
a hedonistic will

"Demons were once angels, as beautiful as crystal, murderers were once innocent children who were changed over time and by the evil inflicted on the heart,there is no good or bad, there are choices, choices, only Choices, no Choices, good or bad, only the ones we decide to take, only you decide,was your choice good or bad?" "I say so, my Choices were so fucking good sitting on the top of the highest hill, a young man says these same words, while beheading a dirty and weak old man =============================================== Goodness and badness are concepts created to catalog the choices made by living beings, from these concepts the idea of ​​Karma was created, Karma is an energy created by our choices,whether they are good or bad, a certain type of karma will be created, well...according to humans this is karma, they wouldn't be so wrong,karma is actually done by our willpower, whatever it is, as long as it's strong and has a goal in mind,the karma will be drawn to you, the stronger this will power, the greater the karma drawn Loras kryon had the desire to become strong, as strong as a demon god, so the people he loves wouldn't suffer and he couldn't do anything to help them and he was strong to the end,but he could not fight against time and its cruel passage, he died old in fear that after his death his loved ones would suffer Margaret Tal wanted to help weak people by empowering them, she studied and became a renowned scientist, she studied the human brain and managed to break the chains that bound us to 10%,10% of brain capacity,she brought humanity to an era where there was no inequality and humans lived free and equal,humanity became prosperous and dreamed of the chance to spread humanity across the galaxy,but unfortunately she can't see it, the time to unlock it was punishing,she can't see her work spread across the land and humans step into peace, an eternal peace,she died in fear that other humans with evil intentions would deprive her work of a life and humanity would enter an era of eternal inequality. both died, scared and with their goals unfulfilled, but something gives them a chance,in a strange world, different from their worlds, they wake up with their souls tethered to a boy, a boy with green hair,the only thing they knew was that their dreams and goals could now be fulfilled, by this boy,this boy who inside hid a will as strong as that of a God, they had hope of finally not being afraid anymore, well...that's what they thought,but they didn't know that inside their divine will power hid a demonic Hedonism

D3S0L4T3 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

chapter 10

In the middle of a forest with trees so big that they pierce the clouds and below them a swamp so that surrounds the whole region with an infinity of gigantic trees, in one of the entrances to the forest of Colossal Trees, a huge mountain of wolves' corpses so big as an apple tree trunk were rotting with a smell of rot, poison and old blood that carried a heavy metallic air in the atmosphere, from the entrance to the swamp where a colossal tree stood, on its gigantic trunk were dozens of insects as big as one. elephant and its appearance was frightening and blood was seen bathing its black hooves and an intent to kill dense forms with its presence, an intent to kill Strong and powerful that by gathering all insects with an intent to kill so strong, it was like seeing a god of war undefeated after a bloody battle with no winners, at the entrance to the swamp were 2 people who compared to the giant insects, the insects lost the title of min muscle and the human being who earned that title, whenever humans felt superior and proud they called other humans: garbage, insect, worthless, waste and many others

Whenever an insect was thought of, any human being thought of a tiny, totally harmless being that could be killed instantly with a finger or simply stepping on it, but on Titania insects were at the top of the food chain in the upper forest region. , second only to the crocodiles who were the dominant Kings of Titania and their domination was Undefeated before insects, but in Titania every human was a small insect that crawled through the home of the huge giants and residents there, there was no human superiority and the human left the top of the food chain to the lowest place in it and remained there, unalterable and unshakeable, nothing took away the insignificance of human beings and their fragility in Titania, animals were the gods who ruled and ruled in Titania

The humans on the brink knew this, that on Titania they were less than insect shit after eating your entire body as a snack for breakfast

But those Humans knew something, being fragile doesn't mean being weak, being fragile means being underestimated and underestimating an enemy is the worst mistake one can make in a life and death battle, those hundreds of insects underestimated the 2 humans at the entrance and they just wanted to taste the corpses of wolves full of karma and poison that is the favorite meal of an insect in Titania

The insects would be concerned first with the mountain of corpses, then with the human snacks after the meal they were going to have.

