
A Gun And Shield

Somewhat realistic bodyguard or fantasy bodyguard novel? You help me decide. My first, and very experimental novel.

NonstopReader · Urban
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1 Chs



A man wielding a shield was flung


The walls filled with holes


Guns roared


The man opened his eyes and tried to blink, his ears rung and the world spun

"What happened?" The man thought, trying to recall where he was

As the world slowly stopped spinning and his hearing returned faintly, a originally slightly aching pain became a near scalding sensation on the left side of his face and body.

Yet, he did not scream. He could not afford to.

Gunfire could still be heard somewhere within the building, and the room he was in was slowly starting to burn.

The explosion had set the exposed material within the building alight

With a grunt the man climbed to his feet, picking up his slightly deformed and burnt ballistic shield

Upon inspection, one would easily spot that the glass that once protected the viewport was gone, and what remained of the markings on the shield was merely an outline of the words "POLICE."

"Better than nothing.." He thought, retrieving his Glock 19M from it's holster as he proceeded forwards alone, entering the room he had once attempted to enter before being blown away

Once within the room, he immediately identified a body belonging to a suspect

A remote of some sort lie within the suspects hands, likely used to detonate the explosive he had encountered


The man fired a round into the body, making sure they were actually dead before proceeding forward once more

As the man walked, he attempted to use his comms to learn of the situation

This is Ejis, what is the situation?

Nobody responded.

The man picked up his pace.

He did not know if his equipment had failed or if comms were down, all he knew was that time was running out

The once roaring gunfire within the building, was starting to slow down

It was only when the man found a body that he truly recognized did he start sprinting, throwing caution to the wind, one of his squad mates lay on the floor, KIA. (AN: Killed In Action)

"Fuck! The man cursed under his breath, rapidly approaching an open door that seemed to lead to the gunfire

But then he stopped right before entering the door and took a deep breath, he needed to stay calm.

After taking a couple second to slow down, the man peeked into the room using a bullet hole in the wall.

The room he peered into seemed to be the main lobby, and strewn around the room were dozens of bodies and numerous spent rounds, holes riddling the walls.

On the opposite end of the room he spotted more suspects, around another dozen or so of them, armed with guns. Near his side of the room though was his own team with the words "SWAT" printed on their backs, hiding behind the cover of some stone pillars and plant beds as the suspects shot at them.

Laid out behind one of the plant beds was one of his squad mates trying to apply pressure to his armpit, bright red blood gushing out of the wound as he grunted in obvious pain.

"HOLD ON MASON." His squad mates shouted, trying to fend off the suspects who were slowly trying to creep up on the remaining 6 of them. (AN: Mason is down so only 5 are able, not including the man that is peering through the hole. In total though it is a squad of 8. One is already deceased.)

The suspects cackled wildly, fanatically praising some unknown entity.


The man peering through the hole couldn't wait any longer, holstering his pistol, he reached for another item on his belt, a flashbang.

Pulling the pin and releasing the lever, he exposed himself and threw the flashbang across the room, screaming the words:



"AHHHH MY EYES!" One of the suspects screamed.


The man sprinted out, drawing his pistol and holding his shield in front as he sprinted towards the suspects

Dink Donk Tink

A few rounds bounced off his shield as the suspects randomly sprayed at his squads general location, unable to see where the culprit to their predicament was.

Once he made his way behind the suspects cover, he kicked the nearest person over and mercilessly opened fire


One suspect


Two suspects


Three suspects








His magazine was empty.

It was around now that the remaining suspects had regained some of their vision and saw the man kill their accomplices, raising their weapons to shoot him.


The man crouched, using his pistol arm to cover the broken viewport as bullets hit his shield, feeling a round tear through his arm and into his neck


The remaining suspects collapsed, and so did the man with the shield

The world starts to fade for the man as a pair of hurried footsteps from across the room rush to him, screaming his name


The man faintly smiled as his eyes tiredly shut, at least most of his squad would make it.


The remaining members of the squad did what they could for the man, they applied first aid, called in an ambulance, and swiftly cleared the rest of the building with a team of four. Leaving the 5th to attend to Mason and apply pressure to Ejis' neck as they waited for medics to arrive.



It was a word used to vaguely describe the feeling.

Complete sensory deprivation.

Unable to hear, feel, or see.

Only the [unknown] remained as it consumed him.


Well then.. Coming up with almost 1000 words was so much harder than I thought for 1 chapter. As of now, I am unsure how I want this book to go. Do I keep it strictly realistic (no superpowers, monsters, and stuff) or do I want to have some supernatural elements. Comment your thoughts.

(I am a college student and am writing this novel purely for my own enjoyment so I won't make any promises on being able to upload a chapter daily or even consistently.)

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