
A Heart's Desire

Lee Jin-Ae has to choose between her duty to become a doctor and follow her family's wishes or become an artist, travel the world and live her dreams while balancing her new school drama with demanding boys and painful heartbreak. Park Ha Joon is secretly a billionare's son and it's his destiny to take over his father's company when he's older. He has a liking and talents for other things, but they have to be hidden from his family as he tries to bring them honor and wealth, even at the cost of his own happiness and dreams. What will happen when these unfortunate souls collide and a spark of hope is set aflame for their dreams to take flight? BY CO-WRITERS: Saliday & Erina_Matchax17

ERINA · Urban
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17 Chs


Jin-Ae's POV:

I was in my room and texting Mi Young when there was a knock on my door.

"Yes? Come in." I said as I quickly grabbed a bag of chips and opened it to look like I was eating it.

I had started pretending to eat more and be lazier, so then the small baby bump looks normal and my parents wouldn't suspect a thing.

"Oh, hi Rosemary." I greeted as she came in with a plate of chocolate chip cookies and a glass of milk.

"Are you ok Ms?" She asked with concern as her eyes trailed to the empty bags of chips which I purposely left around my room.

"Yea, why wouldn't I be?" I asked before taking a few bites of the cookies.

"It's just that. You're acting strange and eating more often than needed." She said nervously as she sat at the corner of my bed.

"I'm fine," I said as I looked away from her wide eyes flashing with worry.

"You can talk to me; I won't tell your parents." She said comfortingly as I tried to not give in to her kindness.

"There's nothing wrong." I smiled before stuffing my face with cookies and she left the room, but her face continued to show uncertainty.

1 Hour Before Prom:

"Your damn lucky your parents are out and busy right now." Chuckled Mi Young as she curled and styled my hair.

"Rosemary almost found out today, but she just gave up after I kept on telling her that I was fine," I said as I checked my nails which were painted with a very light shade of baby pink.

"Ok, makeup time." Mumbled Mi Young to herself as she took out a makeup bag from her backpack.

"Not too much, please. Just keep it fresh." I pleaded as she hummed and nodded in understanding.


I stared at myself in the mirror and Mi Young came out of the closet already dressed in her prom outfit. My slightly longer curled black hair, decorated with a rose flower clip, contrasted against my snow-white skin with a light pink blush on my cheeks and my lips painted a lush shiny bright pink. My dress was a simple white lace dress which became a blush pink colour and trailed with flowers along with the skirt and with a white ribbon around my waist. The skirt had many layers of lace and cloth, so it puffed a little and made it look like a princess dress. My eyelashes were coated with a little mascara and I held a small pink purse with flower designs in my hands. I wore a light golden-brown shaded pair of heeled sandals.

I gasped in awe as Mi Young came closer to me. She off the shoulder mermaid style dress was skin-tight and a light mix of pink and peach. Silver sparkles decorated along with the dress and her slightly puffy sleeves. She fixed her hair into a bun and combed back her hair revealing a thin line of bangs. Her lips were a dark blood red and she held a pearl decorated white purse in her hands. Her shoes were a pair of white stilettos which were hidden behind her dress.

"You look beautiful Jin-Ae." She sighed as she turned to me and took in my appearance.

"You are going to give your date a heart attack!" I chuckled as she giggled.

"I'm driving you and we'll meet the boys there as, well right?" she confirmed, and I nodded.

Ha Joon's POV:

I stared in awe as I saw Jin-Ae enter the room. She laughed and smiled with Mi Young as they came over to us.

"Hi! I'm Kyung Mi!" introduced Kyung Mi as she shook hands with the girls. Kyung Mi wore a dark red dress which was thankfully below her knees and applied lots of makeup and perfume which made me slightly dizzy whenever I was around her.

"Erm hi...? I'm Mi Young, sorry to cut this short, but I have to go." Said Mi Young as she quickly disappeared into the crowd of people making Kyung Mi's eyes trailed her and she ran and was out of our sight.

She's probably looking for her mystery date. I hope she finds him and that he's a good guy because she deserves happiness and to enjoy this as much as the rest of us since she was the one which made all this possible in the first place.

"Hi, I'm Jin-Ae." Said Jin-Ae shyly with a welcoming smile, but for some reason, Kyung Mi nodded and disappeared into the crowd as well, where is she going?

"Hi, I'm Taeyang!" greeted a girl which I assumed was Baek Hyeon's date. She wore a long off the shoulder pink lace dress which had many designs and layers.

After we all greeted and chatted for a while, a slow and romantic song meant for a slow dance started playing.

