
a hedonistic will

"Demons were once angels, as beautiful as crystal, murderers were once innocent children who were changed over time and by the evil inflicted on the heart,there is no good or bad, there are choices, choices, only Choices, no Choices, good or bad, only the ones we decide to take, only you decide,was your choice good or bad?" "I say so, my Choices were so fucking good sitting on the top of the highest hill, a young man says these same words, while beheading a dirty and weak old man =============================================== Goodness and badness are concepts created to catalog the choices made by living beings, from these concepts the idea of ​​Karma was created, Karma is an energy created by our choices,whether they are good or bad, a certain type of karma will be created, well...according to humans this is karma, they wouldn't be so wrong,karma is actually done by our willpower, whatever it is, as long as it's strong and has a goal in mind,the karma will be drawn to you, the stronger this will power, the greater the karma drawn Loras kryon had the desire to become strong, as strong as a demon god, so the people he loves wouldn't suffer and he couldn't do anything to help them and he was strong to the end,but he could not fight against time and its cruel passage, he died old in fear that after his death his loved ones would suffer Margaret Tal wanted to help weak people by empowering them, she studied and became a renowned scientist, she studied the human brain and managed to break the chains that bound us to 10%,10% of brain capacity,she brought humanity to an era where there was no inequality and humans lived free and equal,humanity became prosperous and dreamed of the chance to spread humanity across the galaxy,but unfortunately she can't see it, the time to unlock it was punishing,she can't see her work spread across the land and humans step into peace, an eternal peace,she died in fear that other humans with evil intentions would deprive her work of a life and humanity would enter an era of eternal inequality. both died, scared and with their goals unfulfilled, but something gives them a chance,in a strange world, different from their worlds, they wake up with their souls tethered to a boy, a boy with green hair,the only thing they knew was that their dreams and goals could now be fulfilled, by this boy,this boy who inside hid a will as strong as that of a God, they had hope of finally not being afraid anymore, well...that's what they thought,but they didn't know that inside their divine will power hid a demonic Hedonism

D3S0L4T3 · Fantasy
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16 Chs

chapter 3

Inside a gigantic room lit in pure, immaculate white with a pool of milky white liquid that glowed in pure white

There was a ritual

the karmic baptism

Karmic baptism is one of the ways a person can become a refiner, and baptism is the most expensive and most effective method for the body to absorb karma.

The method was to immerse a person in liquid karma made from karmic herbs and let the body get used to it.

So using a method of breathing and absorbing Karma with the body's pores

The person refines their skin until the beginning of step 1

Then it has to get out of the pool of karma quickly because when skin refining starts, the body starts to pollute the liquid karma and the already refined skin is extremely weak skin compared to the skin of other refiners and this impure skin is impossible to purify themselves with normal remedies and the remedies that can purify are mostly in possession of powers that can destroy the Graham empire with 1/100 of their forces

And today it was Hunter's turn to become a refiner

Hunter turns 15 that day and was already an adult under Graham's law

Hunter was a young boy of 1.70m, green hair of his mother Talia and red eyes of his father Adrian, he has a face with a pointed chin and nose, straight eyebrows and upturned eyelashes like his mother, he has an athletic build and posture straight as the spear he carries on his back always with him

Nathan is not much different from hunter, he is 1.60m and athletic build but what draws the most attention in his appearance are his scarlet eyes as pure blood, he has a sword that he carries on the left side always with him

They stand side by side in the room, standing like statues as the alchemists prepare the karmic baptism

They watch them and wait for their father Adrian who should be with them

The moment a child becomes a refiner is a dream for any parent on the Heru continent

A moment where the child becomes a super human and has the chance to reach the pinnacle of this world

Adrian was not there, nor were the nobles, any relative of Talia's family or relative of Adrian's family.

Only the 2 of them were there, looking at the alchemists with cold, lifeless eyes.

They were used to it, since they were little they never received anything from Adrian, there was no affection, love, affection or companionship

The father-son relationship grew further apart after Adrian remarried and had 3 more children.

They had Adrian's presence in their lives, Adrian was a father present to them, always playing, helping and advising

The brothers saw that and were jealous of them, the envy evolved into anger and then indifference

Adrian was no longer a father in the brothers' hearts, he was just a stranger, a demon who abused his mother and made her life hell.

