, and she's giggling along with me. Right now, that's all that matters.


I took Kushina home. That's where Naruko and Tsunade couldn't find her.

- Kushi-no!" Naruko rushed to hug her sister as soon as she saw her. Then Tsunade came too.

- "Eh... It's nice to have a family." - I thought.

Tilia was with you!

Over and out!