
Chapter 9: Breaking And Bonding

The courtyard air was pungent with the fragrance of jasmine. The blossom arrives like cake frosting on the trees in delicious creams and pinks. The petals burst out from lower down the branches leaving the tips still in tight bud. After the denuded trees of winter their new and splendid clothes are a joy to see. I want a step ladder to get close enough for their new-season aroma.

A beacon of light pierced through door casting a shadow on the two standing figures and bathing the polished wooden tiles on the floor in a crisscross of iridescent colour; illuminating the darkened room. The sun streams in like a flamboyant guest, not waiting for an invitation. The sunlight beamed through the white blinds, presenting the morning sun against Fei Hong's sculpted face in which had once been agape but was hidden by the mask.

Chen Jiang's eyebrow was lifted upwards un suspicion as if he was able to see past the mask. The little one gaped openly as he observed his shizun's sharp jaw, chin, cheekbones and most importantly his face.

They both let out a shaky sigh.

"Are you sure everything's alright shizun?"

"Yeah *gege's right. I heard screaming. I'm worried for you. Please don't like. I thought you said liars are bad."

*gege / gēge- translation to "elder brother"

Tear drops escaped the child's eyes. His doe like eyes shining with fresh salty ears as it ran down his baby smooth skin. His rosy lips quivering.

The male in question couldn't help but feel a tinge of guilt as he heard his diciples pleads of worry for him.

But he couldn't tell them what he was thinking it was impossible. But he would need to find a way to avoid that ending at all cost or else...

Fei felt a shiver going up his back at the thought. He shook his head lightly.

As Fei Hong thought, his dark eyelashes were slightly lowered in a serous expression. His eyebrows wrinkling his smooth pale skin in contemplation. It was contrasting with the white color of his skin.

He was leaning lightly against the side of the bed, his long hair falling behind him in a stream of black satin. Like a flowing river in the night. The whole man looked elegantly lazy and sleepy. He rested the side of his face on his fist. Looking dazed, like he usually did when he ate and talked to his system.

His lips were pursed into a straight line.

"Shizun?" Chen called. Worry evident in his voice.

Fei returned to the moment at hand and gently coughed to hide his momentary inattention.

"What I am feeling is of no importance to you two. Just focus on training."

The both of them seem extremely displeased at the answer.

Chen's face turned from worry to anger.

His fist were clenched until they were the colour of snow. His sharp eyes narrowed, eyeing the male in front of him.

Little Liu looked on the brink of crying again. He wiped the tears streaming down.

Fei couldn't bare to look them in the eye. He turned his eyes to the type pot positioned next to him conveniently. He stared at it as if it were the most interesting thing in the world.

"Systen what do I do! They seem extremely mad!"

[I don't know host! You dug your own grave. Maybe try to console them? ヽ(゜~゜o)ノ. Keep going host I am cheering you on! (•̀ᴗ•́)و ̑̑]

This 22 year old and 12 year old youth looked worried, as if he was really sincerely consoling them or trying to hide a secret, or both.

Fei Hong straightened and brushed hand away Little Liu's hand away that had grabbed onto his sleeve. For once he had a stern expression that held a hint of what seem to be anger or annoyance. It was much different to his usual gentle, kind and calm figure.

The child wailed and wanted to clutch on until he heard the cold words that caused the both of the to freeze.

Fei calmly said, "Go out."

Cheng's eyes flickered. Holding in the words that rose up in his mind, he merely said, "Okay."

There was hint of distress, anger and sadness as he turned on his heels. Little Liu looked back at his master before bursting into tears and following suit of his gege.

Once they were gone Fei slumped down in the chair he sat in. Clenching his fist tightly as he pinched his furrowed dark eyebrows.

He sighed in distressed, his heart of a loving master completely stunned.

What had he just down. Why did he even suddenly say that. He wasn;t even truly made. He was just scared to let them know the truth ba!

[Host that wasn't very comforting. It's alright. It'll get better and you have me! (づ  ̄ ³ ̄)づ]

"Thanks, I just feel bad now. But I guess this is a lesson for them that not everyone isn't going to be nice to them."

[That's right host! Although it didn't turn the way you expected it alright. Look on the bright side. You can learn from this and be more virtuous in the future. I'm sure they love you as much as me! Maybe more! Since your like a big brother to them. -ω('•ω•`)♡. They're just as worried about you as you are them. But try not to be so suspicious next time so this doesn't happen again or else I don't know what will happen.]

"Thanks Xiao UWU I feel better now. I will be sure to be more careful next time. I jus hope they will forgive me. I seriously don't know what got over me."

[No point brooding over it. Just make it up ten-fold in the future. I think you all need some alone time.]

Fei couldn't help but sigh and nod. They shouldn't get to attached to him. Maybe creating some distance would be best for them. Plus he had to solve some other task at hand.