The only father figure they had was Commander Redfield who was not present as the day before he had been dispatched to take care of "important" matters at Graham's border.

The alchemists have finished making the liquid for baptism

They looked at the brothers with an indifferent gaze and waited for orders.

Then Hunter says in a cold voice: "Go away and leave me and my brother here, I don't want anyone to come in until I leave and if someone does....know that this will be your last memory when you reach the Underworld.... "

The alchemists felt angry at Hunter's words, but they disguised it, bowed and walked out of the room.

After they left, the brothers' expressions changed to happy faces.

that moment has finally arrived

Hunter's Baptism

They looked forward to that day, as that day began the plan for a military coup against the current Emperor of Graham: Adrian Graham

It would be a stupid plan for 2 princes, the 1st and 2nd prince in the royal bloodline to strike a blow at the government they are destined to inherit right?

But here it's different, Adrian's 3 children with hunter and nathan's stepmother, Alaina Keene or Alaina Graham

She currently has triplets with Adrian

Dylan, Jared and Owen

They are currently 10 years old and both are in the process of preparing to inherit Graham

Dylan is Commander Redfield's heir in the army and is teaching him not only to war but also to manage. By teaching Dylan to be the heir to office, he cannot attend Hunter's karmic baptism

Jared is in charge of non-military affairs such as the administration of the kingdom and the royal treasury, he is being taught by the ministers and heads of the Noble houses on the economics of the kingdom and the administration of taxes and the sale and purchase of the karmic herbs of the Kingdom

Owen will be the one who will inherit the royal throne and Adrian himself is teaching how to be Graham's Emperor

It may seem that Owen's life will be easy as his brothers will run the kingdom, but it won't be that way, his life will be worse than his brothers' lives.

Their work can be considered a summer breeze near the office of emperor

The role of emperor is the heaviest job on Graham as he is the emperor himself who takes care of the high level demonic beasts in graham.

The role of emperor is not just a Major role that everyone has to respect and the emperor has to sit on the throne while listening to others discuss the day to day problems in the kingdom

The emperor had an obligation to be above the Mental Refinement stage as he had to be the wall between the ultra powerful beasts above Mental Refinement that were on the shores of the kingdom of Graham

They preferred the coast of the kingdom because in the huge ocean that bathed the Heru continent, there were even stronger beasts that surpassed the animal Refining stage in these waters and they wanted to invade the Heru continent all the time

One measure the Heru Empires took against the invasion was to build a wall of black diamond

A species of diamond found in mountainous region volcanoes in central Heru

If a person saw the entire Heru continent from above, they would see a black line surrounding all of Heru

One less part, a beach at the far north of Heru, full of monsters coming out of the water and returning from it

It was a constant movement of sea and land monsters

That place was a headache for Heru, that's where the acerius ocean demons came

And it was the duty of the emperor of Graham to kill as many demons as possible in that region.

Every year the emperor went to the beach and slew as many demons as he could with a special force from the Graham empire.

Owen compared to Nathan and Hunter was rubbish in terms of strength and battle talent

But he was being trained by Adrian who attained the strength of a spiritual refiner from the beginning of step 1

With constant training he could reach higher levels than the 2 brothers and then their situation would be worse than it already is.

Hunter and Nathan were not tortured or cursed in the palace, nor were they mistreated

But they knew that this time of peace would end when the triplets came of age.

They would have political and military power

So it was of utmost importance that Hunter and Nathan became powerful as soon as possible.

The only way they can get stronger quickly is by breaking rules

Every prince of the empire had to turn 15 years old Before he was refined

But they didn't care, what matters is they couldn't give the enemy time

Hunter looked at Nathan and said

"Let's finish soon while the liquid is Fresh"

Hunter then takes off his clothes quickly and is left with only a cloth covering his private parts.

Then he hears a female voice saying:

"You and your brother need to get completely naked if you want the refining method to work."

It was Margaret, a few years ago Hunter studied how karma works in the human body, how the Refining process works, how the pores suck Karma to refine and how karma eliminated human cells and replaced it with new cells made of pure Karma

So using the Imperial library's study materials and refining methods, Margaret was able to create a refining method superior to normal methods.

It didn't make refining any easier, but at least it made it a little faster, but that speed came at a price.

