
A Great Ninja

Man_Of_Mystery · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Chapter 7

It's been a month since my Birthday. Satsuki was embarrassed when she woke up. She let me lay there for a while but told me to not tell anyone or else. Satsuki has stayed at Naruko and my house since then. I suspect she sleeps better now. I can tell she has more energy since she started to sleep with us.

Name: Leo Senju

Age: 11

Chakra: 1,246/1,246 Mid-Academy

CC: 45%

Strength: Mid-Academy

Speed: High-Academy

Defense: High-Academy

PL: 823 High-Academy

I have gotten stronger extremely fast. After turning 11 it seems I got stronger faster for 2 weeks before slowing down to normal speeds. I assume as I age up I get a little time to approve fast like a game where you get bonus exp.

I was currently in my bed with Naruko and Satsuki. I could tell they both enjoyed sleeping like this. Naruko always liked cuddling and Satsuki seemed to like the comfort of being around me was. I was just staring at my status.

Might Guy is supposed to be back from his mission with Dog mask today. Maybe he will teach me that technique he promised he would if I could do a certain number of each exercise. I have been able to do it since the other day. I still get tired afterward but I was able to do it without much issue.

I got out of bed slowly. Naruko and Satsuki turned away from each other gripping pillows. For how different they were they do have some similarities. I gave a small laugh as I left to make breakfast.

I made some eggs and some leftovers for Naruko and Satsuki. I left a note before heading to the training grounds. Might Guy wasn't there so I just did my exercises. After almost 3 hours Might Guy appeared running on his hands.

"Young Leo! It's good to see you again! It's also good to see you training! YOU ARE THE EMBODIMENT OF YOUTH!" Might Guy was enthusiastic. I laughed seeing him the same as always.

"Might Sensei! You said if I could do 100 of each exercise and 25 laps around the training grounds you would teach me a special technique! I can now do those exercises so please teach me!" I wasn't as enthusiastic as him but being able to learn a special secret technique had me excited.

"Hmm. I shouldn't. But I did promise. Oh whatever I'll teach you!" Might Guy gave me a thumbs up and his signature "Good Guy" smile.

"But. You can only use this technique in life or death situations. NEVER USE THIS TECHNIQUE UNLESS IT IS THE LAST RESORT! DO YOU UNDERSTAND?!" Might Guy was unnerving serious. He was also letting of killing intent. I've never seen his full strength and I'm scared to say his strength must be High-Kage level or higher along with his speed and defense. If he could use Ninjutsu like Dog Mask I'm scared he could be the strongest in the village. Even stronger than the Hokage.

"Ye.. Yes sir..." I gulped at the pressure he unleashed. I even tried to use Chakra to ease it up. He wasn't even releasing Chakra himself. Might Guy is terrifying.

"Good! Here this is how you use it!" Might Guy almost immediately went back to normal. I was amazed and terrified at how he switched his demeanor so quickly.

"All right! I'm gonna explain the technique then show you how to use it so listen closely. The amazing super-powerful super-secret technique is known as Eight Gates! The normal body can't use more than 20% of the body without hurting itself. This technique allows you to open the eight gates giving you access to up to ten percent more strength and speed! I can open 5 gates with no consequences. I can only open up 7 and survive. If I open up the eighth gate I would die as soon as the technique stopped. This is why you need to be careful. I believe you can open two gates but that could hurt you. YOu can probably only open the first gate without seriously harming yourself. Come here! The first gate is the GATE OF OPENING! It's located in the brain's left hemisphere! I'll show you how to force your Chakra into the gate and open it! It's like opening a door! Using your Chakra even just the smallest bit of Chakra can open any of the Gates. It's the physical and mental strain that causes the problem of opening a gate. You could have the same amount of Chakra as the fetus in its mother's womb and you could open the gates. The problem is you need a higher amount of strength and mental resistance to open them. Which is why I had you train and wear weights so much. If you could do all that training your body would be stronger and the fact you could endure so much meant you could take the strain from the first gate. I won't let you open the second gate till you can do 500 of each exercise and 100 laps around the training grounds. Also from now on I will increase your training and add more exercises. No take some Chakra and feel around the first gate area."