"Where is Seojun?" asked Jin-Ae nervously as I shrugged my shoulders.

Taeyang and Baek Hyeon danced with the other couples as Jin-Ae and I searched for our dates, but I remembered about my performance which was going to start right after this song, so Jin-Ae followed me backstage to see if maybe Seojun was there.

"He's not here. Where is he? Maybe he- "said Jin-Ae in worry, but she was cut off when a student in charge of the songs and performances interrupted her.

"Ha Joon, it's your turn." He said quickly before dragging me onto the stage and tossing me a microphone which I luckily caught.

Jin-Ae laughed at my panicked expression and I felt myself calm down at her voice and I looked to the crowd.

"I'm going to be singing. Boy with Luv, but tonight there will be a special guest. Please welcome Lee Jin-Ae." I said and it was my turn to laugh at her panicked expression as I grabbed her hand and brought her onto the stage with me.

"What the hell are you doing?!" she whispers yelled as she came onto the stage and her eyes darted nervously to the crowd below us.

"Just read and sing," I said as I gave her a sheet of paper with all the lyrics and notes.

"But what if I- "

"You won't mess up," I reassured with a smile before the music started playing.

I watched as she took a deep breath and closed her eyes for a moment before starting her part.

"모든 게 궁금해 how's your day

Oh tell me (oh yeah oh yeah, ah yeh ah yeh)

뭐가 널 행복하게 하는지

Oh, text me (oh yeah oh yeah, ah yeh ah yeh)" she sang beautifully with a sheepish smile as the crowd cheered wildly.

" Your every picture

내 머리맡에 두고 싶어 oh bae

Come be my teacher

네 모든 걸 다 가르쳐줘

Your one, your two" I sang after her as she blushed when I held her hand and squeezed it.

" Listen, my baby, 나는

저 하늘을 높이 날고 있어

(그때 니가 내게 줬던 두 날개로)

이제 여긴 너무 높아

난 내 눈에 널 맞추고 싶어Yeah you makin' me a boy with love" I sang and my lips pulled into a smirk when I noticed that the chorus was coming, Jin-Ae noticed it too and she grinned cheekily. Both of us knew what we were going to do.

Both of us burst into the chorus and danced freely on the stage as everyone else in the crowd joined in and enjoyed our carefree style.

Our eyes caught each other for a second and in that second everything felt perfect, she felt happy, mission accomplished. Her perfect pink lips pulled into a wide ear to ear grin as we both jumped and danced wildly around the stage. Her hair waved around as I held her hand and twirled her around making her dress swirl slightly upwards as we laughed and sang along to the loud music.

"Oh my my my, oh my my my

I've waited all my life

네 전부를 함께하고 싶어

Oh my my my, oh my my my

Looking for something right

이제 조금은 나 알겠어

then a moment, then a moment, love

(Ooh ah ooh ah ooh ah ooh ah ah) I have waited longer

(Ooh ah ooh ah ooh ah ooh ah ooh)

For a boy with, for a boy with love"

Seojun's POV:

I stubbed the cigarette against the sole of my shiny polished black dancing shoes and enjoyed the lingering taste and sensation in my mind, before entering the school building. Mi Young did... a pretty good job I have to admit. I heard singing and cheers as I entered the prom area and saw Ha Joon and my Jin-Ae dancing and singing. They were enjoying themselves... at least Jin-Ae will be entertained.

"Hey beautiful," I said deeply and seductively as I kissed the pale slender hand of a seemingly cute girl. Her dark red dress excited me as I thought about running my hands through her long black hair and feeling her lips against mine.

"Hi. I'm Kyung Mi." She blushed a little.

"And what is a girl like you doing here all alone?" I asked huskily as I saw a shiver run through her.

"I was just... well it's dumb, so forget about it. Anyways, what's a guy like you doing here all alone?" she said with a raised eyebrow as lust filled her eyes.

"I was just here to see what the commotion is all about. Proms are boring, so thank goodness I didn't get a date." I lied and thankfully she bought it because I needed a little fun.

"Want to do something?" I asked playfully as I led her out of the room and to a more secluded corner in the hallway.

"What do you have in mind?" she asked breathlessly as I pinned her against the wall and ran a hand over her long smooth and toned legs.

"Something fun. Take my mind off my troubles?" I asked as I trailed messy kisses along her swan-like neck and let my fingers play with the zipper of her dress.

"I thought you'd never ask." She moaned as I felt her press her body against mine as she began to grind against my hard bulge.