When you refine some part of the body or Soul, it is impossible to refine the entire area.

It is impossible to refine all human skin to its full extent.

It is possible to refine only a few parts at a time.

The refiners first start with the arms and legs where the application of force for a fight is concentrated.

Then the twist, where a greater defense is concentrated, like a shield of its own

Because the head is a sensitive point and the torso is stronger as they concentrate resistant muscles and which become even more resistant with Refining, many refiners concentrate refining in the torso for greater defense in fights and leave the durability of the arms to Refining of muscles

But why is it not possible to refine all the skin at once?

Because in addition to the extreme pain that the refiner would feel, so much pain that it can damage some parts of the brain that are irreversible even with karmic herbs and there is also the issue of willpower, a strong willpower also means strong concentration, breathing karma with every pore of the body is impossible for a normal person, only geniuses born from millennium to millennium

It's impossible even for Nathan

But Margaret was not a genius born from millennium to millennium, no, she is countless levels above

According to her, in her past life, Margaret studied the entire human body in an attempt to evolve the human race to a higher level.

She has achieved such a feat but cannot see all of humanity as superior humans, she died of old age after decades of studying

Using her superior wisdom, she studied and using her research she managed to create a Refining method superior to that of Adrian himself, who used the [White Eagle's Refinement of the North Winds]

A Refining method that uses ambient air to attract pure, unblemished karma and easily penetrate pores.

It is a slow but effective Refining method, it took 500 years to reach spiritual refinement and this is already considered fast, with potencies reaching this level in 800-1000 years

But the method wasn't the only reason he was so quick to reach spiritual refinement, each year he would fight legions of demons that seemed endless for days without resting and would come back in a near-death state.

He spent days refining and then came back stronger than Before

He repeated this for 500 years and managed to reach the top of the ranking of powers in the world

But with Margaret's Refining method

Hunter hoped to reach the height of body refining in at least 150 years, a time far shorter than Adrian, who took 200 years.

Not just him but nathan, Redfield and those he truly trusted

- Returning to the white room -

Hunter responded with confused thoughts:

"Because all the clothes?, as far as I know there are no pores in the penile region"

Margaret responds in a mocking voice

"Simple boy... you need to enjoy everything that liquid has to offer, and not only the regions with pores will be affected, but the regions without pores will also be affected, and you need to take it out as the impurities from your skin will be expelled with this Refining method and it wouldn't be very good if an impurity entered your urethra...."

Upon hearing this, Hunter felt scared and quickly removed the cloth that covered his private parts.

Nathan looked and was perplexed and asked his brother with a certain sarcasm:

"Why are you taking your clothes off hunt?, look, I know you like different meat but I don't and we're brothers too, what would dad say if he knew about it?"

After listening to Nathan's sarcastic little speech, Hunter suppressed his anger and desire to withhold information from Margaret and said everything she said about the impurities

But when nathan got to the {impurities in the urethra} part, he saw nathan tear off the cloth covering his member quickly.

Hunter saw Nathan's face change from a sarcastic smile to one of fear at the information and regretted having said the information at that moment, he wanted to see his reaction when they were in the pool.

Then Hunter starts laughing:

"Hahahahahaha~...the brave emperor of the Graham empire: Nathaniel Graham. got scared was he? Hahahahahahahaha~...."

Nathan responds with a slight trace of anger in his voice:

"Shut up and let's get in this fucking pool"

Then Hunter retorts with a sarcastic tone and says:

"One more thing in which we are different little brother, I have talent in the meat spear and you a little girly dagger hahahahahahahahahahah~...."



while they discussed

Inside Hunter's Soul

A woman in a modern age scientist's lab coat was looking at a big screen in the middle of nowhere, she was drooling and her right hand was touching her little sister as she looked at Nathan's muscular but young body with no clothes on and said:

"So young and so virile.....ahn...yes!!!!!!AAANNNNNHHH"

She moaned loudly and the floor she was sitting on became wet with a slightly pinkish and yellowish liquid.

Next to her on another screen beside her was a tall, strong man in black armor. He looks at the woman and thinks:

'Looks like this woman is going to use me Again today...it was nice at first, but damn, even though I'm a spirit I'm not a horse either'

'I feel sorry for this boy when he leaves here'