
Chapter 15

“I’ve spent the last two nights up on that third floor, and I haven’t seen a ghost yet.” True, I wasn’t really looking, but you’d think maybe I’d notice something like that, right?

He narrows his eyes. “Nick, you shouldn’t—”

“I know.” I doknow but I don’t care right now because I’m too wrapped up in David to worry about it. I feel invincible—no one will know, no one will say a thing. Maybe tonight I’ll tell David about the ghosts, try to scare him a bit…I’d like to feel him huddled against me, pretending he’s afraid so I can kiss him and say I’d protect him, I’d keep him safe.

Thinking about him makes me start looking around again. He should be here already. “You said you wouldn’t tell.”

“I won’t,” Greg promises. “You go up there with your boy? What’s his name again?”

“David.” This time when he starts toward the next lamp, I hang back and don’t follow. “You go on. I’ll wait for him here.”

Over his shoulder, Greg says, “You guys be careful. Watch out for ghosts.”