
A Heart's Desire

Lee Jin-Ae has to choose between her duty to become a doctor and follow her family's wishes or become an artist, travel the world and live her dreams while balancing her new school drama with demanding boys and painful heartbreak. Park Ha Joon is secretly a billionare's son and it's his destiny to take over his father's company when he's older. He has a liking and talents for other things, but they have to be hidden from his family as he tries to bring them honor and wealth, even at the cost of his own happiness and dreams. What will happen when these unfortunate souls collide and a spark of hope is set aflame for their dreams to take flight? BY CO-WRITERS: Saliday & Erina_Matchax17

ERINA · Urban
Not enough ratings
17 Chs


Park Ha Joon's POV

" Hello Abeoji.(father)" I greeted in respect with a bow as I came into my father's study.

" Hello Adeul.(son)" he whispered quickly before continuing to talk on the phone.

" I can come back later if you're busy." I said with a smile even though I was annoyed.

" Yes yes ok." he said to the person on the phone as I walked out of the room.

The Next Day:

I was walking to my class as I suddenly felt something bump into my hard chest, I glanced over to find Jin-Ae rubbing her head in pain and shock.

I took this as a chance to study her. She had short slightly curly black hair resting around her neck, her shiny dark red lips pulled into a small smile, her long curved eyelashes decorating her beautiful eyes as they fluttered open in confusion.

" Hey... oh it's you... I-I mean I'm sorry!" she said quickly with a bow.

Flustered... Kinda cute...

" It's fine." I said keeping a calm and cool expression on my face before continuing my journey.

I glanced behind me to see her following me.

" Can I help you?" I asked with a bored tone as she raised a perfectly shaped eyebrow at me.

" We're in the same class remember." she said as she rolled her eyes before quickly rushing and over taking me.

" Hey, Jin-Ae!" yelled Baek Hyeon as he ran towards her and smiled brightly.

" Hi...? What's up?" she asked casually as we all walked the very very long corridor to class.

" Nothin... I just wanted to ask you wheter or not you want to, I don't know maybe get a coffee or something tomorrow afternoon." he said as his cheeks tinted with pink.

Second day and she already has admirers...

" I don't really feel like going anywhere tomorrow." she said shyly as she tried to give him a little hint to back off.

" Then how about, on Sunday?" he asked again as she shook her head.

" I'm free, but I just don't want you getting the wrong idea-"

" No no I just thought we could do that as friends and maybe you know after a while we could..." he trailed off as a chuckle escaped my lips.

" Look, we just met, there's no such thing as love at first sight, so can we just be friends instead?" she asked.

3rd attempt to get him to back off.

" Aww Baek Hyeon-ah! Are you trying to ask a girl out?" laughed Seojun as he came to us.

" Hi aleumdaun sonyeo (beautiful girl), I'm Kim Seojun." he said as he bowed before Jin-Ae.

" Hi you can just call me Jin-Ae." she replied with a bow as well.

" Why are you talking to these losers? Want me to show you around?" he asked as he slung an arm across her shoulders and brought her with him.

" I'm good. Thanks anyways." she said politely before she pushed his hand off of her and he looked at her in horror.

Damn... she just rejected the Golden boy and the Bad boy...

" Pfft- this is awesome." I chuckled to myself and earned the unwanted attention of the boys and Jin-Ae.

" I know right! The look on his face!" laughed Jin-Ae whilst I quickly composed myself back to my numb self.

" Hurry up and walk faster or else we'll all be late." I said as I cut in front of them and went into class, Jin-Ae following close behind me leaving the boys starstruck outside.

Shes... funny too...

After School:

I walked towards's the principle's office, but made an abrupt stop seeing that the art room door was unlocked. Peculiar...

I slowly opened the door to reveal Jin-Ae painting something onto a plain white canvas. She hadn't noticed me yet, so I just leaned against the doorway and watched her curiously.