Hunter and Nathan knew that as long as the insects underestimated them and didn't take them as enemies, their chance of victory would be guaranteed, insects unlike crocodiles had a problem controlling their instincts and thinking like rational animals, now with this delicacy in front of them ,it was like a poison that erases all lucidity and takes the irrational side of them out as hard as possible and Hunter and Nathan would use this mountain to kill and train their refinements with insects as much as they can and then get enough power. to go all the way to your district and find safety with Commander Redfield would be a long way and be fraught with dangers, both demonic beasts and powerful humans and they needed power and now that was the only way to get power fast and fur. less elevate your refinements to the 2nd step

One of the insects that was a kind of gigantic and scary ant threw itself up the mountain and went straight to the top of the pile.

It was then that Hunter grabbed Nathan by the strap of the armor he had on his back and threw him through the air towards the ant and when nathan approached the ant, he took his sword and decided he would impale the ant with his sword, when the ant saw little nathan approaching with frightening speed, he underestimated nathan thinking that nathan would die in the clash between bodies

When both of them collided, they were both surprised when the ant's weight and speed surpassed nathan's and when the ant only felt when the sword went through his chest and nathan started to go backwards instead of forwards, nathan didn't realize the direction that he was going because he took his sword already piercing the huge ant's body and began to twist it, thus cutting its organs and changing their position while cutting them and he did it in midair as he fell back to the mountain

The ant was the size of an elephant and weighed less than a ton, but it was fatal to nathan who quickly takes the ant's sword and lands on the edge of wolf corpses thrusting his legs over the ant's heavy corpse and leaping to the mountain. of corpses, the already dead ant lands on top of the mountain completely immobile and its fellow species jumped after it, saw the death of the ant by the human boy and tried to land near the boy to avenge his dead sister who died by a human scum, but when they were close to getting close to nathan, they saw a high-speed glowing red light appear before them and that glowing light is Hunter!

With his Spear already on fire, he makes countless random lunges in the air to hit the ants at High Speed ​​and what is seen after the random attacks are showers of black blood and mass of pierced organs with a pink color and a shower of pieces of bodies that crash against the mountain and make it tremble slightly, there were a total of 7 ants not counting the one that was killed by Nathan, all killed by Hunter almost instantly

These consecutive deaths of several enemies weighed heavily on Hunter's physique as that attack was miscalculated in helping the ants not topple the mountain as they needed it to be a strategic point where the insects would have to mark 1 place only and in case the mountain collapsed and bodies were scattered everywhere, killing the insects would be even more difficult as there would be many unprotected spots for them to eat, they had to hold their ground and Hunter's reckless attack on playing nathan to kill the leader ant and then attracting rage from the servant ants to get away from the mountain and go straight to the ground and then Hunter using this attack of strong but random thrusts ended up taking a lot out of his entire body, now they had to keep some care with all the other insects, many of them were in the middle stage of step 1 of skin refining, even though most of them had hard shells from birth, they they could still refine them to make them even stronger, but these shells were nothing to Hunter and Nathan's weapons, the rest was in the middle of the 2nd step and a small portion at the peak of the 2nd step

Now began the second battle of the night

2 humans weak in refining but strong in equipment and training against 90 insects as big as elephants

It seemed unfair such a comparison because 2 humans against 90 monsters would be an impossibility for humans to win, but Hunter and Nathan had something that would make this fight fair, they had strength and speed while the insects only had strength since to be as powerful as are now, they had to sacrifice their speed and gain sheer brute strength in place of good speed and attack reaction, they were like big strong slugs and that was the key to victory, Hunter then yells to nathan:


Nathan checks his bag and tries to look for the last 2 antidotes to the paralyzing poison that plagued the atmosphere of the current Battleground

Nathan searches inside the bag where they had broken items, cloths, medicines, food, clothes and props until he found the antidotes, but there was a problem

"Hunt....one of the antidotes broke...only left......no....NO!!!!!"