Finally, a girl with experience... I felt her loosen my necktie as I unzipped her dress and shivered when she clawed and dragged her manicured nails down my chest after unbuttoning my shirt. We somehow found ourselves on the floor of an empty classroom. I felt Kong Mi... Kyung Ming... I forgot what her name was, but she started unbuckling my pants and I slid my hands under the back of her bra and unclasped it. My pants fell off and I groaned and slightly tugged the roots of her hair when her hands trailed below and rubbed the tent forming before dragging off the underwear and I played with the hem of her black laced panties before pulling it off.

"G-Get on y-your knees," I said as my voice clouded with lust and pleasure.

Baek Hyeon's POV:

I danced with Bu Taeyang along to the slow dance as Jin-Ae danced with Ha Joon since Seojun didn't come yet and Kyung Mi was missing. Taeyang rested her head against my chest as we swayed to the slow and romantic music, but it didn't feel...right. I have to stop this now before it gets out of hand, I felt sorry for her when she asked me to prom and since it was late there was no one else available and I didn't want her to be sad and lonely, so I accepted. I'll just let this continue for a few more minutes to satisfy her and take my mind off the heartbreak which I felt whenever I glanced at Ha Joon and Jin-Ae dancing and looking at each other's eyes. They might not have noticed it yet, but they have chemistry and there was something around them, pulling them closer. I looked back down to Taeyang staring at me lovingly before she smashed her lips onto mine and I froze. She aggressively attacked my lips with love and passion, but sadly I couldn't return the same and pulled her away from me before taking a few steps back to put some distance between us. The kiss, there were no sparks or any of the feelings which you're supposed to have when you love someone, I just can't keep pretending to be happy and comfortable around her when I'm not.

"I-I'm sorry, but this just isn't going to work out- "I said with guilt for leading her on.

"So, you planned to take me to prom, then break my heart?" she asked as a tear mixed with a little mascara rolled down her cheek.

"No, I-I just wanted you to have a good time, but I realised that it just didn't love. I was in love with the idea of being in love with someone else. I'm so sorry." I said before I felt a cold hard slap of pain struck across my cheek.

"I hate you. I hate you; I hate you; I hate you." She repeated in anger before stomping off and leaving me alone with a hand on my stinging red cheek.

Oh, wait... her clip. It was attached to my suit and must have come off during the slow dance. I removed the expensive clip and looked at the light pink flower with golden details and designs on it before running in the direction which Taeyang went.

"Taeyang, you left this.... oh...." I said my voice turning into a whisper as I watched Taeyang lock her lips with another boy named Chin Hae which was in another class, but same year.

He kissed her back with the same force and passion and that was when I understood that I need to let her go. I'll return the clip when school starts again.

And with that last thought, I turned around and walked away leaving the couple to have some privacy as they continued to kiss endlessly.

Mi Young's POV:

I weaved through the crowds and admired my work at the same time. Floral decorations, fairy lights and streamers hung from the ceiling and a large shimmering disco ball in the centre which had a few gold sprinkles of glitter on it, which matched the rest of the floral and spring decor. I finally came to the spot which my date and I were supposed to meet, but he wasn't there. I looked around and my eyes caught a painful sight.

"Chin Hae?" I asked as I blinked away my tears, kept a strong appearance and tugged my lips into a casual smirk.

He glanced towards me and quickly pushed Taeyang away making her scowl at me. Okay, this is the part where he lies, and I laugh in his face. Don't cry don't cry! If you cry Mi Young, then I will slap you!

"She forced herself on me. I-I tried to push her off- "he lied, and I laughed, feeling amused at his attempt of lying to me.

"I saw the whole thing. You were enjoying it." I said coldly, shutting off all emotion from my face other than my smirk. His eyes widened in fear and shock at my calm expression before I turned on my heel to walk away, but I said something before leaving.

"Next time, don't sell yourself so cheap to kiss a player," I told the Taeyang before walking away.

"Thanks." I heard her mumble as I walked back into the crowd.

I blinked back tears as I walked towards the food bar only to remember that I removed all alcohol and anything else harmful to pregnant women. Well... no getting drunk tonight I guess...

"Mi Young? What's wrong?" asked Baek Hyeon as he rushed over to me and gave me a quick hug.

"Well... you see... nothing's wrong," I said with an exaggerated smile.

"Well then... want to be my part-time prom date?" he asked nervously, and I giggled before nodding and let him take my hand in his.

"I thought you'd never ask." Chuckled as we made our way to the dance floor where the DJ was playing a loud hip-hop song.

