
A good day to be a dog

A girl name Amelia can become a dog if She kiss someone and Liam is afraid of dogs so how will they be together?

bella_fox57 · Urban
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3 Chs

Ep 2

No thx I'm not hungry " stomach growl" Fine Give me that, So why do everyone bully you? Said Jaden, It because of my family history, My parents are... criminals., They all said one day I will be like them but I dont want be like them, they also make funny me calling me. rude names. Amelia I get to go, what the I tell him everything and he just go to leave, "At home" Ugh I dont get it what ever I get near him, He always run away many I still ask my sister, Hey sis so is this guy wh-, A GUY YOU FAMILY GET A BOYFRIEND "Joy", No he always run away from me so many time I try talking to him and he run away, it's because he konw I trying a dog if someone kiss me or at after midnight?, many its because dogs come to you?, wait wh-, Come on you dont konw that?, I'm go to my room I still ask him, "At school" Hey Liam plz dont run away I need to talk to you, uh what its it? said Jaden, Do u like dogs? No I dont like dogs, do you run away form me because- I can leave "He trun away", Wait Jaden want to hang out?


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