Nathan feels anger and sadness when he sees that because during the landing after killing the leader ant, he fell with his backpack on his back, not on his chest, many things broke and many feats now pierced nathan's bag and one of the feats fell on top of an antidote, thus breaking it completely and leaving no trace of it, only 1

This single bottle was cracked and brittle, at the slightest touch with force it will fall apart

Hunter sees the vial in nathan's hand and then in a Quick Jump he takes the vial from nathan's hand and breaks it in his right hand, Hunter uses his left hand to force open nathan's Mouth and tightens his right hand even more until coming out of the liquid of the antidote mixed with your blood which also had remnants of some of the previous antidote and which is now slowly weakening in your bloodstream

Nathan sees his brother's action at the same time he was angry he was also sad, now that they killed most of the insects and the others were definitely angry, the fights would be prolonged and even if they fled they would lose as the insects they would chase through the forest and they won't stop even at a slower speed, they had a lot of brute strength and to be able to use that brute force for long periods of time they had to have great stamina and their stamina was almost infinite, a slow but tiring chase, the only thing left was death

But they had the antidotes to help fight for a long time, but not anymore, only Nathan had a chance to get out of this battle alive, Hunter didn't

From the day nathan was born he had a rational conscience of a 19 year old adult, he was always taken care of by Hunter and when nathan realized what would happen to his brother and him in the future and his father would do nothing to change, he finally understood the size of Hunter's brotherhood with him, Hunter always wanted to give him a childhood of at the same time rigorous military training also had moments when he was a normal child who played with wooden puppets and loved stories of brave knights and warriors against hordes of demons, something Nathan had to put up with as he never had a protective older brother

In nathan's past life, he was a futile human being, he studied and got an above-average job at an average home with a boring life that went from work to home reading web novels to buying and signing a hooker delivery, all of that It changed when one day Coming back from the market after buying his dinner for the solo Christmas stocking he had every year, he saw a strange spot of light passing near the location of Venus, that spot appeared and shone in the sky with a beautiful light, nathan who was then called Lucas, asked that he could stop being a futile human with a normal life, he wanted to stop being a shitty human being, when he asked for it with all his heart, the light got brighter and shone with a light so strong that Christmas night in 2021 turned into morning for 1 second, but everyone noticed this "Christmas miracle" and made news all over the world, but in a country on the Americas continent, a 19-year-old boy was found unconscious in the middle of the street after smaiar during that Christmas miracle and he was the only one in the whole world

After that Lucas woke up in the body of 1 day old nathan graham when the doctor cut the umbilical cord that held his neck, preventing him from breathing, so he grew up seeing everything he could of this beautiful world and got used to his new family here that was represented by; Nathan Redfield and Hunter Graham, his father and older brother

This was his only precious family, very different from his family in the past who chose to ignore everything Lucas represented as being too mediocre

Hunter joining his earth age to the age of now, he would be over 30 but he cried like a child as his brother was sacrificing himself to save him, his head spun with plans for his brother to live and also plans for sacrifice ,but in all of them, Hunter stops Nathan from finishing the plan, but then an epiphany crosses Nathan's head, he reaches into his backpack and pulls his crossbow out of the backpack, he picks up the crossbow and points it to his eyes of a huge beetle that comes to the mountain and it hits one of its eyes but the beetle closes its eyes and breaks the arrow into pieces but the poison had already entered its eyes and spread to its brain and then to the whole body and then nathan yells:

"Let's kill them all!"

Hunter looks back and sees a shower of huge insects falling like arrows and on the ground a huge fallen beetle squirming to get up

Hunter pulls his spear and with great force he lands a violent lunge on the insect's head with all the strength he has, making an excruciating sound of "KRASHT!!!"

The beetle was dead, but not because of the javelin the spear had given its head.

But because of the karmic energy that Hunter released by the spear

One thing nathan didn't know was that the effect of Hunter's antidote ended shortly after he finished noticing the giant beetle and unleashing the attack, after the poison in the atmosphere entered Hunter's breath, the purple energy within his soul spread. by his body and began to force his body to refine itself with karma because Hunter's flesh, a little weak from the fight he had been waging for hours now weaker from the poison, was being refined and getting stronger at the same time as the skin of him that is already made of karma to receive more Karma and become stronger, it was unsuccessfully preventing the karma from entering the poison, now being strengthened it was preventing the poison from spreading through the muscles and the rest of the body, the purple energy became more weak and the control over his body became weaker, but hunter did not stop, he stopped breathing with mouth and nose and began to breathe through pores preventing him from poisoning himself

And after delivering the attack on the beetle, the Karma he breathed redirected to the spear and violently entered the beetle's body, violently destroying it from the inside, its interior felt like it had been squeezed by a hammer.

