
a hedonistic will

"Demons were once angels, as beautiful as crystal, murderers were once innocent children who were changed over time and by the evil inflicted on the heart,there is no good or bad, there are choices, choices, only Choices, no Choices, good or bad, only the ones we decide to take, only you decide,was your choice good or bad?" "I say so, my Choices were so fucking good sitting on the top of the highest hill, a young man says these same words, while beheading a dirty and weak old man =============================================== Goodness and badness are concepts created to catalog the choices made by living beings, from these concepts the idea of ​​Karma was created, Karma is an energy created by our choices,whether they are good or bad, a certain type of karma will be created, well...according to humans this is karma, they wouldn't be so wrong,karma is actually done by our willpower, whatever it is, as long as it's strong and has a goal in mind,the karma will be drawn to you, the stronger this will power, the greater the karma drawn Loras kryon had the desire to become strong, as strong as a demon god, so the people he loves wouldn't suffer and he couldn't do anything to help them and he was strong to the end,but he could not fight against time and its cruel passage, he died old in fear that after his death his loved ones would suffer Margaret Tal wanted to help weak people by empowering them, she studied and became a renowned scientist, she studied the human brain and managed to break the chains that bound us to 10%,10% of brain capacity,she brought humanity to an era where there was no inequality and humans lived free and equal,humanity became prosperous and dreamed of the chance to spread humanity across the galaxy,but unfortunately she can't see it, the time to unlock it was punishing,she can't see her work spread across the land and humans step into peace, an eternal peace,she died in fear that other humans with evil intentions would deprive her work of a life and humanity would enter an era of eternal inequality. both died, scared and with their goals unfulfilled, but something gives them a chance,in a strange world, different from their worlds, they wake up with their souls tethered to a boy, a boy with green hair,the only thing they knew was that their dreams and goals could now be fulfilled, by this boy,this boy who inside hid a will as strong as that of a God, they had hope of finally not being afraid anymore, well...that's what they thought,but they didn't know that inside their divine will power hid a demonic Hedonism

D3S0L4T3 · Fantasy
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16 Chs

chapter 5

Inside a dark space with only 2 huge screens inside, a couple looks at the 2 screens, on the screens there is a scene where 2 energies, a red and a blue one are mixing to have a purple energy slowly forming

Margaret and Loras watched the soul of Hunter, they knew those energies for a long time, since he was born they were there, just waiting for that day, those 2 energies are Hunter's answer to have only talent for the spear and be mediocre for everything

Those were Hunter's willpower, a willpower as strong as Loras who was a commander of an invincible army, he had an incredible and powerful willpower, but next to that willpower inside Hunter, he looked like a child that had a mediocre strength, it was like a divine will

The same goes for Margaret who had a psychopathic Hedonism, she was a scientist, an ancient genius and wanted the evolution of the human brain to come faster, she studied the entire human body and did terrible atrocities to achieve her goal, but close to that strange red energy that emanated a greater Hedonism than her and that Hedonism wanted everything, that red energy was the essence of the word "sin", but what scared her most was the dark energy inside that red energy, it was a darkness that reminded her of a black hole, sucking everything in sight, that energy scared anyone who saw it

But what scared the 2 most was that they were both coming together and creating a purple-bright energy more powerful than the 2 previous energies on Soaks as far away as an ant next to a whale, this whole process was happening inside a boy from 15 years

Hunter finally felt the karma, now using the body's pores he breathes the Environment karma and the karma attracts to his body, it comes at a slow and steady speed and enters the hunter's body so Hunter waits for the pain of having every cell of the body being torn apart and created by new cells as strong as a stone, the refining process begins, it feels the first cell being destroyed and another one being built and replacing the destroyed one and then this process goes on millions and millions of times over and over. the hunter's body this process happens, billions and billions of cells being destroyed and new ones being coupled

So the same thing with nathan happens with Hunter, a layer of dead skin appears on Hunter's skin like a snake shedding its skin, after 2 hours the hunter's whole body is covered with dead skin, after 2 hours the skin it dissolves and reveals a new hunter, but not only does the skin fall off, its green hair goes too, hunter's hair was a dark green and now underneath that dead dark green hair, appears a green hair alive like nature, it was silky , shiny and thin but it felt as hard as a chain

Hunter is now a skin refiner at the beginning of step 1, he swims to the surface and then sees nathan lying down and sleeping, he was still naked and part of his legs were in the pool, Hunter gets out of the pool and stretches his body, stay into the water he left muscles and tendons numb, he then checks the state of nathan, he was fine and his body change was visible, just like nathan, Hunter didn't have a flabby skin on his body, his muscles were visible and his skin had a Milky white, he and his brother were the same but there was also one more difference to add, Hunter's muscles were harder and bigger, Hunter's strength comes from his arms, as his spear [fox's tail] is made Black iron at the hilt and crimson diamond at the tip giving a weight of 100kg, while nathan's muscles are thinner with age and more distributed throughout the body because of the purified Silver sword that weighs around 20kg

Hunter decides to wake Nathan and then pinches the tip of his chest

Nathan then shouts:


"get up and let's go, today we leave for the border, daddy will wait for us there"

"Need to tighten the fucking nipples of my chest!?"

