
A Godslayer in a School

One of my stories from my Discord, it's time to bring some of them over to Webnovel! This one is a Teen Weeb and a History nerd who ends up killing a God-King and acquires his Authorities. What does he do with them? He abuses them! It's loosely Campione world (Supernatural) x with some slice-of-life animes like Oreigaru (regular world) ------- Discord: discord.gg/denoffanfics my pat : pat reon.com/DragonsFics

Dragon15681 · Anime & Comics
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64 Chs

Arriving at School

"So it was Ena Seishuuin. I had my hunch when Raynor said that he got Hime-Miko who has Divine Possession." 

As Erica said that she observed this black-haired and red-eyed beauty standing in front of them.

The girl had a faint blush on her cheeks as she looked at her new Lord and the Campione of Japan. 

For the past few days, the only thing she could think of was that kiss which has blew her mind away. She knows it's an Authority which adds her to some sort of Court…or you could say Harem.

But, regardless she already tried using her new affinities and her Divine Possession is much more proficient, longer-lasting and she can pull much more power from Ame no Marakumo no Tsurugi.

All in all, she is much more powerful… just like that. This is why she wants to serve him even more!

Ena did a respectful bow at Erica before starting to speak.

"Yes. Ena is the one which His Majesty has chosen as his Hime-Miko."

The blonde knight slowly nodded. 

"Indeed you are. And we will be working together in service of our King. I am his knight and girlfriend Erica Blandelli, originally I was with Copper Black Cross as its Great Knight and Diavolo Rosso."

As Erica was introduced to the Japanese Hime Miko Raynor observed their interaction. 

"Ena knows. She was taught all about my new Lord."

"Oh? What does Committee know about me?" 

"Not much. Perfectly honest, Ena is quite dissatisfied with the lack of knowledge about my new Lord. But since Ena is here in person she will be able to learn everything Ena needs to know about my Lord."

The blonde Knight slowly nodded she likes how quickly this girl is getting into her role. She is not a bad addition to serving her boyfriend.

"Yes, I suppose you will." As he said that he patted her head. At that moment the black-haired beauty blushed like a tomato. She didn't expect such… affectionate action!

After saying that they started to walk towards the school which they will be attending. 

While they are not getting into classes today they will follow the rules and will be writing the entrance exam.

"You sure you want to do it? I checked up on this school entrance exam and it's quite strict."

Erica said with a sigh as she checked out the details. And this school is quite good. From teaching staff to the amount of alumni people who achieved quite a bit in their mortal lives.

"I know. And I did some studying."

"...wait you did?" The blonde for a second looked at him trying to remember where he did anything like that!

"Yeah. I read some books while practising my electrokinesis." Raynor said casually that he did two things at once without any sort of hard effort.

"...Wait… I thought you were reading manga…" All Erica could remember he was reading manga! She made sure he doesn't fry anything since he was practising at home but all she could remember were thin books with drawn characters.

"At first I was. I finished what I had and decided to read some material for the entrance exam. I usually wing stuff. Like how I did with Zeus. Which means my 'winging' is almost another form of Authority." Raynor said with a smirk. He was messing here but he loves that slightly annoyed eye-roll his girl does when he says nonsense like that.

"As expected of my Lord! You can casually finish any sort of exam!" While Ena sucked all of it and even believed easily. After all, it was coming from Campione's mouth!

"Don't believe him this easily Ena. One is a life and death situation and another one is a test which tests one's knowledge!"

"That is true. But, this is our Lord we talking about. As someone who defied the Gods, we have no idea how strong is his 'wing it' thing." The black-haired girl said with quite a serious and awed tone for some reason.

By this point, Erica realised that this girl is quite sheltered which made sense to some degree. Hime-Miko needs dedicated and quite specialised training and education.

Raynor just snorted with a laugh he wrapped his left hand around Ena's waist and pulled her closer. The girl for a second blushed again but this time she was much more controlled. 

Seeing this Erica made sure his right hand was around her waist. As this was school grounds and quite early morning a lot of teens saw this and were quite baffled seeing a guy having two extremely beautiful girls… one of them even being a foreigner…

As they continued to walk in the schools towards where the principal office was. They gathered quite a curious crowd. After all the school year is in full swing and these are people they never saw before.