Seojun's POV:

I moaned when her teeth lightly grazed it as I continued pushing myself deeper. She inhaled sharply and continued to swallow obediently making me grunt and lightly tug on her hair as I brought her closer, making it go deeper and filled her throat with cum. I slowly pulled out and groaned when her tongue swirled around the tip and licked the last drop, before slowly stroking it with her long-manicured nails making a shiver run through me. She looked towards her underwear lying a little further away from us on the floor and reached to pick it up before I reached out a hand and stopped her.

As if knowing what I was going to do, she immediately retracted her hand and I pounced on her. She grabbed my genitals and positioned it in front of her fold making me grunt in pleasure as I quickly pushed it into her. She let out a loud moan as I held onto her hips and quickened my pace when I thrust into her. Her hips shook and slowly started to subconsciously close, but I gripped them tighter and pulled them apart while continuing to push deeper and quicker. She whimpered at the overwhelming pleasure when I reached over and started placing kisses along her chest and continuing in the valley of her breasts and venturing below. She moaned my name and I continued to cum into her and thrust deeper making me sigh in pleasure as her cum exploded and dripped all over my thighs.

Jin-Ae's POV:

After dancing to a million over songs with Ha Joon, I got curious and worried about where Seojun might be and Ha Joon agreed to help me look around the school. We walked through the hallways in a comfortable silence as I grinned about our crazy performance.

"Well, it seems like you had fun tonight." Chuckled Ha Joon victoriously as I bit my lip so that my grin wouldn't extend further.

"So that was your plan, huh? Why didn't you tell me?" I laughed sheepishly as a charming smirk appeared on his lips.

"I didn't want to miss your hilarious reaction to my announcement, and I didn't originally plan this, but since- "he was cut off when we heard the sound of moans and flesh hitting against each other.

"Seojun..." Said someone breathlessly as I felt a piece of my heart chip and crumble into tiny pieces.

I motioned for Ha Joon to not disturb them as I stayed in the shadows and listened for any clue that Seojun might not be at fault here.

"More..." I heard him moan and felt a pang hit me and more pieces of my heart crumbled away while Ha Joon clenched his fist until his knuckles became white.

I gripped onto the door handle and twisted it open while reminded myself to stay strong and not to shed tears for bastards. I saw two naked bodies pressed together before quickly turning around to give them privacy to put on their clothes.

"Jin-Ae! She forced herself on me and me- "lied Seojun as I held a hand to stop him from talking any further.

"You're lying and we're over," I said coldly with a numb expression washing over my features.

"Kyung Mi! Why the hell did you do this? This is too far I can't believe...what?" yelled Ha Joon, but it turned into a question when he saw tears streaming from her eyes.

" H-He t-told me that h-he didn't have a d-date and g-gave me the impression t-that he was single, so I-I agreed and I didn't k-know that I was doing something h-horrible and helping him cheat on somebody!" she sobbed and stuttered out before running out of the room.

Her words angered me. He played us both. No mercy for the two broken hearts.

"Seojun! Why? I don't understand why! You have a beautiful and perfect girl right in front of you which is pregnant with your child!" roared Ha Joon as Seojun still kept a smug look on his face.

"Do I look like I care?" he chuckled before walking past us and letting his shoulder hit a mine on the way out.

It was just one stray tear, then an avalanche as I collapsed onto my knees and cried painfully. Ha Joon bent down next to me and pulled me into a hug while stroking my hair for comfort as I just sobbed onto his shoulder, trying to think of my baby without a father.

Kyung Mi's POV:

I cried and ran, but accidentally bumped into someone and sobbed even more.

"I-I'm so so sorry," I exclaimed, but when I looked up I saw a beautiful girl with medium long silky straight black hair, her eyes were red, puffy and filled to the brim with tears as I was overcome with the sudden need to put my worries aside and comfort her.

"I-Its fine. It is...I w-wasn't looking where I was going and- "she rambled with a few sniffles before I pulled her into a bone-crushing bear hug which she instantly returned.

"W-What was that for?" she asked rubbing away her tears as we pulled away.

"We both needed it. Now, spill." I said with a warm smile as her lush red lips pulled into a small smile and I felt my heart flutter.

"I'm serious," I said with a playfully stern look when she looked at me in confusion and she burst into a series of giggles and laughter which was soon joined by mine.

"I'm Taeyang." She said with a little laughter laced into her smooth and velvet voice.

"I'm Kyung Mi," I said as I shook her extended hand and blushed a little at the touch which made her giggle more.

This night changed everything for everyone. Some feelings were crushed, and others were sparked, but I now know that with this cute and giggling girl next to me, everything will soon be alright.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation and happy 1.3k readers! <3 (030)

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