Hunter looks at nathan and says calmly as he bent down to grab a large cloth from nathan's backpack and cover his face with it:

"Nathan, stay behind me at the top of the mountain and shoot us closest bugs, if you can't hit them, let me know and point him, I have to know the ones you didn't hit as soon as possible or else we'll die.. . you understood me?"

Nathan says with a tone and a determined expression:

"Yes, let's survive and let's see Daddy and then let's kill that demon!"

Hunter nods and grabs Nathan by the strap on his back and throws him to the top of the mountain.

Hunter takes his spear and sees that while he was talking to his brother, the insects were coming at full speed through the ground not through the air, as they knew they would be at a disadvantage against that smaller Human's arrows.

Hunter then speaks out loud:


Nathan starts shooting almost instantly at insects and many fall to the ground motionless while others protect themselves by closing their eyes or using their antennas or hands or just close some hole and continue to run slowly, those who couldn't protect themselves hid behind those who could

How are Titan insects affected by poison if they eat poison?

For 1 reason: Refine the poison

They couldn't Refine the poison as most of them were refining skin, not organs, when they go to eat something poisoned, they Refine the poison Environment in their carapace or skin and that sucked venom is refined in their carapace/skin and their carapace/skin has the poison attribute and any living being that attacks with their bare hands will poison themselves

Humans could do this but it was only possible with minerals and only minerals, many had tough skin like iron or diamond.

But they didn't have a skin truly made of Diamond

It was possible to have a skin like that, but the way to make it happen was extremely difficult and took time and resources

Unlike insects that only need to absorb, humans need to understand how to make their skin behave like the metal they want and use karma to change skin atoms already made of karma to come together and transform into the same atomic elements as the chosen Metal. ,he will be able to have a real skin of diamond, iron, titanium, gold, copper and etc.

Animals that are not insects and that are terrestrial, they can only turn their skin into an element of nature such as water, earth, fire, lightning, ice and many others

Hunter even refining his skin with the poison he can't have a poisonous skin because the skin can affect the whole body and attack the body instead of protecting it, it was suicide Refine the skin with this poison

Hunter runs to the edge of the swamp Lake which is where the insects landed and he makes a sweeping attack and along with his strength, spear material and the powerful destructive karma that came from him, the insects swept away had their shells broken and destroyed completely together with their interior being destroyed by a strong wind of strong Karma that tears the flesh of the insects also counting the impact that threw them back with all the strength it had and those who were poisoned in the edge of the swamp were thrown inside from the water and the crocodiles fed on their poisoned bodies, but these weren't the crocodiles they used to be, these are organ refining crocodiles that have enormous natural resistance against poisons.

The frontline bugs hit those on the lower rows and were badly injured near the paralyzed bugs at the Marsh's Edge and were being fed to the crocodiles that ate them until there was nothing left.

Hunter stayed where he was and didn't approach, he had to kill all the insects and none could escape, the strongest in the region must surely be these 100 and he needs to kill them all in record time, because if he takes the other insects from other regions will invade with force where he was and the worst could happen because insects from the outer region of the forest could appear and even Hunter was no match for them

The hit insects were furious and attacked with hate in their auras and hunter used everything he had to kill each 1 of them and their attacks were fierce with spear styles of the Hedonistic demon that mixes spear art with staff art and had strong attacks and weighed using either the bladed point of the spear or the tip of the hilt to destroy the insects' carapaces and add that to the powerful karma that ravaged both the Exterior and the Interior with a violent and destructive blast.

His spear obliterated every insect that appeared in front of him and when nathan's arrows ran out

He joined the fight with his fast-cut sword.