I did what Might Guy said. I spent about 10 minutes feeling around. After a while, I could feel what seemed like Chakra Coils. It was like when I first used my Chakra just this time there were only eight coils and they were scary. When my Chakra touched the one on the left side of my brain I could feel it. I could handle the pain I won't like it. I tried to feel the other seven. I had barely any more trouble feeling around the second and third. I felt dread at the fourth. I didn't even get to the fifth. I could feel it. If I opened the Fifth Gate the pain would kill me from stress alone. My heart would stop and I would die slowly feel the extreme pain of my body tearing and disintegrating from the power. I forced my Chakra at incredible speeds back to the first gate. I slowly opened it.

My eyes shot open. My Chakra kept the gate open. My body felt lighter and I felt stronger. I was stronger. I was faster. It felt amazing.

Name: Leo Senju

Age: 11

Chakra: 1,236/1,246 Mid-Academy

CC: 45%

Strength: Mid-Academy (LOW-GENIN)

Speed: High-Academy (MID-GENIN)

Defense: High-Academy (MID-GENIN)

PL: 823 High-Academy (2,150 LOW-GENIN)

Incredible. My PL spiked by over 1,000. I know Might Guy didn't want me to open the second gate but I'm curious. I felt it open as my Chakra open the second gate.

Name: Leo Senju

Age: 11

Chakra: 1,226/1,246 Mid-Academy

CC: 45%

Strength: Mid-Academy (HIGH-GENIN)

Speed: High-Academy (LOW-CHUNIN)

Defense: High-Academy (LOW-CHUNIN)

PL: 823 High-Academy (4,525 HIGH-GENIN)

Damn. I was strong like this. I had a huge smile before it fell. Might Guy looked pissed. I closed the Gates and fell over and threw up blood. My body was on fire. I could tell I would be fine but I felt sick. I wasn't ready to open the second gate and it caused a backlash. My chest felt tight and was hurting.

"I TOLD YOU TO ONLY OPEN THE FIRST!" Might GUy yelled. It was loud. He looked angry. I got scared looking at him.

"I'm... I'm so. sorry might guy..." My voice was almost a whisper as I was terrified.

"YOU SHOULD BE! I WON'T ALLOW YOU TO OPEN THE SECOND GATE TILL YOU COMPLETE 750 OF EACH EXERCISE AND 200 LAPS AROUND THE TRAINING GROUNDS! YOU ARE TO GO HOME AND REST AND BE BACK HERE AT 4:00 AM SHARP FOR PUNISHMENT! IF YOU ARE LATEBY EVEN A SECOND I WILL INCREASE YOUR PUNISHMENT BY 100 TIMES! AM I UNDERSTOOD?!" I was on the ground. Not from the pain of the second gate but from the pressure Might Guy was releasing. He hasn't opened any gates and has his weights on. If he went all out could he destroy the entire village in one hit? Could he be stronger than even the tailed beasts?! This guy is too OP?!

"Yes sir." Might Guy disappeared after he heard me. I collapsed on my face feeling no more pressure. I won't EVER disobey Might Guy again. I slowly made my way home. When I got home Satsuki and Naruko were awake. Naruko was getting stuff ready for pranks while Satsuki was training. They both tried to ask me what was wrong. I know I shouldn't have but I ignored them and went to our room to lay down. I took my weights off and laid down. I felt like shit. I stared at my status

Name: Leo Senju

Age: 11

Chakra: 1,385/1,385 High-Academy

CC: 45%

Strength: Mid-Academy

Speed: High-Academy

Defense: High-Academy

PL: 883 High-Academy

I got stronger just from being under Might Guy's pressure. That wasn't even killing intent. He could be stronger. If he unleashed all eight gates, took off his weights, released his Chakra to full power, and unleashed his killing intent fully the pressure would without a doubt make everyone under High-Jonin rank kill themselves. That was scary. If he got serious he could single-handedly take out the other villages.

I sat up at that thought. If he could really be that strong why do we still have conflicts with other villages? Unless there are others at the same strength if not stronger than Might Guy? I shivered as I laid down thinking that. That thought was so scary. How many people are there that are strong or stronger? I was so weak. I really need to get stronger. I went to sleep thinking about that.

I did wake up for a few minutes when I felt Satsuki and Naruko lay down with me. I hugged them tight thinking how scary the world truly is. I hugged them tightly as I went back to sleep. I was thinking I should increase my training anyways so I can get stronger for myself and them. I was still scared of who was out there but I had a smile on my face looking at Satsuki and Naruko sleeping next to me.