"I have a question Xiao UWU. It is of upmost importance. You said this realm is made up of everything of the original story right.... (o'〰'o)."

[What is it host. I'm scared of what your about to say. ʕಡ ﹏ಡʔ]

"Well if my assumption is right then the female lead will be able to rape the villain...."



The two slowly turned their head to each other. Eyes wide and mouth agape. The male opened his mouth to say something, but nothing came out.

The both of them met a deathly silent before suddenly screaming simultaneously.



"We are so screwed. I'm going die in the aftermaths or something!"

[Host. Breathe. Breathe! ‧º·(˚ ˃̣̣̥⌓˂̣̣̥ )‧º·˚]

"I can't breathe. You breath! (இ﹏இ'。)"

The duo of system and host were panicking internally. It was yet another shocking revelation. The plot had twisted massively from what he originally hoped where the protagonist and female lead would live happily ever after. The villain being able to find true happiness or die eternally. The beautiful harem, the reliable little brothers. The amazing food and so on. It all was going to be ruined.

Okay, maybe not the food.

But the rest!

And it was all because dog his own blood relative, his (beloved) sister! Damn that crazy sister of his! If only she could grab her by the collar and slapedy slap the crap out of her for putting him in this situation.

[If you can't breathe you wouldn't be living!]

"I know. Okay I'm fine."

Fei tried to meditate in lotus position. Circulating the energy in his body to bring peace but it didn't work.

[You aren't okay, are you host?]

"I am."

[Let is out host (⌣́_⌣̀)\(˘⌣˘ )]

"It's too much. I can't ༼ಢ_ಢ༽"

[There there host.]

"໒( •́ ∧ •̀ )७"

The lone system was comforting his weeping host. It itself also wanted to cry. But it had to stay strong for it's host!

They had to get through this together. But wasn't this to much for such a system.

"We'll be alright Xiao UWU. After all we are a team. Right? ༼ つ ಥ_ಥ ༽つ"

[Yes we are host! Of course, now until forever. Until we die!]

"I don't know if it's for that long!"

[Are you gonna abandon me!? へ[ •́ ‸ •̀ ]ʋ]

"Of course not! I love you too much."

[Me too!]

The two shared a wonderful bonding time through the tough times they had to share together. But a though rushed through Fei's mind causing a serious expression to be plastered on his flawless face.

"Now onto the real problem."

[Of course.]


The trees that line the dirt yet well kept path are clothed in pink and white blossom.

Their scent becomes diffuse in the warming breeze and the handsome yet gorgeous black haired male held his head high to savour it. Their petals rained down in a steady trickle.

Cheng stared back at the wooden desk, his eyes reading the manual in front of him. Digging his thumb nail into the expensive wood. He took steady deep breaths, circulating the Qi within him. He sat cross-legged on the cold wooden floor, closed his eyes, and cultivated.

Soon he began to circulate his Qi but it didn't help calm him.

He opened his eyes, his black eyes sparkling.

He felt angry, furious even. And he didn't understand why he was like this to such an extent.

A soft voice called him.

"Cheng gege. Does master hate us. Are we too annoying, am I too disobedient? Is that why he is angry or won't trust us?"

The child clenched the blankie in his hand that had been hand crafted by his beloved shizun. It smelt faintly of cherry blossoms, one of his favourite flowers.

The older of the two sighed and shook his head.

"I can tell he loves us, especially you since you are still young. He dotes on you as much as he did me, Something's are best secret, too him. Shizun isn't the type of person that likes to depend on other's."

'But aren't I strong enough to be you sole pillar! I've worked this hard so I could be someone to you, someone more then just a disciple!'

"But aren't we reliable enough. Haven't we shown we care!"

The child whined childishly, pouting his cheeks. He had worked so hard to be above all his peers cause he wanted to repay his master's kindness only to get shunned!

"I guess I'll need to try harder right gege?"

"Shizun knows how hard you work. He always knows."

"I wish I were a grown up already! I want to spoil and care for shizun!"

Liu slumped down in his seat, hugging the blanket tighter. He started to daydream as he muttered more words, slowly being engulfed by his thoughts,

"I want to be more..."

Cheng couldn't help but sigh at the child's antics and words and rustled his head of soft silky hair. Causing the child to whine and pout adorably.

"You've got a long way to beat me brat."

Liu swatted the hand away from him, evidently annoyed at being called a brat.

"I am no brat! I'll show you! I'll claim shizun as mine!"

"I'd like to see that!"

The two glared at each other before the little one burst into laughter and shot up from his seat.

"I'll make shizun a gift so he'll forgive me! I'll make the best thing! After all I love him most!"

Liu puffed his chest out like a proud peacock as he made his declaration of love. He pointed an accusing finger at his senior brother as if mocking him. This cause the other to smirk dangerously.

"I don't think you can. I'm older and stronger."

They smiled competitively. Before saying in unison,

"May the best one win."