"yes since waking up to you is harder than moving a mountain and let's stop the small talk I can't stand this place anymore"

They get up, dry themselves with prepared towels and put on a new change of clothes after setting the old ones on fire, why did they do that?

out of disgust, they hated the prince's life and wanted to get out of that place, so they set fire to the clothes given by the imperial craftsmen and put on the clothes of the Imperial army given by Redfield or as they called him: "father"

After years of training and just having Redfield as the only person they trusted and the only one who didn't lie to them and treat them like sons, he always helped and followed them from the beginning, he was the one who took the father title to heart. from nathan and adrian, they didn't call him father in public to protect Redfield and themselves, it was a disgrace for the prince to call each other father without being the emperor and if they did call it by accident, the 3 would be killed for treason. It's an old law, it was created by Adrian to remind the brothers that even with all the hate, he was still their father and nothing could change that.

They left the christening area and there was no one waiting for them and they already knew that, so instead of introducing themselves to the emperor and the emperor to congratulate Hunter on his conquest, he went straight to the Castle's back gates instead of visiting the king, if Adrian even went to visit him at the baptism who says he would mind congratulating Hunter for becoming a refiner?

After passing through the long corridors and reaching the back exit, hunter and nathan saw a group of soldiers dressed the same way as they did, after the soldiers saw that the princes had arrived, they didn't go prostrate to them or the whole process of settling down. treating someone in real life, they stayed on their horses and then one of the men said in a calm tone:

"Already know that we will not treat the 2 with reverence and politeness because from the moment they become soldiers and wear this uniform, their positions as princes are automatically annulled, in the Imperial army a nobleman loses his title and honors and only his position and your merits within your district are taken into account, get that into your heads, everyone here knows of your relationship with the commander and that he treats you like his sons and that you have received rigorous training with him and I know both are refiners of the start of 1st step in skin refining and why your ranks in your districts are the highest within the common district, if you don't know then I'll explain

The Imperial army is divided into: common district, outer district, inner district, core, swords, crowns, Imperial and supreme

From the moment you entered you became soldiers of the [Imperial Graham Army] of the common district.

Once you manage to become refiners, you become the [external refiners] and earn the right to have a battalion of non-refiners soldiers and if those non-refiners become refiners in your battalion, they can choose to stay or not to stay within your battalion. battalion, if they decide to leave, they will be assigned to their own battalion and if they want to stay, they will stay in your battalion until the day of their death

Now we have the ranking system in the [external ranking] where all battalions will be ranked with stars from 1 to 100

Stars are earned for each refiner within their battalion, if that refiner leaves, any refiner that is not in a battalion will be assigned to their battalion.

As you can see, each battalion has 100 men and women soldiers who want to serve the Empire or, more realistically, want to get out of misery and poverty with the high salary that refiners receive

You will take these 100 soldiers every month on a campaign to the north of the forest where the demons are below the Skin Refining stage and there you will have to kill at least 100 demons and if you fail to kill the 100 demons you will be punished and not will receive the salary until they manage to kill 100 demons

If one of the 100 soldiers dies, a new one will be put in its place at the end of the month, if everyone dies and only you survive, you will be killed immediately if you don't bring back the 100 animal skins that you and your old group sacrificed to get, just that and as his younger brother is 13 years old and not an adult by law, he will be part of your battalion and be the 1st man when we get to the 91.021st district, which is your district and is also 1 of 21 new districts scattered across the empire, you will have the new batch of soldiers and call me seph, while the rest of my soldiers, you don't need to know their Name, we won't see each other anytime soon."

As he spoke, seph motioned for the man on his right to look for something and while explaining the rankings, the man brought a horse for Hunter and Nathan to share, at the end of the explanation, the brothers were already on the horse.

"Very well soldiers, all ready, it will be a long trip, go!!!"

And then the horses set off at high speed towards the 91.021st district, what seph forgot or didn't want to warn was that; the Hunter district was near the border where the demons above Muscle Refine were located and where that area currently was. a hell on earth for skin refiners


author's note: 1 cap per day, don't get attached to the characters, this is a GOT-style novel