
Chapter 1: Eye to Eye

On a bright Spring afternoon at 4:07 pm at a small and empty bubble tea restaurant, Rollesque, the worker, Park Minjoon (박민준) was leaning on the counter with his palm-side down and rested his head on his hand. The front of the restaurant had a small window with bushes growing in front of the window. The inside had a café themed, with brown wooden tables and chairs. The counter had a front display case with donuts displayed.

"What a boring work day today is *sigh*" Minjoon sighed.

Suddenly minutes later a handsome man in his 20s walked into Rollesque wearing a grey coat that goes down to his knees, a tight white long sleeved shirt underneath, a brown belt with a golden metallic colour, dark grey jeans, and black shiny shoes made with leather.

The man walked up to the counter, Minjoon woke up from daydreaming all of a sudden. It wasn't because it was just a customer, but something about this man's good looks made Minjoon's pupil dilate.

The man's eyes are a plump shape, his pupil are the colors of an almond, his nose is a triangular shape that's not too big nor small, his lip are a soft pink and tender that looks kissable, the eyebrows are straight and black, he has a wavy parted hairstyle with black hair, the man looked like 5'9, and his body looked muscular, it seems like he goes to the gym quite often.

The man looked up at the menu before ordering. While he was looking at the menu Minjoon couldn't take his eyes off of the man.

"How can anyone in this world be this handsome?" Minjoon thought in his head.

"I'll have the Green Tea Boba with a Chocolate frosted donut" the man asked with a smile.

"Uh c-coming right up sir" Minjoon stuttered.

While Minjoon was making his bubble tea and getting his donut, the man took a seat at a table. Minjoon thought about that man while making his order and seemed a little overjoyed just from his looks. Just a few minutes later…

"Your order is ready sir." Minjoon called and waved at the man.

The man walked up to the counter to grab his order, he bent over just a little to grab his order from Minjoon. The man tilted his head up a bit and right at that moment, Minjoon and the man's eyes locked in contact. The sun shined brightly through the window at that scene. Minjoon's yellow eyes became a bright amber and the man's eyes became a light chocolate brown.

"OMG! He's even more handsome up close like this, what if he aimed for a kiss right now like all those dramas I watched'' Minjoon said in his head.

Minjoon started to heat up and his face started to turn as red as an apple and his heart beated faster than ever like he was running a marathon, his head also started to sweat underneath his bangs and side of his forehead.

"No one has ever looked at me like this before." the man thought, while giving Minjoon an attractive glare.

Minjoon somewhat felt warm and fuzzy inside and the man felt as if Minjoon liked him.

"*cough* Uh thank you" the man said, while looking down at the floor trying to not make eye contact again.

"Your welcome!~'' Minjoon said while sounding overjoyed.

After the man got his order he sat back down at the table and took a sip of his bubble tea and a bite of his donut.

"What a cute boy he is. What if we were a couple? will I feel the same happiness again like I did many years ago?" the man dreamed of.

The man went on his phone to check messages, Minjoon kept taking glances at the man and so did the man.

At one point when Minjoon took a glance at the man, the man looked back with a smile.

"Gosh his smile is so beautiful, it'll cure any diseases. What if we were a couple? I'll feel so happy but sadly that'll never happen I can only dream of what'll happen *sigh*'' Minjoon thought of all the possibilities if he and that man were together.

The bell of the door rang and Minjoon's best and most supportive friend came in, Kim Seoyeong (김서영). Seoyeong came in wearing a white hoodie, blue ripped jeans, and white sneakers. Minjoon didn't notice that Seoyeong came in, he was too busy fantasising.

"Hi Minjoon!'' Seoyeong said with a wave.

But Minjoon didn't notice that Seoyeong came in.

"Um-Minjoon? Hello?'' Seoyeong looked puzzled.

Minjoon then noticed Seoyeong and seemed a little startled.

"Oh um, hey Seoyeong. What are you doing here? Isn't it your off day?'' Minjoon asked.

"It's I'm just here to get a cup of coffee" Seoyeong replied.

"Oh, what kind of coffee would you like?'' Minjoon asked.

"I'll get the Caramel Brûlé Frappuccino" said Seoyeong.

"Coming right up," Minjoon replied.

Minjoon went to work on making the coffee, Seoyeong went and sat at a table 2 feet across where the man was sitting . The man gave Seoyeong a death stare, which made Seoyeong feel a little uncomfortable. Seoyeong then tries to turn and look away from the man. The man then looked back and forth at Minjoon making the coffee and Seoyeong sitting at the table 2 feet across from him.

"Is that, that kid's girlfriend? She's rather ugly" thought the man.

"Why did that person give me a creepy glare?" Seoyeong thought.

"Your order is ready Seoyeong" Minjoon called.

Seoyeong then got up to grab her order.

"Thanks Minjoon!" Seoyeong said delightedly.

"No problem" Minjoon replied.

Seoyeong was about to leave and then saw that the man gave Seoyeong another death glare.

"This better not be his girlfriend cause that boy is mine" the man said in his head and growled.

About 6 minute later after Seoyeong left, the man got up to leave and before he did he went up to the counter and looked Minjoon right in the eye and gave Minjoon a $10 tip.

"Thank you for the meal," said the man, with a bright smile on his face.

"Uh you're welcome" Minjoon replied, while overheating.

"By any chance may I ask what's your name?" the man asked.

"Um my name? It's Park Minjoon" Minjoon responded.

"Minjoon? That's a beautiful name" the man acknowledged.

"Oh um thanks. May I ask what's your name?" Minjoon asked.

But the man only smiled and smirked, then the man put his hand on Minjoon's head and ruffled it up. Minjoon looked confused on why he didn't tell him his name.

"Minjoon, my name isn't important right now. What's important right now to me is you" the man responded.

After saying that the man then turned around and left the restaurant.

"That kid sure is cute, I'll do anything for him" The man thought after leaving Rollesque.

Minjoon was left wondering what the man's name was.

"The way he spoke to me, the way he looked at me, does he like me?" Thought Minjoon.

...No matter how hard Minjoon tries he couldn't get that man out of his mind neither could the man. Minjoon kept thinking about that man, his name, his personality, and the way he acts, it's like he likes Minjoon...

"For some reason today I felt euphoric, is this what euphoria feels like?" Minjoon questioned.