Transfer students are quite a rarity here not to mention these people are here in the middle of a school year.

~~~~~~Inside the school, In the Middle of the Staff Meeting~~~~~~

"This is… are you sure? This sounds like a plot of a movie! Teenagers who have diplomatic immunity!? Do you know what this kind of person can do?"

"I know well enough. This is not for us to question. I was strictly informed by the Minister of Education myself. The boy's identity is something our nation does not wish to offend."

"...This is madness…"

"More like our culture has done its part and attracted the attention of someone from an ancient family with an unimaginable amount of influence…" The Principal of Sobu High said with a sigh.

In front of him were most of the baffled teachers… like truly baffled by what they saw in these three files in front of them…

Two of them barely had any details! The male with the name Raynor Valeron was 17 years old, date of birth… being July 8 1993…and that's about it… the rest…

Place of birth is classified, birth parents are classified, previous education classified, Nationality… Japanese…

The teen had Japanese nationality even though this kid only came to the country a few days ago…

Then the next one was a pretty girl with long blond hair and striking blue eyes… 

What baffled them about her is according to the papers she is his…personal knight.

A knight. In 21 century!

Erica Blandelli, 16 years old, birthplace Milan, Nationality Italian, Education level being homeschooled, which according to papers being College close to University level education, 

Which is mad already…

The girl knows fencing, swordsmanship, spearmanship, etiquette, 6 different languages, hand-to-hand combat…

By this point, the teachers started to think that this was nonsense but this came from the government itself!

The girl was something akin to a super soldier or in this case super bodyguard.

Of course, the last part which was made people realise that this girl was the girlfriend of Valeron and his knight. So they wonder if he knows similar stuff? Or he has such a person as a bodyguard because his background is THAT important!?

Then of course the third profile which was more concrete came from Japan itself…

Ena Seishuuin, age 16 years old, nationality Japanese, the girl was attending a special school which taught stuff like Shrine Maiden rites and Kendo…

"This girl is a shrine maiden? With a license to wield a sword at any time?" One of the teachers with the name Shizuka Hiratsuka said with disbelief.

The girl has the right to have a weapon and even kill people!? What the hell!?

"Is she coming from some sort of special family!?"

"Indeed. I do know some things about her. The girl is a descendant of one of the oldest families in Japan. The political power this family has is monstrous. And she was given to him as HIS Shrine maiden because he wanted one.

As you can imagine if he can do that simply by asking…"

Shizuka who was a modern Japanese teacher slightly frowned upon hearing that. What the principal said made her very difficult to grasp just what is going on.

Is the boy next head of some sort of family which rules the world from the background? She heard theories about such a thing existing…

Now that she saw these documents there is the possibility that such families exist.

And now one of those children is coming to this school… to attend it. To play school because of some sort of cultural like!

This kid is playing games!

"...And we can't do anything?"


"As I said before. Prime Minister, the whole of Diet, voted to give him Diplomatic immunity before he even set foot on our soil.

If you want him to leave this school you need to reelect the whole Diet and change Prime Minister. But I am pretty sure even the next Prime Minister will not change anything the moment he finds out who this kid is."

"This is madness… utter madness. We are here to teach children. And not play games for some rich brats…"

"As I said. If you don't like this you can resign."

"You serious…"

"VERY. I was threatened by the Minister of Education. If I say 'no' I will be replaced with a snap of the finger."

This has quite baffled the teacher's staff they never heard anything like this before. This almost sounds like some sort of royalty is coming to visit and their rights mean nothing in front of this… 'royal' teenager.

"... I suppose we don't have a choice do we?"

"You always have a choice. If you want you can leave. The Minister of Education is one call away. If need be, he will prepare multiple substitute teachers just for this." The principal said very simply. Meaning that they are close to losing their jobs with a simple say… and the government will make sure it will happen.

"...Gods this truly happening…" Shizuka said with more disbelief.

Only now did these regular people realise… that this kind of thing still exists! Like in old times when royalties had absolute power over the people and now they experiencing this themselves.

A school becomes a playground because someone with unfathomable background asked to and the whole nation is squirming to make it happen!

In 21 Century! Where everyone supposes to be equal and the government is working to help people! Yet… this now sounds like some sort of Tyranny has descended and they can't do anything!

"It is. My hands are tied. All I can say is that you should continue teaching the same way you have all been doing. According to Minister Raynor Valeron wants a Japanese school experience. So we will have to deliver it to him."

"And if we don't? he will fire us?" One of the teachers said with trepidation.

"...Most likely, or he will be disappointed and most likely something will happen to our country? Who knows… maybe prices will go up because the teen pulled some strings on gas prices?

We have no clue about his background. Government is VERY tight-lipped about him. You can see from these papers that he has serious influence in the wider world."

Shizuka nodded and looked at the picture of the blonde girl. This girl had everything… looks, fighting prowess, class, and most likely a huge bank account. Yet, she is just a knight for this teenager…

'Raynor Valeron… just who are you?'


Raynor stretched his hands and his body as he just finished the exam thing which he found quite similar to the ones from his previous school.

But similarities are quite small. These guys were much stricter than from his place, they observe them much more and made sure they didn't cheat in any way. Taking phones and stuff away…


"Why it's so hot?" Erica said as she looked at the sky.

The sun was blaring hard and the temperature was up…

Unnaturally so…

That moment Raynor frowned and called for his Poseidon authority over the weather and made it cloudy.

However, what he felt was some resistance to his authority.

This means…

"Erica! Ena! One of THEM is here! I want you to call the Committee and start organising things!"

The blonde alongside the Hime Miko quickly reacted to him.



For advanced chapters my pat : pat reon.com/DragonsFics


Discord: discord.gg/denoffanfics