With an attack pattern where Nathan using his sword cut their legs, antennas, eyes and means to move and then hunter destroyed them with a violent thrust of his spear with all the strength he had.

They spent 1 hour fighting and killing all the bugs and now the Marsh Edge had turned to complete carnage with 2 humans in the middle of a hundred corpses both covered in blood from head to toe

Their breaths were heavy and their bodies trembled from complete weariness

They spent the entire night killing nonstop where they didn't have almost a moment's rest and now after a full bloodbath

They were powerless for another battle and when they realized it

They both stared at each other and nodded and then turned to leave before any more problems came.

But when they were entering Graham Forest they heard


It was a loud voice that exuded a bestial will and was heard in all directions by the brothers

"I never imagined that the 2 sons of that coward were so strong and talented to survive 2 tier 1 demonic hordes... alone"

The voice finally revealed itself in 1 direction

The sky

Hunter and nathan turned to look when she came from too many directions and when she came from heaven

They felt a fear take over them

They knew that when someone achieves Natural Refinement

A stage where the refiner starts to become 1 with nature

He can fly and control nature

Now someone from that stage was aiming for them

They felt scared because they knew that when he referred to a certain "coward"

They knew that that being

was an enemy

they couldn't speak

Just look up and see the natural refiner

And when they saw him

The fear within grew to frightening levels

was not a human

but a beast

Bestials are demons that have passed the human Refinement stage.

When a human passes the mental Refinement stage, he enters the animal refining, where the Soul of an animal of the same or higher stage is refined and merged with its own soul, the stronger the animal soul, the slower the Refinement

With demons it's different, they are human refiners that need to be refined in their soul and after the Human Soul Refinement it becomes a Bestial

A bipedal demon equals a human in stature and body, but still retains a demon-like appearance.

Beasts are stronger than normal in the Natural Refinement stage

Because they've lived in the wild for years since they were born and they tend to get through this stage fairly easily and get stronger than normal.

That Bestial that was in the skies was a Taurus

A big strong black bull with a destructive presence

He was 10 feet tall and wore a dark suit with darkened silver armor that covered his entire body.

He speaks calmly:

"You, lesser human, have an Extremely overwhelming strength hidden within you hahahahahaha, I like you, it will be mine now!!"

He gives a slight wave of his hull and then a gust of high wind catches Nathan and makes him float to the Bull.

Hunter seeing that screams with all his strength: "NO!!!!!!"

Taurus doesn't care about Hunter and prepares to leave when he notices something

A dense killer aura comes out of Hunter's Soul and runs throughout his body.

Hunter takes his spear and shoots using all the Karma and killer energy he had.

The spear travels to the bull which deflects the spear with a gust of wind

The Taurus snorts in anger and says:

"You have incredible willpower boy, but close to this child's soul, you are a useless insect"

The Bull disappears and appears in front of Hunter

He kicks the ground and Hunter jumps from the impact that destroyed everything within a radius of 10km

The Taurus uses his hoof to give Hunter a powerful punch in the stomach that feels his whole body breaking down, every cell in him is destroyed and crippled

He even lost his Refinement which was dissipated, thus leaving his skin destroyed and his muscles exposed.

His muscles were torn apart

His body was in a near-death state

Along with the impact that takes him flying to the direction that coincidentally was the same direction as his district

But when he was flying through the skies

He hits a mountain as hard as possible

The force was so great that he opened a cave hidden in the mountain.

Hunter's body felt excruciating pain and his injured brain couldn't stand so much pain and wanted to shut down to die

But he feels that purple energy again

She was refining her skin all by herself and rebuilding not only her but her body.

Hunter inside the cave moaned and gnashed his teeth in pain

Even with Refining, his body couldn't take it and death approached him more and more

He gave himself up to death because of pain

But then he hears



great right?, well, I'm going to go on hiatus and come back on January 1st for real this time,It will be 2 Chapters per week with more than 3k words, it will be on the same day, I still don't know which day of the week to post, but that's up to you support with coins if you want more than 2 chapters, house 100 coins, 1 chapter, but it will be 1 chapter a day it's obvious if i post more than that, it will spoil the delivery dates of 2 chapters a week

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