She was focused, every stroke and movement was calculated and controlled and yet she looked relaxed and in her comfort zone. She was smiling, a genuine smile, not like those forced ones in the hallways or infront of our classmates and teachers. Her inky and glossy black eyes flickered with amusement and happiness as she mixed a few colours together on a palette.

I didn't dare to snap her out of her artistic and happy atmosphere, so I just closed the door quietly and walked away.


" So you are taking over your father's business when you are older?" the principle asked and I nodded.

" It's his wish for me to join the company, make it better and it would bring us honor and wealth which would result in happiness as well." I answered as she nodded in understanding.

" Yes it's his wish... but is it your wish?" she asked kindly.

It isn't... but it's for my family...

" Yes. It's my wish and my long already written destiny from the day I was born." I said as she smiled.

" I've known you for quite some time Ha Joon-ah, I've always known you were special from the time I met you in the corridors." she chuckled at the memory of me running around and looking for my class.

" From that day on, I knew I had to help my other classmates find their way as well." I laughed as I remembered how lost and scared I was.

" Such a sweet and charming boy... you may go home now." she said before another visitor came in.

" Seong Mi Young, what are you doing here child?" Principle Yun Soomin asked as the girl came in and bowed in respect before her.

" I-I came to talk to you about my question the last time I was here." she said nervously.

Mi Young... nervous? Since when is SHE nervous?

" I'll take this as my cue to leave." I said with a quick bow before leaving them to talk in private.

I wonder what they're talking about...


" Ha Joon-ah! Why are you home so late? We have guests!" exclaimed my mother as she quickly dragged me by the arm and told me to go upstairs and change.

I came back down and went to the dining room to see my worst nightmare...


" Hello Ha Joon-ah!" she greeted with an innocent smile as I gulped and sat at the table.

" How was school?" my mom asked.

" Good." I said quickly while cutting my Yukhoe.

(A/N It's like a Korean version of a steak)

" How are you? It's been so long!" squealed Kyung Mi.

" Fine." I replied before taking a bite.

For most of dinner I had just stuck with one word answers until my father suddenly announced something.

" Ha Joon-ah, we think it's time you get engaged. You will be married to

Kyung Mi-ah right after you graduate." he said as I choked on my water.

" B-But what about the family buisness?" I asked.

" You can be married and join the company, you can do both." said my mother as Kyung Mi smiled brightly.

" B-But I-I..." for the first time I was about to defy my family's wishes.

Well if it meant I wouldn't have to marry this brat, then so be it!

" I don't want to marry her." I said as everyone's eyes shot towards me and a few gasps were heard.

" It's an honour, but I don't love her like that, I just think of us as friends or family and if I do want to marry, then I want it to be for true love and not money or negotiation." I explained as my father shook his head in disbelief.

" Both of you will learn to live with each other, just like your mother and I. We had an arranged marriage and now look how we are! We are rich! We have a legacy, an empire, we have a son and we respect each other very much." he said as I spotted something in his speech.

Mother's smile dropped slightly and there was a flicker of sadness in her eyes, but she quickly tugged it back and it was replaced with a proud wide grin.

He didn't say the word 'love' at all...

" Please don't Abeoji! I already agreed to joining the company! I don't need a wife and I especially don't need a bratty and fake one like her!" I yelled before my father slammed his hand onto the table, making all the cutlery shake a little.

" But why don't you want to marry me? We would be such a lovely couple!" exclaimed Kyung Mi as she batted her long fake eyelashes.

The only reason she agrees to this is because of the money, or else she would never want to be torn away from her boy toys and lines of suitors.

" I don't like you that way!" Or in any way at all honestly...

" PARK HA JOON! GO TO YOUR ROOM IMMEDIATELY!" roared my father as he roughly pulled my hand, dragged me out of the dining room and threw me on the steps of the staircase.

" I'm not a little kid anymore Dad... I want to be able to have control over my own life... I want to be free and-"

A loud crack filled the tensed atmosphere as I felt my cheek sting and vibrate in pain.

" You will take over this empire and you will marry Kyung Mi. It has already been decided." he said sternly before walking back into the dining room.